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ADVANCES IN ANTI - TERRORISM & SECURITY TRAINING STANDARDS. About us. SHADOW CLOSE PROTECTION is a Hellenic (Greek) security firm Specialized security solutions Crisis avoidance consulting

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  2. About us SHADOW CLOSE PROTECTION is a Hellenic (Greek) security firm • Specialized security solutions • Crisis avoidance consulting • Training provider for the military , law enforcement agencies & corporations on a global scale

  3. SHADOW Anti – Terrorism Academy SHADOW Anti – Terrorism Academy is the training division of our company offering : • Executive & Personal Protection courses • Security professionals training • Standard & tailor – made training solutions • Military & law enforcement units mentoring • Consulting & seminars for corporations

  4. Our Vision Statement • Certified organization according to Executive Protection Global Standard (EPGS) • Strategic partner of National Bodyguard Association of Russia (NAST Russia ) We are working passionately to establish a different approach in security training that could make the difference in the global effort to counter terrorism and reduce criminal activity

  5. The roots of our philosophy Alexander the Great riding his horse “Bucephalus” having his bodyguards providing 360 coverage around him • Ancient Hellenic (Greek) philosophy has an important influence on our modern training strategy • Tutelage of the philosopher Aristotle to Alexander the Great King of Macedonia , at the Royal Academy of Mieza

  6. The roots of our philosophy The Royal Academy of Mieza, nearby modern city Naoussa. Philosopher Aristotle teaching young prince Alexander


  8. Recent reports & statistics • Terrorist & extremist groups have generally succeeded in: • Creating a sense of vulnerability across the world • Gaining attention and publicity by acts of violence • Enhancing the effectiveness of violence by the use of Media • Gaining support from similar groups around the world

  9. Table 1 : Terrorist attacks & casualties worldwide (by month 2013)

  10. Table 2 : Ten countries with the most terrorist attacks (2013)

  11. Table 3 : Targets of terrorist attacks worldwide (2013)

  12. Figure 1 : Tactics used in terrorist attacks worldwide (2013)

  13. Terrorism consequences & impact on human life • “Terrorism has a global reach due to • technology and communication ”

  14. Terrorism consequences & impact on human life • Significant INCREASE TO: • Total number of terrorist & extremist groups globally • Quality of insurgent methods of training and effectiveness on high –value targets • Development in terrorist weaponry ( smaller , easier and more powerful) • Information processing (internet , cell phones etc) • Total number of innocent casualties

  15. Terrorism consequences & impact on human life (cont) • SignificantINCREASE TO: • Total number of security professionals killed on duty • Critical infrastructure and State property damages • Losses and instability for the largest economies of the world (insurance contracts and infrastructure development ) • Total amount of money spent for security equipment • Feeling of insecurity and post –incident psychological or mental disorders

  16. Achievements of nations while trying to confront Terrorism • Lack of a suitable Counter-Insurgency (COIN) doctrine • Last minute responses • Bureaucratic barriers to manage State strategies • Results still NOT clearly defined

  17. Why Anti – Terrorism policies have failed ? • Insurgent networks in Middle East & Asia very powerful • Regimes still encourage terrorists • Most Security institutions understaffed , undertrained & • technologically backward • Terrorists more diffuse in structure avoiding detection • Police forces cannot fight against armed militant groups • Additional Anti- terrorism training is needed (Mentoring projects)

  18. How we should think ? What is the solution? • INNOVATIVE WAY OF THINKING TO BE SUCCESSFUL : • Threats should not be categorized • There are no standard tactics to be followed –each incident is different • Patterns from the past to identify the next target should not be used • Terrorists and extremists are always one step forward – They should not • be underestimated • Islamic terrorism is constantly changing its form , likewise viruses

  19. How we should think ? What is the solution? • NEW DOCTRINE : • Conforming to State and International Laws • Deep respect for human rights • Minimum use of force to create security without causing • collateral damage • Isolation of the conflict zone from external material • assistanceand support at the borders

  20. How we should think ? What is the solution? • NEW DOCTRINE : • Hard- line approach - “ no mercy ” policy to foreign mercenaries • Use of force to quell disturbances in the affected region • Specially trained security forces to guard high – profile targets • Economic development • Psychological initiatives


  22. Our philosophy • You CANNOT have Security without : • Philosophy and long – term policies • Code of Professional Ethics • Sharing of information and international cooperation • Strategic planning • Resources and adequate funding • Infrastructure enhancements & use of technology • Personnel professional security training • Constant evaluations of performance & refresher courses

  23. Security professionals training in our days • Identified deficiencies : • Absence of candidates ethics evaluation • Elementary entry procedures (Quantity vs Quality ) • Inadequate seminar – type training ( short duration) • Limited training content (not enough for modern challenges) • Lack of mental pressure and emotional control lessons • Focus on specific tactics and customized solutions

  24. Creating the IDEAL protector .. • Basic principles: • Detailed initial evaluation and strict entry psychometric tests • Common training for all operatives • Wide spectrum of classes with emphasis on psychology , routine avoidance and crisis management skills • Long duration of training • Courses physically and mentally demanding • Evaluations under pressure • Minimum performance for successful graduation is 80%

  25. Creating the IDEAL protector .. • Big differences we have with other training institutions: • Focus on the emotional side of the security professional • Customized training according to geographical location and cultural background • Learn students how to think out of the box ( Strategic level) • Promote unconventional way of thinking to counter threats • Learn students how to exceed human limits through mental toughness • Emphasis on stressful simulation scenarios that require making correct decisions in splits of a second

  26. Conclusion “You will never be able to explore the ocean if you don’t have the courage to leave the safe coast behind’’ PLATO


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