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PATHWAYS PROJECT 2015-2018. PArticipation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector-PATHWAYS 21st May 2015 Kick off Meeting - Luxembourg. Chafea – 3 rd Health Programme Multi-beneficiary Project Grant (HP-PJ, HP-JA). PATH WA Y S PRO JECT.
PATHWAYS PROJECT 2015-2018 PArticipation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector-PATHWAYS 21st May 2015 Kick off Meeting - Luxembourg Chafea – 3rd Health Programme Multi-beneficiary Project Grant (HP-PJ, HP-JA) PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Project title:PArticipation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector Project Acronym: PATHWAYS Starting date: 1st May 2015 Duration in months: 36 PATHWAYS directly contributes to the 2014 Work Programme by focusing on action regarding the development of innovative approaches to promote the professional integration and reintegration of people with chronic diseases and improve their employability. The main objective of this action is “to identify innovative strategies to adapt the workplace to the needs of people with chronic diseases and to improve their integration or reintegration into the workplace”. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
EU PATHWAYS CONSORTIUM PATHWAYS PROJECT 12 PARTNERS 10 COUNTRIES PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT The question why people with chronic diseases experience difficulties is crucial to plan strategies and interventions to increase their participation in the labour force. This question was addressed in studies showing that employment problems among chronically ill persons are not only impairment-related, but also connected to socio-demographic and psychological factors, attitudes and beliefs, disclosure, job demands, organizational factors and macro-economic factors Despite the evidence on the substantial negative impact of chronic diseases on employment, the framework of employment needs of people with chronic diseases is not always clear PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
Employmen rates are still very low for people with chronic and mental diseases Cancer survivors are 1.4 times more likely to be unemployed that healthy people (De Boer et al.2011)20-30% of workers with mental disorders experience recurrent sickness absence (Arends et al. 2013)25% of young people with disabilities find work, only 9%retain at work for >12 months ( Holwerda et al 2013)
PATHWAYS PROJECT Legal framework of chronically ill individuals and employment (1/2) Universal Declaration of Human Rights Art. 23.1: “everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment”. Art. 25.1: “everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, (…) and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability (…) or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities As stated by art. 27 (Work and Employment) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the right to work applies to people with disabilities, defined in art. 1 through a broad definition of disability that includes persons with chronic diseases. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Legal framework of chronically ill individuals and employment (2/2) The Luxembourg Declaration on Workplace Health Promotionin the European Union states that “Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work” . This can be achieved by improving the work organisation and the working environment, promoting active participation, and encouraging personal growth. Multiple definitions for disability are used that include access to benefits, services and to employment. Chronic illness is rarely defined separately. Thus, it seems very important to extend the research and monitor the legal frameworks in European and extra-European countries. PATHWAYS, on the one hand, will contribute to the description of the existing legal framework of chronic disease in the European countries and on the other hand it will develop guidelines that can be translated in new legislative indications. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Persons with chronic diseases often encounter work-related problems, such as unemployment, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and stigmatization in the workplace. The rising prevalence of chronic diseases and the current period of economic crisis make these problems even more serious. • In response to these issues, that have negative consequences at individual, national and European levels, PATHWAYS aims to • identify existing integration and re-integration strategies in the workplace • determine their effectiveness • assess the employment-related needs of persons with chronic diseases and mental disorders, so to identify gaps in services tailored to them • develop policy recommendations to improve European strategies for integration and reintegration into the workplace. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Objectives of the Project General Objective The general aim of PATHWAYS is to identify innovative strategies to adapt the workplace to the needs of people with chronic disease and to improve their integration or reintegration into the workplace. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Aims and objectives of the Project Specific objectives Mapping of available professional integration and reintegration strategies for people with chronic diseases and mental disorders in Europe To critically assess the level of evidence for the effectiveness of integration and re-integration into work strategies current available in Europe To examine specific employment needs of people with chronic diseases: gaps and unmet needs To create guidelines supporting the implementation of available effective professional integration and reintegration strategies for people with chronic diseases in the broader European context PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Pathways Project Target groups • Persons suffering from chronic diseases • Representatives of advocacy groups and NGOs • Employers • Governments and policy makers • European Commission • International Organizations (ILO, WHO, OECD). PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Expected Outcomes The final outcome of PATHWAYS project will be the development of guidelines supporting the implementation of strategies to improve the employment situation of persons with chronic diseases, taking into account the knowledge acquired in the different phases regarding the availability of strategies, the users of these services, their effectiveness, and the met and unmet employment needs of persons with chronic diseases. Together, these guidelines will provide a comprehensive overview of the steps that need to be taken to improve the employment situation of persons with chronic diseases and mental disorders in Europe, supporting policy makers in their decision-making processes. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT Expected Outcomes The involvement of relevant stakeholders and employers will facilitate the transferability of the strategies in the workplaces and will guarantee that they match employees’ needs. The policy recommendations will give clear and concrete directions, so that governments can make choices towards a better and wider participation of people with chronic disease in the labour market. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT A PATHWAYS final conference will conclude the project, presenting the results to the scientific community, policy makers, advocacy groups and other relevant stakeholders, in order to provide them with a complete framework of the existing situation and also of the ways to implement services and develop new kind of interventions. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474
PATHWAYS PROJECT In sum, PATHWAYS will meet the priority of the 2014 Work Program, by harmonizing available information on integration and reintegration strategies and their effectiveness, identifying the users of such services and their employment-related needs, discovering potential gaps and problems in any of these areas, and providing specific policy recommendations for developing EU-level policies and legislation aimed to improve the employment situation of persons with chronic diseases in Europe. PATHWAYS PROJECT PATHWAYS project has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) Grant agreement n. 663474