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Shaping an Abundant Land. Chapter 6. History and Government of the United States. Section 1. The United States is a “nation of immigrants,” settled by people from all over the world. The United States is the most diverse and highly industrialized and urbanized nation in the world. Main Ideas.
Shaping an Abundant Land Chapter 6
The United States is a “nation of immigrants,” settled by people from all over the world. • The United States is the most diverse and highly industrialized and urbanized nation in the world. Main Ideas
The US is the world’s third largest country in land area and population • Migration=movement of people • The US has high immigration and migration Creating a Nation
In 1565 the Spanish founded St. Augustine, FL • It is considered the oldest permanent European settlement in the US • France was interested in fisheries and the fur trade • The French settled in Canada • The English settled on the east coast • Columbian Exchange=movement between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres Many People Settle the Land
Protests by the 13 American colonies led to the American Revolution 1775-1783 • The US was founded • The US was almost doubled by the Louisiana Purchase • Early 1800’s saw high immigration to newly industrialized cities Establishing and Maintaining the Union
Sectionalism was growing • Placing loyalty to their region, or section, above loyalty to the nation • Tensions led to the Civil War • Lasted four years • 1861-1865
People moved west of the Mississippi An Industrial and Urban Society
The US government removed Native Americans from their lands by treaty or by force • Railroads brought people to the West and western goods to the east • Frontier=the free, open land that had been available and suitable for settlement Westward Movement
Immigrants from Western and Eastern Europe came to the US • Immigrants and large numbers of Americans from rural areas came to cities to work in textile, steel, oil, food processing and other industries • The US moved from a rural nation to an urban, industrialized nation
The US was somewhat protected from foreign conflicts by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans • When WWII ended the United States was the only major nation that escaped major physical damage and had a healthy economy. Looking Beyond its Borders
Large number of people began migrating from cities to surrounding suburbs • Suburbs=the communities outside of a city • Immigrants continued to arrive • Many immigrants came from Latin America and Asia • 1960-1970’s had the civil rights movement Social Change and Technological Growth
Wanted equal rights for African Americans • Feminists wanted equal rights for women • Students protested US involvement in Vietnam 1955-1975 • Technology altered the way goods were produced • Services and information technology surpassed industrial production • The US became the world’s greatest economic power
Political influence spread throughout the world after WWII • US became the leader of the world’s non-Communist nations • Goal was to stop the spread of communism • Cold War 1945-1991 • Communism in Europe collapsed in 1991 • US uses its diplomatic and military power to try to keep the peace and to further American interests in the international community. Living in a Global Society
The US is a representative democracy—the people rule through elected representatives • Federal republic—powers are divided among the federal government and state governments Governing the People
Executive Branch Legislative Branch • President • Carries out the laws • Approves or vetoes proposed laws • Makes the laws Branches of Government
Judicial Branch States • Interprets the laws by reviewing decisions of lower courts • Have executive, legislative, and judicial branches • Exercise powers not specifically granted to the federal govt. by the Constitution. Branches of Government
Economy and Culture of the United States Section 2
The United States has the world’s largest and most diversified economy. • American products and popular culture are recognized around the world. Main Ideas
The US has the most powerful, diverse, and technologically advanced economy in the world. • The US accounts for more than 10% of the world’s exports • Exports—goods sold to another country The World’s Greatest Economic Power
Factors that have contributed to economic success: • Available natural resources • A skilled labor force • Stable political system American Economy
Free enterprise—private individuals own most of the resources, technology, and businesses and can operate them for profit with little control from the government Free Enterprise
America supplies about 40% of the world’s corn, 20% of its cotton and 10% of wheat, cattle and hogs • Fertile soil, a favorable climate, and early mechanization of farms are responsible • Different areas of the country produce different products • See map page 141 An Agricultural and Industrial Giant
Leading industries are: • Petroleum • Steel • Transportation equipment • Chemicals • Electronics • Major industrial centers along the Atlantic Coast and around Great Lakes • Detroit=autos • Seattle=aircraft • Silicon Valley=computers An Agricultural and Industrial Giant
The economy today is driven by the service industry • Service industry—any kind of economic activity that produces a service rather than a product • Postindustrial economy—an economy where manufacturing no longer plays a dominant role A Postindustrial Economy
The US exports raw materials, agricultural products, and manufactured goods. • The US imports cars, electronic equipment, machinery and apparel • Multinationals—businesses that engage in business worldwide
70% of Americans trace their ancestry to Europe • 13% are Hispanic American • 12% are African American • 4% are Asian American • 1% are Native American A Diverse Society
English is the dominant language • Spanish is the second most common • 85% of Americans are Christians • 56% Protestants • 28% Roman Catholic • 2% Jewish • 2% Muslim Languages and Religion
Native Americans were the first artists • Motion pictures and popular music are two influential American art forms • Jazz, blues, gospel and rock have African-American origins • Country and bluegrass has Southern white origins The Arts and Popular Culture
“The American Dream” is a better life for people and their children • 80% of Americans live in cities or suburbs • We have widespread ownership of cars • Highly developed transportation network American Life Today
Americans value education seeing it a s a means to provide equality and opportunity • Ages 6-16 are required to attend school • Public school is free until age 21 • Free time in America is used to play sports, hobbies, visit museums and libraries, watch TV, etc • One in ten people live in poverty How American Live, Work, and Play
Subregions of the United States Section 3
The United States is divided into four major economic and cultural subregions. • There are both similarities and differences among the subregions of the United States. Main Ideas
Covers 5% of the nation’s land area • 20% of the population lives here • New England=Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut The Northeast
Mid-Atlantic States= Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware • The NE was the area first settled by Europeans • It has been a “gateway” to America for immigrants America’s Gateway
Economic Activities include: • Fishing • Farming • Trade • Commerce • International trade centers • Mining • Lumber • Manufacturing • Service industries • Medical research
The Mid-Atlantic is called the “rust belt” b/c of the declining and abandoned traditional industries • Many of these industries have moved to warmer climates in the south and west The Rust Belt
Megalopolis=a region in which several large cities and surrounding areas grow together • BosWash megalopolis—stretches from Boston to Washington, DC • Include NYC • Rapid road, rail and air links have been vital to the economic development and expansion Growth of the Megalopolis
Contains 12 states • Located in the north-central US • Often called the American heartland • Occupies 1/5 of the land • ¼ of population lives here The Midwest
Vast, largely flat plains are a feature • Numerous waterways, including the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River The Midwest
Called the nation’s “breadbasket” • Fertile soil, adequate rainfall, and a favorable climate • Main products: • Corn • Wheat • Soybeans • Meat • Dairy goods Agricultural and Industrial Heartland
Center for meatpacking, food processing, farm equipment and grain milling • Steel and auto making • A trade, transportation and distribution center due to excellent waterways • Most major cities are next to bodies of water Economy of the Midwest