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Treasurers training. Student Activities & Greek Affairs CFSU LL 39 activities@luc.edu greeklife@luc.edu www.luc.edu/saga www.orgsync.com. Overview. Treasurer Responsibilities Student Activity Fund (SAF) SAF Responsibilities What’s Fundable Violations Requesting & Spending SAF funds
Treasurers training Student Activities & Greek AffairsCFSU LL 39activities@luc.edugreeklife@luc.eduwww.luc.edu/sagawww.orgsync.com
Overview • Treasurer Responsibilities • Student Activity Fund (SAF) • SAF Responsibilities • What’s Fundable • Violations • Requesting & Spending SAF funds • Using Start-Up Funding (SUF) & Revenue • Policy Changes
Responsibilities of an Organization Treasurer The role of a treasurer comprises of advising organization officers in their activities on a sound business basis and ensuring the consistent accounting of records. Other responsibilities includes: • Educating the membership of financial policies and procedures • Preparation of budget requests for the Allocations Committee or other funding bodies • Working with organization committees to set goals and coordinate activities, if applicable • Adhering to approved budgets • Collecting membership dues, if applicable • Transacting financial business through SAGA/Orgsync • Maintaining accurate records • Having the financial records audited or reconciled • Keeping the executive board informed of the financial strengths/weaknesses of the organization HINT: Keep budget information current and receipts available to members.
Student Activity Fund What is the SAF? The Student Activity Fund (SAF) is comprised of student development fees paid each fall and spring semester by full-time undergraduate students. A percent of the funding is used for departments housed in the Division of Student Development including the Wellness Center, Recreational Sports, Student Leadership Development, Student Diversity & Multicultural Affairs, Off-Campus Student Life, Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution, and Student Activities & Greek Affairs. The remaining is given directly back to students as the (SAF). USGA and the Department of Programming decide on how these funds will be used.
Student Activity Fund • The SAF has been established to promote activities planned by student organizations that enhance the quality of student life at Loyola’s campuses. • The SAF is guided by Jesuit principles which challenge students to strive for excellence: • become people in service to others • foster out-of-classroom learning • develop talents through discovery and reflection • be concerned for each person
SAF Responsibilities USGA responsibilities SAGA responsibilities RSO responsibilities SAF violations
USGA Responsibilities • The Allocations Committee is a student government committee, comprised of Unified Student Government Association (USGA) members who are elected by their constituents in the USGA elections, that allocates SAF dollars to student organizations. • The Allocations Committee meets when classes are in session. The Allocations Committee: • Reviews and acts on individual or co-sponsored budget/funding requests from all eligible Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) • Votes on all requests related to the Student Activity Fund • Provides information to all organizations on approved methods for budgeting, handling revenue funds and expenditures, and the criteria for which the funds may be used • Makes policy recommendations to Student Activities & Greek Affairs
SAGA Responsibilities • Student Activities & Greek Affairs is responsible for advising the Allocations Committee. • The dispersion authority of the funds is controlled by Student Activities & Greek Affairs after allocations have been made by the Allocations Committee. • Student Activities & Greek Affairs is also responsible for authorizing budget transfers and expenditures on student organization accounts, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Student Activity Fund, and to support student organizations’ financial planning.
RSO Responsibilities • Student organizations are expected to engage the Loyola community by providing opportunities for social interaction, co-curricular educational experiences, spiritual and service-oriented experiences, as well as cultural experiences. • Student organizations are expected to adhere to all applicable institutional regulations. The university reserves the right to determine the appropriate time, place, content, and manner for conducting activities, and posting and distribution of materials on any of its campuses. • Student organizations are expected to exercise good judgment in planning and promoting their activities. • The university may deny or restrict the activities of student organizations. • Officers of student organizations are responsible for assuring compliance with procedures and policies as outlined in the SAGA website and the Student Handbook. *Visit www.luc.edu/saga/orgs/rso/for information on RSO responsibilities.
Fundable Requests RSOs may request SAF funding through a Semester Budget Request or SPOT Funding Request. SAF funded events have a number of requirements and restrictions. All SAF requests must meet the following eligibility criteria: • The event or program must be planned primarily for Loyola University Chicago undergraduate students and be open to the general University community. • The request is appropriate based on the mission and goals of the organization. • The SBR or SPOT request is submitted to the Allocations Committee by applicable deadlines, using the appropriate official forms and proper procedures. • An undergraduate organization member (preferably the listed contact person) must attend the Allocations Committee hearing and be prepared to speak about the event and answer questions. • The event must fall between the first day of class and the last day of class during the semester. No funding is available for events over breaks, holidays, or finals. *It is highly recommended that you provide supporting documentation for all monetary Request.
Non-fundable Requests The following types of requests for SAF funding are prohibited but not limited to: • Any event or program NOT open to the general LUC community; • Memberships or dues, private lessons, or payment of salaries (i.e. ongoing payments); • Non-current expenses (e.g. bills from a previous year); • Expenses related to conference attendance (e.g. travel costs, registration, etc.); • Food at regularly scheduled meetings or organizational receptions and dinners exclusive to that organization; • Personal clothing unless it is considered integral to the production of an event (i.e. costumes, but not club t-shirts); • Political activities or activities sponsored by an outside political entity; • Any type of straight contribution in any form or manner including political or religious donations; • Residential maintenance or repairs; • The purchase of alcoholic beverages; • Taxes of any kind (except hotel service taxes or other non-sales related tax required by law); • Activities that are exclusive to the membership of a particular organization (e.g. retreats); • Ad space in the Loyola Phoenix; • Any costs related to or in support of raffles, illegal gambling, or other illegal activity; • Activities and/or programs which advocate a position contrary to the University's Jesuit, Catholic tradition.
