RESULTS • Field studies have increased our knowledge on : epidemiology of cattle and yak hypodermosis, immune response in different bio-geographical situations, economical impact, less polluting therapy has been developed, pilot control program with the participation of Veterinarian Services was successful. • Recombinant proteins issued from different system of production permit immuno-therapy assays with success on yaks, but with less efficiency on cattle, rising a basic interest for the immune system of yak which still remains unknown. • Production of a recombinant antigen for diagnosis was improved but, at the end of the program, remained insufficient. Two years later one of the Chinese partner pursued this research to produce this antigen for international marketing. • Eleven publications in international journals were issued from this project and a Chinese journal for Parasitology special issue with 27 publications in English. • Bi-annual meetings, in each lab successively, help the contact and the exchanges of ideas between all the partners and have been one of the positive results of this group of scientists