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Discover the joy and blessings of abiding in Jesus Christ. Explore the analogy of the vine and branches, the conditions for abiding, and the warning to those who do not abide. Experience the love of God and the fullness of joy that comes from a deep relationship with Jesus.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Abiding in ChristJohn 15:1-11 Jesus and His disciples have celebrated Passover and Jesus has established Communion as a memorial Jesus is going away, but promises to return and send the Holy Spirit in His place while He is away
The AnalogyJohn 15:1 The grapevine was a symbol of Jewish national life - Isaiah 5:7; Maccabean coins, Temple decorations, etc. Jesus used grape juice / wine as a symbol for His blood which would be shed as the atonement for sin
The AnalogyJohn 15:1 Jesus is the source of life that would bring forth fruit unto God, and God Himself was the caretaker
The Vinedresser’s PracticeJohn15:2 Pruning is a necessary agricultural practice for vines and fruit trees Pruning works because the energy of the vine can go into fruit instead of more branches and leaves
The Vinedresser’s PracticeJohn15:2 God prunes His people - Hebrews 12:11; James 1:2-4; Romans 5:3-5 Troubles & Trials force us to be more dependent upon God
The Conditions for AbidingJohn 15:3 Judas is gone and the remaining disciples are clean (cf. John 13:10) To abide in Christ, you must first be cleansed by Him - Rom. 3:26,28; 8:1; 1 Cor. 6:11; 1 John 1:9; Titus 3:5
The Blessing of Abiding in JesusJohn 15:4-5 Abide means to “live,” “dwell,” “remain,” “continue” in. A branch cannot live & bear fruit except it draws its life from the vine, so we draw our life from Christ
The Blessing of Abiding in JesusJohn 15:4-5 All that you have and everything you accomplish in life is only by God’s goodness and mercy to you - (Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3), You are only a steward of what God entrusts to you - Daniel 4; Isaiah 40:17
The Blessing of Abiding in JesusJohn 15:4-5 The fruit God looks for is: Justice, righteousness (Isaiah 5:7), The fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-24), Every good work in keeping with repentance (Matt. 3:7) and righteousness (Matt.7:17-19; Col. 1:10)
The Blessing of Abiding in JesusJohn 15:4-5 We are changed with renewed minds and conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29; 12:2) The presence or absence of spiritual fruit reveals the true relationship with Christ
The Warning to Those Who Do Not Abide John 15:6 True Christianity is about a redeemed relationship with God and not religious rituals & codes (Rom. 14:17) Religious rituals, moral codes, practices and doctrine are worthless if you do not abide in Christ
The Warning to Those Who Do Not Abide John 15:6 Those without a redeemed relationship with God in the here and now have no basis for one in eternity Those not abiding in Christ will lack the fruit of righteousness and may show the fruit of sin (Gal. 5:19-21)
The Warning to Those Who Do Not Abide John 15:6 The fruit of unrighteousness may be: Obvious – or Hidden by privacy – or Masked by societal standards Abiding in Jesus in 1 John 2:6, 24; 3:6-10, 24; 4:15-16
Abiding and PrayerJohn 15:7-8 This is a conditional promise of answered prayer based in the relationship a person has with Jesus 1 John 5:14-15; James 4:2-3. Prayer is about seeking God’s will to be done, not your own will
Abiding in Jesus’ LoveJohn 15:9-10 The love that exists between the members of the Godhead is extended to us! Ephesians 2:4-5 Obedience demonstrates the reality of your relationship with the Lord - do you love Him?
Having Full JoyJohn 15:11 Their joy can be full because Jesus can be trusted to keep all of His promises
Conclusion You can have this joy by coming to know Jesus and abiding in Him Jesus places us in His body, the church, so that we can help one another walk / abide with Him
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