Violations Violation of Student Activities & Greek Affairs policies is a serious matter. Failure to follow policy or procedures or to follow through on expectations and requirements by an organization or its members reflects poorly on the group and disrupts the University community. Accountability measures may include, but are not limited to: • Temporary expenditure freezing of the RSO University Account • Loss of Start Up Funding for the semester or year • Removal of all current monies from the RSO University Account • Denial of Room Reservation permissions for the semester or year • Blocking from requesting future SAF funding • Rescinding of RSO status • Mandated training or workshops • Participation in appropriate dispute resolution processes through the OSCCR At the discretion of SAGA, for serious or repeated violations, the organization and/or its members and officers may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) for failure to comply with University policy. Officers in elected positions may be held personally responsible for the actions of the membership. Please refer to the Community Standards for additional information about University policies.
Step 1: To begin, please enter “www.orgsync.com” in your web browser. Step 2: You will be instructed to “Choose Your Community.” Please type or search Loyola University Chicago, then click on it in the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Next, you will be instructed to login. Your login information is the SAME as your Loyola login. (Example: the same info you would use for Locus or Blackboard). Once login information is entered, click Continue. Step 4: Locate the “Organizations” tab near the top of the page. Click on the organization that you wish to submit a budget request for. Note: You will only be able to see orgs that you have joined . Also, your ability to submit requests may vary depending on your permissions within the organization.
Step 5: In the left column, find the “Treasury” option and click on Budgets. Step 6: Make sure that the “Budget Period” is listed as 2012 SaBeRin the dropdown menu. Step 7: Click on the “New Budget” button in the top-right corner of the page.
Step 8: Type in the name of the program in which the budget is for. This is important because it allows you to reference it more easily later. Step 9: Make sure that the “Budget Period” is listed as 2012 SaBeRin the dropdown menu.
Step 10: Select the “Campus-wide SAF Event” option from the Category dropdown menu. Step 11: Next, select the budget account for the request. Example: For a food request, click on “6321 – Food Services” option.
Step 12: Type in the requested budget amount and press enter. The “Total Budget Requested” will reflect the amount that you entered. Step 12a: To add more line items, simply click on the “+” sign next to the previous amount requested. Step 13: After completing your monetary request, click “Fill Out” to complete the funding request form.
Step 14: Attach supporting documents such as invoices, by clicking on the “Upload” button near the bottom of the page. Step 15: After completing a request, be sure to click “Submit.” If you are not finished, you can click “Save & Finish Later.” This option will allow to add budget items as you need to prior to submitting the request.
Step 16: To ensure that your budget request(s) was properly submitted, please go to your “Budgets” page (repeat Step 5). The budget that you submitted should appear. The “Status” column will indicate whether the budget is Pending, Approved, or Denied. This screen will also show you the total amount of funds that were approved by the Allocations Committee in relation to the amount requested. If you do not see the budget immediately, check the “Period” dropdown menu and make sure that you are viewing the correct period. If the budget still does not appear, you may need to go back and re-submit it.
Step 1: In the left column, find the “Treasury” option and click on Budgets. Step 2: Select the budget/program you are planning and click “Details.”
Step 3: Click “Request Spending Authorization” for the budget/program. This allows you to commit the approved funds. Step 4: Enter the approved amount in the Request Spending column.
Step 5: After completing the request, be sure to click “Submit.” You now have authorization to spend and have committed your allocated funds. *Do not submit a “Request Additional Spending Authorization.” Any request for additional funding will be denied.
Step 1: In the left column, find the “Treasury” option and click on Budgets. Step 2: Select the budget/program you are planning and click “Details.”
Step 3: Click “Request Payment” for the budget/program you are spending from. This allows you to spend the approved funds. Step 4: Select the appropriate option from the Payment Type dropdown menu. An additional form must be completed. Step 5: Enter the payment amount. Note: Payment requests must be done for each payment/vendor.
Step 6: Attach supporting documents such as invoices, contracts, receipts by clicking on the “Upload” button. Step 7: After completing a request, be sure to click “Submit.” If you are not finished, you can click “Save & Finish Later.”
Step 8: Review details. This screen will show you the total amount of funds that were requested, approved, and paid. The “Status” column will always indicate whether the request is Pending, Approved, or Denied.
Step 1: In the left column, find the “Treasury” option and click on Checkbooks. Step 2: View your current balance.
Spending SUF/Revenue Step 3: In the left column, find the “Forms” option and click on Checkbooks. Step 4: Locate the appropriate form for your transactions, complete form and submit. *Contact vendor to place order and let them know Loyola will be making payment on your behalf.
Policy Changes • Activity Request Form • Cash Box Request • Credit Card Request Forms • Food Policy • Preferred Vendors • Fundraising • Outside Bank Accounts • Performance Bid Form