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Forest Research

Explore our vision for the future growth of forestry research, focusing on engaging customers, developing cutting-edge science, and increasing value and worth. Our strategy outlines a bold plan to position the agency as a world leader in applied forestry science, offering expert services and products globally.

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Forest Research

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  1. Forest Research Towards a New Strategy

  2. Context The full devolution of forestry & transition of FR to be part of an England-only Forestry Commission, but with a GB-wide remit, provides the perfect opportunity for FR to refresh its offer and to articulate a new, bold, concise and ambitious strategy for the agency. Our strategy will strengthen our sense of identity and • Remind people what FR is brilliant at – what FR has done and does do for UK forestry • Say how FR will move from a culture of survival (the day job) to a culture which supports growth and the delivery of aspiration/ambition for FR and the sector • Say what FR wants to do – what FR wants to be brilliant at in the future

  3. Development Process • Externally facilitated Executive Board away day: October 2017 • Externally facilitated Staff working group day: December 2017 • FR Strategy Background Note summarising the context and our discussions to date issued to all staff on 26 February 2018 • “Straw Man” on the possible structure & headline items we might want to include in our strategy issued to all staff on 26 February 2018 • Draft graphics summarising what our organisational objectives could be and how we could deliver them issued to all staff on 26 February 2018

  4. Development Process (cont.) • Staff consultation on first draft closes on 26 March • Based on the responses received a second draft strategic document will be issued to staff & key stakeholders on 23 April • An implementation group will finalize the document by 26 May • Final Strategy will be provisionally launched at the Royal Welsh Show (23-27 July); full communications plan to be prepared including, for example, YouTube videos of FR Case Studies • Monday 1 April 2019 FR Strategy will underpin FR’s revised operating model and be fully included within FJPs for 2019 and beyond

  5. Key questions to keep in mind • Who is this ambitious plan aimed at? • What must it convey to the given audience? • What impact do we want to have on this target market?

  6. Analysis Current Uncertainties: Change Competition Fluctuating demand Capacity Funding Skills Conflict (core work versus commercial) Facilities Silo behaviours Corporate systems

  7. Analysis (cont) Future uncertainties: • Does FR survive? • Is our income sustainable? • Are we resourced to deliver? • No silos – coherent culture • Right balance between long & short term research (core & commercial)

  8. What would a positive future look like? • FR is recognised as the supplier of choice • FR produces world-leading science • FR is recognised as great value • FR has a wide and varied income stream • FR continues to employ, attract and retain world class scientists and data analysts • FR is designed, and able, to flex • FR remains as a public body with a reputation for its science quality and independence • FR has a coherent culture

  9. What would a negative future look like? • FR is no longer a ‘go-to’ body • FR is dependent on unsustainable funding streams • Staff morale and retention is poor • Organisational change remains the focus • FR has no coherent culture

  10. Key issues to address • Client relations (Top 20) • Staffing • Research/offer prioritisation • Culture • Better corporate systems • Marketing and Profile • New business approaches (e.g. flexible pricing; JVs; strategic partnerships; key services and products)

  11. Strategy “Straw Man” A new and ambitious vision: To be a world leader in applied forestry science and a trusted global provider of tree, wood and forest related scientific expertise, evidence, products and services. OR Forest Science delivering business growth for our customers To achieve this we will focus on four themes

  12. Theme 1 Engaging with customers Our customers are our primary focus. We provide them with the timely, accurate and reliable research, data and information they need to develop and grow their businesses or produce relevant policies. We will work with our customers by: • growing our relationships with our key customers • delivering business growth for our customers • refining and developing the range of products and services we offer • providing and articulating insight and challenge • increasing our digital presence and our commercial activities

  13. Theme 2 Developing our science Using and adapting new technology, techniques and approaches are fundamental to our research activities. Our science and data provision will be: • leading edge and customer focused • solution-focused (if you have a challenge we can solve it…) • applied and relevant • well communicated and easily understood

  14. Theme 3 Increasing our value and worth We understand the current scenarios regarding our forests but to offer the best research advice and data to our customers and to grow our business we will: • Develop new and existing strategic partnerships across the globe to consolidate and enhance our offer • Provide constructive challenge to our partners customers and the sector regarding their future tree, wood and forest related risks and opportunities

  15. Theme 4 Working together Our people are fundamental to our success. The expertise, pride and passion of our staff have helped make us the UK’s leading provider of applied forest research. We recognise that our future reputation is dependent on the work we will do and not on the work we have done. We will continue to develop by: • investing in our staff and our facilities • providing opportunities for career development and encouraging innovation • rewarding hard work and commitment

  16. Key USPs • Information assets • Interdisciplinarity • Value to Government • Value to sector • Brand integrity • Collaboration and networks • Skills pipeline

  17. Key investments & developments • International tree health biosecurity and diagnostics centre • Forest management information hub • Forecasting, modelling and decision support system products and services • Strategic partnership delivery model (e.g. joint IP development; data sharing; staff exchanges)

  18. Forest Research 6 CsStrategy Creativity Communication Increasing our value and worth VISION: To become a world leader in applied forestry research and innovation Challenge Culture Working together Developing our science Engaging with customers Capacity Customers

  19. Draft FR Organisational Objectives • Attract investment to sites • New ERP systems • Public/Private partnerships • Innovation funds • Joint ventures • Strategic partnerships • New products and services Draft FR organisational objectives and examples of what could be done to deliver them. • Actively challenge conventional thinking • Learn from our customers • Provide quality science • Customer Success Managers • Define core products and capabilities • Flexible, “customer first” approach • Secondments to/from our customers/partners • Work shadowing • Skills/knowledge exchange • Describe and model FR Values • Reward people for jobs well done • Support career development

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