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Zyprexa documents ppt 1. This powerpoint has a selection of pages from documents to do with marketing issues. What are the “Zyprexa Documents”.
Zyprexa documents ppt 1. This powerpoint has a selection of pages from documents to do with marketing issues.
What are the “Zyprexa Documents” • Class action court case v Eli-Lilly re alleged with-holding of ADEs data (wght gain and diabetes) and off-label marketing (dementia and subsyndromal mood swings). • Subpoenaed internal company documents. • Lawyer (Gottstein), public health physician expert witness (Egilman), New York Times journalist (Berenson) December 2006. • 358 files, copious data re int memos, powerpoint pres, marketing strategies… • Website www.furiousseasons.com (Dawdy) and a German website. • Judge ordered cannot be retrieved from internet.
What are the “Zyprexa Documents” • Heavily downloaded from furiousseasons.com • Form basis of journalist articles and web-blog analyses. • Paper for academic literature (Spielmans) • Provide insight into the goals and functioning of a big pharmaceutical company.
Issues raised • Marketing for “NCE’s” (New Clinical Entities) and off-label indications. • Alternatively described as “Disease Mongering” to increase sales. • Damage control, use of “spin”, possible concealment re ADEs. • Sophistication of pharma companies in interacting with (controlling?) “customers”. = physicians, pharmacists, hospitals/govt, allied health, patient advocacy groups.
ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan • The “Safer Clozapine” • Market is Schizophrenia. • No mention of bipolar or dementia.
The “Safer Clozapine” Market is Schizophrenia. No mention of bipolar or dementia. ZY100035541 Olanzapine Lifeplan
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ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing document 21July2000
ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing document 21July2000
ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing document 21July2000
ZY100520662 Zyprexa primary care briefing document 21July2000
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