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Instructional Design Principles for Distance Education

Instructional Design Principles for Distance Education. Christina Davis Grand Canyon University TEC 571 January 16, 2013. from svdef.wordpress.com. Organization and Planning.

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Instructional Design Principles for Distance Education

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  1. Instructional Design Principles for Distance Education Christina Davis Grand Canyon University TEC 571 January 16, 2013

  2. from svdef.wordpress.com Organization and Planning

  3. Careful planning, balancing activities, and organizing learning must take place well in advance of scheduled instruction. from Teaching and Learning at a Distance

  4. from instructionaldesign.org Dick and Carey model

  5. Brainstorm • Visual plan of action • Find and create content • Create modules Guiding students to learning

  6. Unit-major division of a course • Module-basis for class discussion and instruction, usually one week • Topic-lesson or presentation lasting one class session or discussion thread Organization

  7. Organization The topic is part of a larger module which is part of a larger unit.

  8. Communication

  9. Initial and continuous communication as consistent meaningful dialogue between instructor and student serves as a basic principle of online teaching. From Best Practices for Online Instructors

  10. Inclusive dates • Topics • Learning outcomes • Required readings • Questions for forum discussion • Due dates • Any other relative information Weekly Schedules

  11. Instructor learner • Instructor learner • Learner learner Maintain 2-way communication

  12. Email • 1 to 1 • 1 to several • 1 to all • Within groups • Announcements • Blogs • Phone Communication

  13. Interaction Method • Presentation of information to students as well as the students’ responses • Lectures • Question and answer, • Brainstorming activities • Case studies • Interviews Learner-instructor

  14. Interaction Method • Instructor provides opportunities for group work • Cooperative learning projects • Debates • Role-playing • Forum discussions Learner-learner

  15. Interaction Method • Students reflect on and interact with ideas and concepts • Individual projects • Homework assignments • Interviews • Surveys Learner-content

  16. from dpageek.wordpress.com Graphic design principles

  17. Because a large part of elearning involves the learner viewing the screen, it’s critical that the visual elements you choose enhance the learning experience. from 3 Graphic Design Principles for Instructional Design Success

  18. Use layouts to convey meaning and create relationships to guide learning Layout

  19. What is the relationship between these characters? Is there one?

  20. Does proximity and spacing effect the interpretation?

  21. Use patterns and repetition to organize content to give learners visual cues about how the content fits together Organize content

  22. Web-users are used to quickly scanning for information • This information is difficult to process because it all runs together What does this information mean to you?

  23. Repetitive elements such as the bold headline and underlined section headers help the learner know how information is related This is easier to process

  24. Chunking the information helps learners sort the information and understand how it fits together

  25. Limit information to necessary images

  26. Bellsandwhistlesmay actuallyimpede thelearningprocess

  27. Course development best practices. (2004). Roadmap to Effective Distance Education Instructional Design. Retrieved from http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CEUQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.umsl.edu%2Fservices%2Fctl%2FDEID%2Fdestination11firsttime%2Fbmps.pdf&ei=rXj3UKa6OZDdqwGtyYCgCg&usg=AFQjCNF4uwbQQXY5sDGMs7apAL6N_salsw&sig2=5t5Fh7H4t2dSQNTGQJXgZw&bvm=bv.41018144,d.aWM Dick and carey model. (2013). Instructional Design.org. Retrieved from http://www.instructionaldesign.org/models/dick_carey_model.html Fish, W. W., & Wickersham, L. E. (2009). BEST PRACTICES FOR ONLINE INSTRUCTORS: Reminders. Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, 10(3), 279-284. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/ehost/detail?sid=9f91d46f-4627-4059-bf33-e619969d49b4%40sessionmgr115&vid=3&hid=101&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN=48074516 Kuhlmann, T. (2008). 3 graphic design principles for instructional design success. Retrieved from http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/3-graphic-design-principles-for-instructional-design-success/ Principles of online design. (2006). Florida Gulf Coast University Faculty Development and Support. Retrieved from http://www.fgcu.edu/onlinedesign/mediadev.html Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M, & Zvack, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. References

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