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Title III: October 1 Headcount Overview

Title III: October 1 Headcount Overview. Webinar Monday, September 30, 2013. Christie Lynch Ebert, NCDPI K12 Programs Section Chief Ivanna Mann Thrower Anderson, NCDPI ESL/Title III Director C. Michael Riles, NCDPI Data Collection, Management and Reporting Analyst

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Title III: October 1 Headcount Overview

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  1. Title III: October 1 Headcount Overview Webinar Monday, September 30, 2013 Christie Lynch Ebert, NCDPI K12 Programs Section Chief Ivanna Mann Thrower Anderson, NCDPI ESL/Title III Director C. Michael Riles, NCDPI Data Collection, Management and Reporting Analyst Nadja Trez, NCDPI ESL/Title III Director

  2. Webinar Objectives • Review basic information for the October Headcount • Purpose • Calculations • General Practice • Refresh on approval functionality • Discuss duplicate student information • Outline process for removing duplicates and entering private school students

  3. Purpose • In accordance with SL 2003-284, Section 7.15(b), the Department of Public Instruction is required to prepare a headcount of all limited English proficient (LEP) students and report it to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by December 1 of each year. • State funds • Federal funds

  4. Additional Reporting • State and Federal Reporting • Spring ACCESS assessment ordering • Pre-ID labels • Program Monitoring

  5. Count Calculation Criteria • LEP Status = ‘Current’ • Registration date <= 10/1 • Withdrawal date >10/1 or is Null • Aggregate Counts are determined by student records in the Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC). • Counts page is modified by refresh of calculations • Records must exist for the student to be counted • Counts cannot be added/updated by user • Aggregates on: • PK, K13 active and withdrawn • Private Schools

  6. Prerequisites • NCID • If you are without one, contact your local NCID administrator • Access • http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/LEP+Coordinators • Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC) • Request Access to CFDC Sites • Connecting Accounts User Guide

  7. Process Basics • October 2 – October 25 – https://schools.nc.gov/lep • Download student roster

  8. Process Basics: Roster Download

  9. Process Basics • Separate rosters • Securely, distribute rosters to verify student information • Student Demographic • Tier • Missing or additional students • Reconcile information gathered in the Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC)

  10. LEP Data Entry

  11. Validate Counts

  12. Approving Counts

  13. Record Change Request (RCR) Form • http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/LEP+Coordinators • Consolidated Federal Data Collection (CFDC) • CFDC Record Change Request (RCR) for LEP, W-APT, and Immigrant Sites

  14. Record Change Requests • Be sure to submit complete documentation • In most cases, the original HLS • RCRs should not be submitted to change demographic information • Reminders: • RCRs should be saved as a (.doc) or (.docx) • Password Convention is LEP, all uppercase, and the LEA # (e.g., LEP010)

  15. Duplicates • Three types of duplicates • Students showing up twice in the CFDC • Mass process will be applied at COB 9/30 • Students who have been issued new id numbers • Remedy tickets should be submitted through PS Admin • Document the two numbers on the duplicates form and return to NCDPI by COB October 21, 2013 • Students who have been issued 5-digit id numbers • Document the student information on the duplicates form and return to NCDPI by COB October 16.

  16. LEP Duplicate Reconciliation Form • Multiple Numbers • Lea Code • School Code • NCWISE Id • PS Id • Student Last Name & First Name • DOB • Grade • Series Id • Lea Code • School Code • PS Id • Student Last Name & First Name • DOB • Grade

  17. Private Schools • Private School students me be in PowerSchool • Enroll them in the LEP School (LEP, 293) • Create the LEP entry in the CFDC

  18. Important Dates to Remember • Headcount Window 10/2/13 – 10/25/13 • Series Id Duplicates Due no later than 10/16/13 • Students with 5 digit id numbers starting with 10--- • Multiple Id Duplicates Due no later than 10/21/13 • Students with former NCWISE ids and newly issued PS ids • Final Tier Verification Completed by 11/22/13

  19. Questions

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