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Update on the status and future plans for the HIRLAM-A organization, including information on members, management group, staff, budget, and collaboration with ALADIN/AROME. Also includes details on model suites, mesoscale modeling, data assimilation, surface models, synoptic model assimilation, physics, and coupling with chemistry.
HIRLAM-A status and plans J. Onvlee EWGLAM meeting Dubrovnik, 20071008
HIRLAM organization • Members: Dk, Est, Fi, Ic, Ir, Nl, No, Sp, Sw, (Fr) • Estonian met service EMHI joined 1 Jan 2007 • Latvian, Lithuanian met service to become acceding members soon • Management Group: Programme manager, 5 PL’s for System and Applications (Yang), DA/UO (Gustafsson), Ph (Tijm), Dyn (Hortal), Prob Forecasting (Iversen) • Staff: ~80 researchers, ~25 fte, 6fte core group • Budget: ~550 kEuro • Reference System: basis for developments • Full code cooperation with ALADIN/AROME: • Planning jointly with ALADIN/AROME; • common ASM/workshop; • “mirrored” organizational structure
ALADIN Assembly HIRLAM Council UpdatedCSSI: 2 RC LACE 2 Météo-France 2 ALADIN-n-n Management Group 1-2 joint sessions/year => scientific plan for common actions HAC (1 M-F, 1 ALADIN-n) Common maintenance (following ECMWF-MF agreement) All staff meeting ALADIN Workshop ‘Consistency check’ HIRLAM-PL/ALADIN2-C A-H organizational relations LACE Council ALADIN PAC (1 HIRLAM) LACE-SC (1 M-F, 1 ALADIN-n-n, 1 HIRLAM) Work plans
Overview model suites hor res. Vert.levs nr.points version Dk: 0.15 40 610x568 7.1 0.05 40 550x378 6.3+ Est: 0.10 40 114x100 6.1+ Fi: 0.15 60 582x448 7.1 0.08 40 582x448 6.2.1 Ir: 0.15 60 438x284 7.0 0.07 60 438x395 7.0 Nl: 0.10 60 816x650 7.0 No: 0.20 40 468x378 6.4.2 0.036 60 300x500 6.4.2 Sp: 0.16 40 582x424 7.1 0.05 40 606x430 6.1.2 Sw: 0.20 40 306x306 6.3.5+ 0.05 60 294x441 6.3.5+ Lith: 0.10 40 7.1
NH mesoscale suites • HARMONIE cy31, 32 at 2.5km hor. resolution in DMI, FMI, SMHI, KNMI. • Implementation at INM, Met.no, MetEireann ongoing. • Several types of mesoscale models available at met.no down to 1km • 3km NH HIRLAM mesoscale model at EMHI • Monitoring of NRT suites on hirlam.org
Mesoscale modelling • System aspects: • HARMONIE reference repository created (presently Cy32t2; code,scripts,namelist setup, monitoring & evaluation tools). • Aims: full cycling system, build/job submission tools with HIRLAM “look and feel”. • Physics: • Combined TKE/convection scheme EDMF integrated, implemented in ECMWF/AROME SCUM for extensive validation (Cabauw) • Training week for all HIRLAM physics staff on HARMONIE, kickoff for experimentation and optimization • Suitable physics required for mesoscale (AROME) but also “grey zone” (ALARO-1, HIRALD) • Dynamics/Nesting/LBC: • Direct nesting in HIRLAM/ECMWF made possible. • VFE discretization • Possibility for transparent LBC in spectra model (Termonia) under discussion; alternative (more frequent LBC coupling) under study.
Mesoscale modelling Data assimilation: • Starting from ALADIN 3D-VAR, 4D-VAR in a nutshell. Port experiences/methods for HIRLAM 4D-VAR to this. • Assimilation of hi-res obs: radar reflectivities/winds; GPS slant delays; SEVIRI clear/cloudy radiances; IASI; binary cloud; hi-res AMDAR, RS. Common obs operators defined for most of these. Surface: • Port snow/forest/sea/snow on ice/lake models to SURFEX • Interface SURFEX to HIRALD • Work on mesoscale surface DA starting this fall.
Synoptic model Assimilation and use of observations: • 4D-VAR preparation for implementation as default scheme • Tuning of background error statistics • Experimentation with large scale and lateral boundary constraints, new moisture variable, … • OpenMP parallellization efficiency improvements • Future: hybrid ensemble assimilation techniques • Use of observations: • Coherent impact studies: for N Atl, Arctic, convective parameters; 3+4DV, syn+meso • Upgrade in RTTOV and AMSU treatment package • New types of obs included: AMSU-B, OSI-SAF SST/sea ice, scatterometer, MODIS winds, AMSU-A over land and sea ice.
Synoptic model Physics: • Surface scheme and orographically related parametrizations: snow and forest, MSO/SSO, sloping surface radiation. • Optimization/tuning to improve description of stable boundary layer (fog over sea, GABLS) • Intercomparison STRACO - KF/RK convection schemes Surface: • Snow and forest scheme additions: readied for RefSyst. • Sea ice, SST assimilation • Lake model; snow on ice parametrization
Coupling with chemistry • Before 2007: activities in coupling HIRLAM one-way or two-way to atm. chemical transport (ACT) models started in several HIRLAM countries • May 2007: HIRLAM side meeting at COST-725 workshop first attempt to create integrated plan for common activities • Short-term: one-way coupling: improve usefulness of HIRLAM as input for ACT models • Provision of relevant input variables • Mass-conservation => more accurate advection scheme • Longer term: two way coupling • HIRLAM-CHEM branch
GLAMEPS: Joint multi-model EPS system for HIRLAM & ALADIN. Present status: • GLAMEPS initial laboratory setup (version 0) implemented at ECMWF. Meteorological testing ongoing. • HIRLAM components of met.no, INM, KNMI: ECMWF EPS/TEPS, physics perturbations, HIRLAM SVs as baseline for HIRLAM EPS • ALADIN contributions from ZAMG (LAEF), met.hu (ALADIN SV) • Development of new ensemble generation and postprocessing techniques on track • End 2007/begin 2008: determine configura- tion for prototype distributed GLAMEPS system (v1). Continue parallel experimenta- tion in laboratory • Continue pursuit of Eur. LAMEPS coopera- tion in TIGGE-LAM
GLAMEPS Model domain (for HIRLAM components) and ECMWF/TEPS targeting areas for Northern, Middle and Southern Europe
HIRLAM Reference system -Reference System repository is basis for HIRLAM developments • Two reference platforms: FMI RCR, ECMWF. • Routine monitoring of RS on Hexnet, together with national versions • 2007: RS extended to include HARMONIE and EPS components • Aim: Integration of syn/meso/GLAMEPS system environment (build, scheduling, monitoring and verification tools) • Present versions: HIRLAM 7.1, HARMONIE Cy32. • HARMONIE code maintenance and updating together with AAA partners • Common pool of computer resources at ECMWF for testing Reference System, GLAMEPS
Reference system Release of HIRLAM 7.2 planned end 2007. New features: • 4D-VAR (as default) • RTTOV-8/ATOVS upgrade • New snow and surface scheme • Improved openMP parallellization • Assimilation packages for AMV/MODIS, scatterometer, OSI SAF sea ice, SST • Extended postprocessing package, incl “chemistry-relevant” parameters