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Muscles and movement

Explore how antagonistic muscles facilitate movement, identify muscle usage in common activities, dissect chicken legs, and engage in discussions and activities about muscle function and joint movement.

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Muscles and movement

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  1. Muscles and movement Sunday, 20 October 2019 Learning objectives: • To understand how antagonistic muscles provide movement.

  2. Starter (5 mins) • Write a sentence including the words: bones, muscles, movement.

  3. Discuss what muscles are used for. Read out a list of common activities, for example, standing, walking, lifting an object, eating, swimming, and ask students to point out on their bodies which muscles they would be using. • You may also wish to get the students to do some small movements, for example, heel lifts, squats, bicep curls, to enable them to feel their muscles working. It may help some students to hold the part of their limb above the joint they are moving, so they can feel the muscles tense and relax.

  4. Chicken leg dissection

  5. See next slide • Show the class an image of the muscles of the upper arm. Demonstrate your lower arm moving up and down and ask the students to copy you. Ask them to feel their biceps and triceps muscles and explain what they can feel. Discuss the fact that to move the lower arm up, the biceps have to get shorter. This is called contraction. At the same time, the triceps relaxes. Ask students to predict what happens when the lower arm moves down and go through their answers.

  6. Movement of joints Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The tendon at the non-moving (or fixed) end is known as the origin. The tendon at the moving end is known as the insertion. Musclespull by contracting – they cannot push to produce the opposite movement. Muscles are arranged in antagonistic pairs. As one muscle contracts (shortens) its partner relaxes (lengthens). They swap actions to reverse the movement.

  7. Movement of joints

  8. Worksheet 1

  9. Discuss in pairs how the engineers have mimicked muscles in the robot. • http://biomimetics.mit.edu/videos

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-hOSpV0TXI • Discuss in pairs what is happening in terms of muscles and bones when the weight is lifted contraction, relaxation, antagonistic muscles and joints.

  11. Turn to page 65 of the Student’s Book at this point • The lower arm works like a lever and the elbow is the pivot. Worksheet 2

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