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Aerosol sprays by Mosil Lubricant


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Aerosol sprays by Mosil Lubricant

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  1.       MOSIL SPRAY – 11 Supreme (Premium Electrical Contact Cleaner-cum-Lubricant) PRODUCT BULLETIN PRODUCT BULLETIN A plastic safe blend of solvents and synthetic lubricants formulated to remove the surface contamination and oxidation residues. It is a non- silicone based product thereby eliminating the problems caused by carbon deposits and silicone migration. It displaces moisture to leave a thin lubricant film.   AREA OF APPLICATION Electrical potentiometers, test instruments, rocker / push-pull switches, relays, circuit breakers, transformers, switchgears, Terminals, Transformers, motors, generators, control instruments, communication assemblies, starters, solenoids, Capacitors, Fuse Boxes, Ignition systems etc. connectors, switches, sliding and rotary tuners,   BENEFITS ?Removes surface contamination and oxidation from contact surfaces. ?Rapid solvent evaporation ensuring operation. ?Prevents capacitance, resistance and frequency deviations, erratic high and low setting spots, sparking and tracking. ?Compatible with Plastics such as ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonate etc. faster return to normal PACKING: 500ml Aerosol Spray ( Can Vol ume - 700ml ) Owing t o evolving packaging solut ions, user is request ed t o kindly check t he availabilit y of a specific pack size prior t o st andardizat ion. Mosil Lubricants Private Limited Technical Services Dept: "ANIRA" Plot No. A-791/ 3, MIDC Khairne, Navi Mumbai – 400710. INDIA T: +91 22 2464 0500 / 0501|F: +91 22 2778 8505 | E: corporate@mosil.com | W: www.mosil.com Regd Office:166/ 1, KALANIDHI, Sion(West), Mumbai - 400 022|CIN # U23200 MH 2000 PT C124177 

  2.       PRODUCT BULLETIN PRODUCT BULLETIN CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL VALUES 1 Appearance Liquid 2 Base Solvent / Synthetic 3 Colour Amber, Transparent 4 Specific Gravity 0. 80 ± 0. 1 (bulk) 5 Flash Point (of Oil) > 200° C 6 Odour Faint (characteristics) 7 Copper Strip Corrosion Negative 8 Corrosion Protection 6 - 9 months (indoor) 9 Propellant Carbon Dioxide 10 Container Aerosol valve and actuator tin with 25mm Mat erial Safet y Informat ion required for safe usage of t his product may not be included in t his product bullet in and may be sought by cont act ing MOSIL. Users are advised t o go t hrough t he Mat erial Safet y Dat a Sheet (MSDS) of t his product prior t o applicat ion / usage of t his product . All st at ement s and informat ion cont ained in t his document are based on t he laborat ory t est ing and user experience on act ual applicat ions. Owing t o t he exhaust ive possibilit y of applicat ion for which t his product may be used and t he variet y of equipment s, performance paramet ers, environment al condit ions and unpredict able human fact ors, we st rongly recommend t hat t his product be t est ed on t he act ual applicat ion prior t o it s st andardizat ion. All informat ion cont ained herewit h is offered in good fait h but wit hout any expressed or implied warrant y. This Product Bullet in may already have been revised considering t he availabilit y of raw component s, legislat ion, user experience & expect at ions and enhancement of knowledge of t he development t eam of MOSIL. Users are request ed t o kindly seek t he lat est version of t his product bullet in by cont act ing MOSIL. Informat ion provided in t his Product Bullet in is based on t he generalised expect at ions and requirement s of users. Addit ional informat ion for t his product may also be sought by cont act ing MOSIL. Rev 00, Issue 01 Mosil Lubricants Private Limited Technical Services Dept: "ANIRA" Plot No. A-791/ 3, MIDC Khairne, Navi Mumbai – 400710. INDIA T: +91 22 2464 0500 / 0501|F: +91 22 2778 8505 | E: corporate@mosil.com | W: www.mosil.com Regd Office:166/ 1, KALANIDHI, Sion(West), Mumbai - 400 022|CIN # U23200 MH 2000 PT C124177 

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