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Welcome to IHEP. Introduction of IHEP. Yifang Wang. Institute of High Energy Physics. A comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China for: Particle physics Astroparticle physics Accelerator technologies and applications
Introduction of IHEP Yifang Wang
Institute of High Energy Physics A comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China for: • Particle physics • Astroparticle physics • Accelerator technologies and applications • Synchrotron radiation technologies and applications • Total Staff: ~ 1300 + ~400 PhD Students and postdocs • Total budget/year: ~ 120M $ Established at 1950, and became an independent institute at 1973 .
Research Divisions • Experimental Physics:BESIII, Daya Bay, BELLE II, CMS, ATLAS… • Particle Astrophysics:cosmic-rays, astrophysics, neutrino physics, particle astrophysics… • Theory:nuclear & particle physics, field theory, cosmology… • Accelerator: BEPC, high power proton accelerator, free electron laser, … • Multi-discipline Research: Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Lab., Nuclear Analysis Lab., … • Computing and Network • Applications
BEPCII 2. BEPCII: High Lumi. Double–ring Collider • Build new ring inside existing tunnel. Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two IR’s, forming a double ring collider.
History of tau-charm colliders ? BEPCII BEPC CESRc DORISI SPEAR ADONE
The BESIII Detector SC magnet,1T Magnet yoke RPC TOF, 90ps Be beam pipe A total weight of 730t, ~30000 readout channels, data rate ~50Mb/s, ~1000 man*year, 30 M$ MDC, 120 mm CsI(Tl) calorimeter, 2.5 %@1 GeV
BESIII collaboration EUROPE (10) Germany: Univ. of Bochum, Univ. of Giessen, GSI,Mainz,HIM Russia: JINR, Dubna; BINP, Novosibirsk Italy: Univ. of Torino,FrascatiLab Netherland:KVI/Univ. of Groningen US(6) Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Washington Carnegie Mellon Univ. Univ. of Minnesota Univ. of Rochester Univ. of Indiana Korea (1) SouelNat. Univ. China(29) IHEP, CCAST, Shandong Univ., Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Zhejiang Univ., Huangshan Coll. Huazhong Normal Univ., Wuhan Univ. Zhengzhou Univ., Henan Normal Univ. Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ. , Zhongshan Univ.,Nankai Univ. Shanxi Univ., Sichuan Univ SuzhouUni., Hangzhou Normal Uni. Hunan Univ., Liaoning Univ. Henan Uni. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing Univ., Nanjing Normal Univ. Guangxi Normal Univ., Guangxi Univ. Hong Univ., Hong Kong Chinese Univ. Japan (1) Tokyo Univ. Pakistan (1) Univ.of Punjab 48institutions ~ 300 collaborators
Discovery of a new type of neutrino oscillation Sin22q13 = 0.092 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) 5.2 s significance Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 171803 (2012)
Daya Bay collaboration Europe (3) JINR, Dubna, Russia Kurchatov Institute, Russia Charles University, Czech Republic North America (14) BNL, Caltech, George Mason Univ., LBNL, Iowa state Univ. Illinois Inst. Tech., Princeton, RPI, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, Univ. of Houston, Univ. of Wisconsin, Virginia Tech., Univ. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Asia (15) IHEP, Beijing Normal Univ., Chengdu Univ. of Sci. and Tech., CGNPG, CIAE, Dongguan Polytech. Univ., Nanjing Univ.,Nankai Univ., Shenzhen Univ., Tsinghua Univ., USTC, Zhongshan Univ., Hong Kong Univ. Chinese Hong Kong Univ., Taiwan Univ., Chiao Tung Univ., National United Univ. ~ 200 collaborators
GRM Astro-projects AMS 神舟二号 SVOM 嫦娥一号 GRM概念设计
Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope -Realizing the sky scan with highest resolution and sensitivity. -Observing blak holes. to be launched in 2015
Yang-Ba-Jin Cosmic-ray observatory ~3TeV ~300GeV Sino-Italian ARGO experiment (RPC hall) Sino-Japanese AS γexperiment (scintillation detector array) Sino-Italian ARGO experiment (part of RPC carpet) ASγscintillation detector
Earth science & environment others Materials science 9% 7% 28% Life science 13% Condense matter chemistry 18% 25% Multi-discipline Researches • Nano safety • Material sciences • Protein crystallography • Environment science
Lithography 4 wigglers and 13beam lines. > 300 exp./year from > 100 institutions VUV Middle energy LIGA Macromolecular 3B1A 3B3 3W1A Soft X-ray Optics 3W1B 3B1B High-pressure diffraction 3W1 3B3 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering BEPC 3B1 4B9A Photoemission SpectroscPopy 140mA@2.2GeV 4B9B 4w2 4W1A 1w1 Topography 4B9 4W1B 4w1 1W1A 1W1B XAFS X-ray fluorescence analysis Diffuse Scattering Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Applications Accelerator for Irradiation Micro-PET Industrial CT
Future Plan • High energy accelerators • International collaboration: LHC,ILC,… • Underground experiments • Next generation reactor neutrino exp. • New exp. on Dark matter searches • Surface experiments • Construction of the LHAASO exp. • Spaceexperiments • New exp. at the Chinese space station
A possible Future Neutrino Experiment for mass hierarchy Daya Bay New exp. • Detector: 20kt liquid scintillator • Energy reso.: 3% • Scientific goal • Mass hierarchy • Precision meas. of mixing matrix elements • Supernovae • Geo-neutrino • Atmospheric neutrinos • Sterile neutrinos • Exotic searches
地面 粒子阵列 μ探测器 阵列 水C 阵列 广角C 阵列 和 簇射芯 探测器 LHAASO Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory 西藏羊八井大型高海拔空气簇射观测站LHAASO
Other accelerator projects • Spallation neutron source(2011-2017) • ADSR&D(2011-2020) • Beijing light source R&D(2011-2016)
Thanks Hope you have a success meeting Enjoy your stayinBeijing