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Question Time

Question Time. Basic Questions. What’s your name ?. My name is _____________. How are you ?. I am fine. I am ok. I am so-so . I am bad. Where are you from ?. I am from _______. How old are you ?. I am ______ years old. What is your phone number ?.

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Question Time

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Question Time BasicQuestions

  2. What’syourname? • Myname is _____________

  3. How are you? • I am fine. • I am ok. • I amso-so. • I ambad.

  4. Where are youfrom? • I amfrom _______.

  5. Howold are you? • I am ______ yearsold.

  6. What is yourphonenumber? • Myphonenumber is ______.

  7. What is your home address? • My home address is QNM 07 street H house 24. Ceilândia Sul.

  8. What is your e-mail address? • My e-mail address is roger@hotmail.com

  9. How do youspellyourfirstname? • It is R-O-G-E-R. Roger

  10. Are youmarried? • Yes, I am. • No, I amnot.

  11. What is hername? • Hername is Madonna.

  12. Howold is she? • She is 54 yearsold.

  13. Where is shefrom? • She is fromthe United States.

  14. What does she do? • She is a singer.

  15. Is shemarried? • No, sheisn’t.

  16. What is hername? • Hername is Gisele Bündchen.

  17. How do youspellherlastname? • It is B-U-N-D - C-H-E-N. Bundchen

  18. Where is shefrom? • She is fromBrazil.

  19. Howold is she? • She is 32 yearsold.

  20. What does she do? • She is a model.

  21. What is yourfavoritecolor? • Myfavoritecolor is ____.

  22. What is yourfavoritesport? • Myfavoritesport is ____.

  23. volleyball tennis basketball running soccer walking

  24. What is yourfavoriteband? • Myfavoriteband is ______.

  25. What is yourfavorite TV program? • Myfavorite TV program is ______.

  26. Who is yourfavoritesinger? • Myfavoritesinger is _____.

  27. Who is yourfavoriteactor/actress? • Myfavoriteactor/actress is _________.

  28. What is yourjob? • I am a student.

  29. What is yourfavoritefood? • Myfavoritefood is _______.

  30. What is yourfavoritedayoftheweek? • Myfavoriteday is ________.

  31. When is yourbirthday? • Mybirthday in onSeptember 2nd.

  32. Where do youlive? • I live in ______.

  33. Where do youstudy? • I study in ________.

  34. What do you do in yourfree time? • I watchtelevisionand I use the internet. Sometimes I sleep, too.

  35. When do youstudy? • I study in themorning. • I study in theafternoon. • I studyatnightatCilc.

  36. What do you do? • I am a student.

  37. Howmany brothers andsisters do youhave? • I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.

  38. What is hisname? • Hisname is David Beckham. • Where is hefrom? • He is fromEngland. • Howold is he? • He is 37 yearsold.

  39. Is hemarried? • Yes, he is. • What does he do? • He is a soccer player. • Whatlanguages does hehehehespeak? • He speaksEnglish.

  40. Where does he work? • He works in thestadium. • Does hehave a family? • Yes, he does. • Howmanychildren does hehave? • He has 4 children.

  41. What do you do in themorning? • I go to school in themorning.

  42. What does she do in themorning? • Shewatches TV in themorning.

  43. What do you do atnight? • I do myhomeworkatnight.

  44. What does he do atnight? • He uses thecomputeratnight.

  45. What do youlikedoing? • I lovereading books.

  46. What does helikedoing? • He likesplayingtennis.

  47. What does shelikedoing? • Shelikeswatchingtelevision.

  48. What does shelikedoing? • Shelikesswimming.

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