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Creating A Career-Infused Adult education program

Get ready to transform adult education with a career-infused program handbook. Find a wealth of templates, curricula, and delivery models to enhance teaching and learning. Discover the importance of workforce partnerships and funding for career infusion. Dive into resources for contextualized instruction, career exploration, and workforce training to support adult learners in their career paths. Explore the fastest growing jobs in Puerto Rico and essential education requirements. Access a curriculum guide for comprehensive career planning and develop employability skills for career success. Transform your teaching approach with occupational training contextualization and soft skills development.

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Creating A Career-Infused Adult education program

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  1. Creating A Career-Infused Adult education program


  3. Creating a career-infused Adult education program resource handbook As today’s lucky • you’ll receive: • A career infusion framework • Lots of templates, curricula, helpful URLs, and forms • Sample career-infused and IET delivery models

  4. OUR GOAL Not to overwhelm you!


  6. THIS MORNING’S QUESTIONS • Is there a career infusion framework that can help providers organize their programs? • Are there resources already developed for framework components that local programs can use or adapt?

  7. THIS AFTERNOON’S QUESTIONS • What are some delivery models to facilitate career-infused teaching and learning and IET? • How do I fund career infusion? • What is the role of the PRDE AE office in supporting career infusion?

  8. Examining a career infusion framework Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  9. Examining a career infusion framework Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Page 10 Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  10. Career Awareness Where are the jobs? What training is required to get them?

  11. Know your labor MARKET information http://www.mercadolaboral.pr.gov/Tablas_Estadisticas.aspx

  12. Fastest growing occupations in Puerto rico

  13. Required Education Career Ladder Physical Therapy Assistant Doctoral Degree Physical Therapist Requires three-year Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree Median Salary: $49,070 Bachelor’s Degree Requires four-year degree with specific educational prerequisites, such as classes in anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, and physics – to enroll in DPT. Physical Therapy Assistant Requires two-year degree from accredited program; licensure required Median Salary: $21,050 Associates Degree Physical Therapy Aide Can be trained on the job Salary: slightly above minimum wage High School

  14. What do the other fastest growing jobs require?

  15. https://www.careeronestop.org/default.aspx?lang=es https://www.miproximopaso.org/ https://www.onetonline.org/

  16. https://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/explore-careers.aspx?&lang=eshttps://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/explore-careers.aspx?&lang=es

  17. Career OnestopPhysical therapy assistant https://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/careers/occupations/Occupation-profile.aspx?keyword=Physical%20Therapist%20Assistants&onetcode=31202100&location=PUERTO%20RICO&lang=es

  18. Career awareness https://www.collegetransition.org/career-pathways/publications/ica-curriculum-guide/ GREAT RESOURCE • A curriculum guide to help adult education teachers and counselors guide adult learners through a comprehensive career planning process

  19. Examining a career infusion framework Page 13 Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  20. Contextualizing instruction • Use Career OneStop’s Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and/or Activities • Google “what math skills do ______ need?” • Download free occupation-specific contextualized curriculum (examples in your handbook-13) • Use occupation-specific textbooks and online materials

  21. contextualizing instruction FOR iet • Confer with occupational teacher • What topics give students’ the most difficulty in your class? • Understand how students are assessed • Analyze occupational textbooks being used • Audit/observe occupational training course Contextualize math and reading skills needed in the occupational training course

  22. PAGE 4 Let’s practice contextualizing! With your table partners, read the list of activities of a physical therapist assistant and answer the questions. Activity 2 Contextualized Instruction

  23. A Few of the Additional Resources in Your Handbook

  24. Examining a career infusion framework Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Page 27 Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  25. It takes two Hard Skills Soft Skills Help you keep a job. Help you get a job.

  26. http://cte.ed.gov/employabilityskills

  27. How the Heck do I teach “Commitment” How the Heck do I teach Commitment?”

  28. Connecting with one stop Are local providers accessing One Stop life skills workshops for their students? How is the connection between One Stop and AE?

  29. Preparing Workers Sample lesson Page 30 North Carolina Employability Skills Tool Kit SKILLS TO PAY THE BILLS Sample lesson Page 32 http://www.nc-net.info/employability.php https://www.dol.gov/odep/topics/youth/softskills/softskills.pdf

  30. PAGE 7 SITUATION 1: SAYING HELLO OR GOODBYE Friends: ____________________________________________________________________________Family: ____________________________________________________________________________ Professional: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________________________ Activity 3 Code Switching

  31. Examining a career infusion framework Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  32. WORKFORCE TRAINING CHOOSE WISELY! • High-demand • Short-term if possible (16 weeks or less) • Co-enroll in AE and job training • Part of a career pathway • Show educational and career ladders • Show income growth • Find supportive occupational deans and faculty

  33. Need to visually show our students their career options Example: Advanced Manufacturing Career Paths

  34. With your table partners, discuss the following questions: Who are your primary job training providers?Do they offer short-term training ( 16 weeks or less)?Do they understand WIOA and/or career pathways?Do local AE providers have relationships with job training providers in their areas?What role can you play in helping to bridge connections between AE and training providers? PAGE 8 Activity 4 Knowing Your Training Providers

  35. Examining a career infusion framework Contextualized Instruction Career Exploration Workforce Preparation Activities Workforce Training Page 38 Work-based Learning Supported by Advisors and Partnerships

  36. Work-based Learning Employer Brochure Page 39 Student Application Page 41 Optional component but great impact on student retention! Gives students a chance to practice their soft skills and build their resumes Range from 6 – 20 hours/week Paid or unpaid – mostly unpaid

  37. Work-based Learning MOU – Page 42 How can local programs do it? Partner with other agencies Vocational Rehabilitation Community-based organizations Social service agencies Partner with their own agency! Create unpaid internships for AE students Community service projects - AE students like to “give back”

  38. https://www.jff.org/resources/page/1/work-based-learning/ GREAT RESOURCE

  39. Advisors/ Navigators

  40. Advisors/NAVIGATORS • Can make or break your program! • Choose your staffing priorities! • Hire carefully! • Train them well! • CareerOneStop Resource***** • https://www.careeronestop.org/ResourcesFor/CareerAdvisor/career-advisor.aspx?lang=es

  41. GREAT RESOURCES http://www.collegetransition.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/NavigatorManual-July2015.pdf https://www.cccs.edu/wp-content/uploads/documents/NavManual.pdf

  42. partnerships Whom do you consider your most important partners in a career-infused program?

  43. Partnerships – a few examples

  44. Partnerships – a few examples

  45. Partnership SurveyPage 59

  46. Delivery options for career infusion

  47. Step #1 Know your student population.

  48. What percent of your students are functioning at the… ABE level? ASE level? ESL level? Let’s look at some options for different student levels from very simple to more complex.

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