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This upgrade proposes increasing the energy of the Elettra synchrotron to 2 GeV, improving emittance, and optimizing beam lines for higher performance.
Upgrade of Elettra Emanuel Karantzoulis Current Elettra Circumference 259.2 m 12 fold symmetry Energy 2 (& 2.4 GeV for 25% UT) Emittance 7 nm-rad Beam dim @IDs 250/14 um 28 beam lines - 10 from dipoles 1
Short term possible upgrades Energy: Elettra operates 25% of its user time at 2.4 GeV. It can go higher (first to 2.5 GeV, limit of licence). Achieved 2.46 GeV (for higher additional PS needed) Vertical beamsize:To control coupling, skew quads are needed. Preliminary studies (E.Karantzoulis + S. Di Mitri, IPAC 2014) show that with 12 additional magnets, coupling can be as low as 0.1% Unifying the arc: This way a unified space of 2.3 m can be produced instead of fragmented 1+1.3. At one short straight of 1.3 m a short undulator is installed serving for the TweenMic beam line No significant change in optics from the current one. 2
Emittance reduction WP (14.3,8.2) E=7 nm rad at 2 GeV WP (16.3,7.2) E=2.6 nm rad at 2 GeV BUT if
Disp 0 locally Emittance at 3.5 T is 3.5 nmrad It needs optimization but shows the point
Transverse Acceptance: 5 error seeds, on energy, no aperture restrictions Typical dynamic aperture, related to tune diffusion Our injection bump is -18 mm EK + S. Di Mitri
But we could inject and accumulate (not easy, it took some hours) A. Carniel, EK and S. Krecic
Long term upgrade: Elettra 2.0 • Same building, same position C~ 259-260 m • Energy 2 GeV • Brilliance increase at 1 keV by more than 1 order of magnitude • H-spot size < 60 um • Maintain the existing ID straight sections • Maintain the existing bending magnet beam lines • Maintain intensity and filling patterns as before (hybrid, single bunch etc.) • Space for ids not less than present, Large Section: 4.5 for Ids + short Section: 1.3 m for short IDs / RF) in total 5.8 m • Use existing injector system (Off axis injection ) • Less possible downtime for installation and commissioning (16-18 months) 7
M-bend achromat studies 0.1 KeV Elettra 22% Elettra2.0 87% 1 keV Elettra 2% Elettra2.0 38% 2 GeV 100 mA, period 46mm, Np=98, L=4.5m
Best compromise: 6-MBA Investigating best configuration for minimal position change of the bending beam lines Emit: 0.25 nmrad WP 33.2 , 9.3 Nat. chrom -63,-50 dE/turn: 162 keV Another solution with 1.3 T dipoles for minimal shift of dipole beam lines Emit: 0.28 nmrad WP 33.2 ,9.3 Nat.chrom -81,-44 dE/turn: 202 keV 9
With errors (but not yet optimized corrections) a 40% reduction is observed i.e. DA ±5-8 horizontally and ±2-3 mm vertically -> work in progress 10
The bending-wiggler combination concept • Substitute the 2&5 dipole with a series of small PM dipoles: sum angle 5.6 deg 0.13 m, -0.86 deg, 0.8 T, k=-2.9 0.13 m, 1.51 deg, 1.4 T, k=0 0.13 m, 0.86 deg, 0.8 T, k=-2.9 Issues: Temperature dependence Opening – closing the magnet PM with gradients 11
Coresponding Optic • Emittance 0.259 nmrad • WP 33.16, 9.3 • Chrom (-77,-55) • dE/turn: 196 keV 13
EM design by Davide Castronovo The bending integrated quadrupole component will be done by only the pole profile geometry. In order to optimize space and performances, different coil and frame geometries must be evaluated. Space between the pole terminations will be employed in order to obtain the requested frame stiff.
Different quadrupole designs have been started in order to cover all the optic and layout specifications. The quadrupole designs must be developed with the vacuum chamber in order to resolve all the possible transversal interferences (beam lines). Asymmetric poles geometry has been opted.
The sextupole magnets have the higher design issue. The transversal interferences between coils and vacuum chamber must be resolved. Not classical coils distributions are under study.
Elements list Oriented towards: Air cooled magnets (as many as possible) 2nd and 5th dipoles with permanent magnets if solution A or P is adopted. All PS independent including the dipole ones in discussion 18 18
All air cooled : Total 1/12 Power = 5.4 kW All air cooled except dipoles 1/12 Power = 3.5 kW
Fitting in the old tunnel Elettra 2.0 will be about 300 mm longer, arc difference about 280 mm (radial ) and fits on the old girders A project started to produce the conceptual design and construct 3 prototypes, a fixed gap undulator (that can be tested in Elettra), a 1.4 T permanent magnet dipole and a strong Elettra2.0 quadrupole. 20
Brilliance vs. emittance for an undulator for Soft X-rays Elettra : 7 nmrad Beam dimensions: x,y (245,14) mm x’,y’ (28, 6 ) mrad 20x 15x Long straights - 0.25 nm-rad Beam dimensions: x,y (43,3.0) mm x’,y’ (5.7, 0.8 ) mrad 4x 0.25 nm-rad – short straights Beam dimensions: x,y (45,3.1) mm x’,y’ (8, 0.9 ) mrad Super ESCA @ 2 GeV 100 mA Brilliance increasing as expected Spot size/div decreased by a factor of 5 21
Outlook • The conceptual design project should be completed by the end of May 2016 • During this period the optics solution should be fixed with all beam dynamics and injection studies. Magnets, vacuum chambers and subsystems should be defined. • Once money is found 50 persons for 5 years are estimated • Cost ~80-100 M€ (not including beam lines) Thank you for your attention! 23