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How to Choose a Multimedia Computer System

Learn about the components of hardware - the CPU and storage, microchips, system unit basics, secondary storage, and future developments in processing and storage.

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How to Choose a Multimedia Computer System

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  1. HARDWARE :The CPU & StorageHow to Choose a Multimedia Computer System Dwi Januarita A.K, S.T., M.Kom

  2. Tujuan Bahasan Mahasiswa memahami komponen hardware : the cpu dan media penyimpanan

  3. Sub Pokok Bahasan 1.1 Microchips, Miniaturization & Mobility 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics 1.3 More on the System Unit 1.4 Secondary Storage 1.5 Future Developments in Processing & Storage

  4. 1.1 Microchips, Miniaturization & Mobility (1) What are differences between transistore, integrated circuits, chips, and micropocessors?

  5. 1.1 Microchips, Miniaturization & Mobility (1) Vacuum Tubes vs. Transistors • Vacuum tubes were the original logic gates of computers • They Looked like light bulbs, were hot and burned out like them too • The original transistors were 1/100 the size of vacuum tubes (less power, faster, more reliable too)

  6. 1.1 Microchips, Miniaturization & Mobility (1) Transistors vs. Integrated Circuits • A transistor is essentially a tiny electrically operated switch, or gate, that can alternate between “on” and “off” many millions of times per second • Integrated circuits contains thousands of transistors

  7. 1.1 Microchips, Miniaturization & Mobility (5)

  8. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (1) How is data represented in a computer, what are the components of the system cabinet, and what are processing speeds?

  9. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (2) • The Binary Sistem : Using on/off electrical staes to represnt data & instructions. What does a computer’s binary system do, and what are some binary coding schemes? • The binary sistem has only two digits : 0 dan 1. Thus, in the computer, the 0 can be represented by the electrical current being off and the 1 by the current being on.

  10. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (3)

  11. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (4)

  12. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (5)

  13. 1.2 The System Unit : The Basics (6) Machine Language : Bahasa pemrograman sejenis biner dan dapat dijalankan langsung oleh komputer The Computer Case : Bays, Buttons, & Boards Power Supply The Motherboard & the Micorprocessor Chip Processing Speeds : From Megahertz to Picoseconds

  14. 1.3 More On The System Unit (1) How do the processor and memory work, and what are some important ports, buses, and cards?

  15. 1.3 More On The System Unit (2) PParts of theCPU WordSize ControlUnit Arithmetic LogicUnit Register Buses The number of bits the processor can processat any onetime. The part of the CPU that deciphersinstructions and carries themout. The ALU performs mathematical and logical operations and controls the speed ofthem. High-speed storage areas that temporarily store data duringprocessing. Electrical data roadways used to transmitbits within the CPU and between CPU and other motherboardcomponents.

  16. 1.4 Secondary Storage(1) What are the features of floppy disks, hard disks, optical disks, magnetic tape, smart cards, flash memory, and online secondary storage?

  17. 1.4 Secondary Storage(2)

  18. 1.4 Secondary Storage(3)

  19. 1.4 Secondary Storage(4)

  20. 1.5 Future Developments In Processing & Storage(1) What are same forthcoming developments that could affect processing power and storage capacity?

  21. 1.5 Future Developments In Processing & Storage(2)

  22. 1.5 Future Developments In Processing & Storage(3)

  23. Terima kasih

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