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Learn about Creek View Elementary's Talented and Gifted Program goals, screening process, activities, and continuation into middle and high school. Find crucial information and tips for preparing your child for TAG testing.
Talented and Gifted ProgramCreek View Elementary School Jennifer Bowers BowersJ@fultonschools.org Carol Evans EvansCE@fultonschools.org
Creek View’s Talented and Gifted Program • What are the goals of the TAG program? • How are children referred for TAG? • How do children qualify for TAG? • What do children do in TAG? • How is Creek View’s program run? • What happens after elementary school? • What is the most important information to know?
Goals of the TAG program • Assist in identifying gifted students and understanding their unique abilities, needs, and preferences • Design and implement differentiated instruction • In gifted students, develop an awareness of themselves, their abilities, and their value to society
Screening/Referral for TAG • Automatic referral (August/September) • K-3rd: acceleration assessment test scores • 4th-5th: CRCT scores • CISS screening (January/February) • Teacher referral • Also look at ITBS scores for 3rd and 5th
Four areas (mental ability, creativity, achievement, and motivation) Some tests can only be given once every two years, such as the CogAT, NNAT, ITBS, and TTCT Some tests can be given more often, such as the product test or the GRS-M. Sometimes students can be tested up to twice a year, depending upon referral, supporting information, and the results of previous testing. This is handled on a case-by-case basis. Students may qualify under procedure one or procedure two. Multiple Criteria
TAG Activities • Three units per year • Each unit focuses on one TAG learning objective (higher order/critical thinking skills, creative thinking/creative problem solving skills, advanced research/independent study skills). All units focus on TAG learning objective for advanced communication skills. • All units incorporate Science and Social Studies GPS objectives and Common Core Standards.
Creek View’s TAG Program • All policies, such as screening and referral procedures, eligibility requirements, and class size, comply with Georgia state law and Fulton County policies • All day pull-out program one day a week • Report cards after each unit
Middle School: Students served in content areas on a daily basis Fifth grade teachers and TAG teachers make recommendations for placement in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies based on ITBS scores and grades Math placements determined by regular classroom teacher High School: Seminars AP classes Directed Study Individual projects Advanced content courses Career Internships Joint enrollment International baccalaureate TAG After Elementary School
What we believe is the most important information you can leave here with today: Students are placed in TAG because they have demonstrated an academic need for a different type of curriculum and instruction based on test scores. The best advice we can give you for preparing your child for testing is to be well-rested, to have a healthy breakfast, and to be in good health on testing days. There is really no way to “cram” the night before. There is a wealth of information on our website at www.cvestag.weebly.com.