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VD-M Metro Networks Technical Meeting Cannes, 27th Sept 2006

VD-M Metro Networks Technical Meeting Cannes, 27th Sept 2006. Evi Zouganeli Telenor R&D. Agenda. 13:00                Welcome and Agenda (Evi Zouganeli) 13:05                 PoliMi: Active components & technologies for metro (K Ennser)

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VD-M Metro Networks Technical Meeting Cannes, 27th Sept 2006

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  1. VD-M Metro NetworksTechnical MeetingCannes, 27th Sept 2006 Evi Zouganeli Telenor R&D

  2. Agenda • 13:00                Welcome and Agenda (Evi Zouganeli) • 13:05                 PoliMi: Active components & technologies for metro (K Ennser) • 13:20                SSSUP: MPLS over optical Ethernet: reliability and traffic eng • performance (F Cugini) • 13:35                AGH: MPLS/ RPR/ ASON/ metro technoeconomics (J Derkacz) • 13:50                AIT: The use of electronics in enhancing performance of metro • networks (D Klonidis) • 14:05                FUB: WiMax in Italy (F Matera) • 14:20                break • 14:30 GET: Current activities and future work (P Gravey) • 14:45                BUTE: The role of Ethernet in Metro (A Kern) • 14:55                Telenor: Broadband multi-access metro networks (E Zouganeli) • 15:05 PoliTo: Optical packet switched metro networks (J Finochietto) • 15:20                Discussion: • Key issues in metro • Future activities • Joint papers • Next technical workshop (focus, venue) • 16:00                End

  3. Involved Partners

  4. VD-M Advisory Board Massimo Canali Alcatel Filippo Cugini SSSUP Jan Derkacz AGH Philippe Gravey GET Slavisa Aleksic TUW Francesco Matera FUB

  5. VD Commitments • N° meetings and workhops: 4 technical meetings and workshops • N° Joint papers aim at over 10 joint papers • N° mobility actions over 4 mobility actions in two years • N° joint project proposals aim at minimum one joint proposal per year

  6. Technical Objectives Trends • Move towards primarily packet based services • Broadband access • Mobility requirements • Next Generation Network: seamless access irrespective of access medium and terminal (fixed mobile convergence, terminal and service convergence) Metro characteristics • end-client proximity  highly dynamic traffic patterns relatively low degree of aggregation • a large number of services media and interfaces • requirements for large bandwidth and for large flexibility • availability of fibre and of several diverse players in the metro market opportunity space for optical switching

  7. Milestones • M.VD-M.1 [T0+2] Designation of the VD advisory board, and draft list of actions • M.VD-M.2 [T0+4] First plenary technical meeting: checklist on integration of activities, proposals for joint publications and preliminary list of key issues in the VD research area • M.VD-M.3 [T0+18] Second plenary technical meeting: summary of integration activities, and proposal for further actions; includes technical workshop on VD-M topics

  8. Deliverables • D.VD-M.1 [T0+5] List of VD-M key issues and planned activities • D.VD-M.2 [T0+12] Yearly VD-M technical report, including collection of published joint papers • D.VD-M.3 [T0+18] VD-M report on the e-Photon/ONe+ viewpoint on technologies, architectures and protocols for optical metro networks, including list of key issues • D.VD-M.4 [T0+24] Yearly VD-M technical report, including collection of published joint papers

  9. List of actions/tasks • Finalise Advisory Board • Revision of key issues in metro • Overview of partners’ technical focus • Identify areas of focus for the VD • Topics for integration work • Topics for larger joint papers • Workshops

  10. E1: Metro - Key technical issues • Optimum network architectures and topologies • Fairness and QoS provisioning issues for metro networks • Optical packet switched network solutions for metro • Control plane evolution • Low cost components and technologies • Network evolution studies

  11. E2: Key technical issues - current list (1) node and network architectures and technologies • Metro architectures, technologies: comparisons, including cost efficiency • Metro – access boundary: where should it be • Key components • Switching nodes for metro performance requirements • Mapping of video services; influence of new service types on metro

  12. E2: Key technical issues - current list (2) management and control • Dynamic traffic routing to support modern multimedia services • Bandwidth management aggregation and transport • Management and control, traffic eng. For efficient allocation of bw guaranteed services over MPLS • T-MPLS • Use of electronics at the edge against impairments • Strategies towards optical metro; migration studies

  13. activities • Topics for integration work • Evolution of Ethernet (Tibor Cinkler) • OPS/OBS metro (Jorge Finochietto) • Traffic Engineering, dynamic allocation of QoS traffic (F Cugini) Prepare a short description of the activity

  14. activities • Topics for integration work • Evolution of Ethernet (Tibor Cinkler) • OPS/OBS metro (Jorge Finochietto) • Traffic Engineering, dynamic allocation of QoS traffic (F Cugini) • Topics for larger joint papers • Evolution of Ethernet • Workshops?

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