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IMP5 aims to integrate codes for ECRH, LHCD, ICRH, NBI, alpha particles, and instabilities in fusion research, focusing on detailed physics computations. Collaboration with IMP3 and IMP12 for equilibriums and test shots. TORBEAM, TORIC, NEMO codes discussed.
13/09/2010 IMP5 2010 overviewD Farina, T Jonsson, G Vlad, L-G ErikssonTF Leader : P. Strand, Deputies: L-G. Eriksson, R. Coelho, G. FalchettoEFDA CSU Contact Person: D. Kalupinhttps://www.efda-itm.eu/~wwwimp3/TEST/ITM/html/imp5_public.html
IMP5 goals Codes in the field of ECRH, LHCD, ICRH, NBI, alpha particles and fast particle interaction with instabilities are being integrated in the ITM framework, with the goal to have at least one module for each physics area at two levels: one basic and less detailed, enabling fast computations, providing, e.g., sources for the ETS code, i.e., profiles of power transferred to electrons and ions and driven current densities, dP/dV and Jcd one advanced, but computationally expensive, enabling detailed computations of the distribution functions of electrons and ions during heating and current drive, ultimately incorporating non-linear effects of instabilities. Point 1 is IMP5 priority within 2010, at least for a few codes in each field 2
IMP5-ACT1: Code adaptation • Task moved to Priority Support in February 2010 • 10 Associations, 17 applications • Code catalogue done in February 2010: • 21 codes • different status of the codes wrt integration with ITM, some already Kepler actor, others adapted to ITM tools within 2010 • almost all fields covered, missing FP code for electrons EC+LH • Code status (15 IMP5 codes listed), see: • http://solps-mdsplus.aug.ipp.mpg.de:8080/ITM 4
Fast particle codes Work on code MARS (prototype of the MHD module of the hybrid code) is almost completed. Porting of linear stability codes for Alfvén Modes driven by energetic particles (LEMAN, LIGKA) scheduled by December 2010 7
IMP5 codes and test shots IMP5 codes have quite demanding requests from equilibrium, kinetic profiles and atomic data etc., and require inputs from IMP3, and IMP12 mainly. Main INPUT CPOs for IMP5 codes: equilibrium (2D), kinetic profiles, … Initially stuck because no full test cases to work with, and not consistent or empty CPOs In April 2010, first test shots provided by IMP3 especially for IMP5: 5/62-63-64, with equilibrium from EMEQ-BDSEQ-HELENA. Only 5/64 (HELENA case) had enough filled CPOs to run IMP5 codes requiring 2D equilibrium. Intense debugging work started, some inconsistencies found in the CPOS. 8
IMP5 codes and test shots Very fruitful collaboration with IMP12 to crosscheck and test equilibrium CPOs required byIMP5 codes. A list of issues has been addressed and solved in collaboration with IMP12 & IMP3. During July CC, new 4.08a test shots available from IMP3 (with equilibrium augmenter), on which a few IMP5 codes have been tested successfully (5-67 ) open/pending problems: Interpolation tools (Cross Project Session Tuesday morning) a few equilibrium CPOs still missing … 9
TORBEAM TORBEAM compiles and runs on gateway (NAG free version: weakly relativistic absorption working, fully relativistic close to completion) Magnetic equilibrium (BR, Bϕ, BZ, ψ) and profiles (ne, Te vs. ψ) from CPOs Test run for shot 5-67 (4.08a), first time slice, shown below; benchmark with GRAY under way poster Polii, IPP, Garching
GRAY A Kepler actor has been built for the quasi-optical EC ray tracing code GRAY, The code reads inputs from CPOS (equilibrium, coreprof, and antennas) and writes output into WAVES CPO. Main outputs: dP/dV, Jcd(ETS sources) TEST SHOT 5-64 ITER-like parameters: EC beam, f=170 Ghz tor. inj. angle b=20º beam waist=3 cm poster Farina, Figini, IFP-CNR, Milano
FPSIM The Fokker-Planck code FPSIM (time dependent solver including simplified models of anisotropy and finite orbit width effect) has been made a Kepler actor. The code is running a Kepler workflow (generic for ICRF and NBI stand alone simulations, e.g. for validation purposes) Mock-up ICRF deposition; next step is to use EVE FPSIM in composite actor Time evolution of collisional power transfer to ions and electrons for an ITER test case prepared by ETS Pce, Pci Energy content of resonating species (3He)DT Eriksson, EC Brussels
EVE EVE (full-wave ICRF code) has been split as a kernel + a separate set of drivers / wrappers • 1) Standalone driver • Executable on various architectures • Communicates through namelists and NetCDF files • 2) ITM wrapper (new) • Either executable (eve_itm) or library (libeve_itm.a) • Communicates through CPOs (UAL version 4.08a) KEPLER actor generated (08/2010) – still being tested R. Dumont, CEA Cadarache 13
TORIC • Last release of TORIC installed in the gateway as standalone • The code runs in a Kepler workflow • TORIC can be used as a routine in ETS R. Bilato, IPP, Garching 14
NEMO Example of NBI test workflow Run from 0.1s to 2s with t = 0.2s to be written in local database shot #50002. t = t + t "NBISETUP" actor: fills "nbi" CPO "NEMO" actor: fills "distsource" CPO Time slice management CPO readout from local database shot #50065: time, coreprof, equilibrium Output CPO "distsource" written in local database shot #50002 poster M Schneider, CEA Cadarache 15
ACT2: IMP5 data structure • 4.08a includes major non backward compatible changes in all IMP5 CPOs. • 2 new CPOs: • NBI: neutral beam system (inside injector) • DISTSOURCE: fast ion source for NBI & alphas • ANTENNAS; ICRF antennas added • FP (Fokker-Planck) renamed to DISTRIBUTION; major changes • WAVES; major changes • Definition of driven current changed in WAVES/PROFILES_1D to agree with ETS definitionJ// = <J B> / B0, with B0 reference value • In the next version (4.08b): • a few more quantities will be added • AND • arrays of structures in WAVES CPOs 16
ACT4: Development 3d FP solver • Need for ion code for NBI, ICRF, alpha particles including wide orbits • What type of code to build? Monte Carlo/Finite Diff. / Finite elem. AND Orbit averaged / Orbit following DECISION: Extend available codes by adding ICRF • SPOT & ASCOT: Orbit following Monte Carlo – write generic ICRF library RFOF • FIDIT: Orbit averaged finite difference– write ICRF operator • Draft version of RFOF linked to ASCOT • RFOF can: find resonance location; give ICRF kicks; produce MeV ions Predicted resonance Fast particle pressure builds up round the resonance layer (dashed line) Distribution function z R Energy [keV] R Time Fast ion pressure 17 1 z [m] 0 -1 3.0 3.5 R [m]
ACT3-5: Fast particle codes (1) • Linear Physics • Benchmarking of linear MHD codes to assess Alfvén Eigenmode (AE) and Energetic Particle Mode (EPM) stability thresholds: • LEMAN and LIGKA codes are under modification in order to be ported to the Gateway (scheduled by December 2010) • Benchmark cases from ITPA-Energetic particle Physics Topical Group have been chosen (thanks to ITPA) and will be made available on the Gateway for benchmarking 18
Fast particle codes (2) • Nonlinear Physics • Code development for global stability analyses of Alfvén Eigenmode (AE) and Energetic Particle Mode (EPM) in realistic geometries and in the presence of non-perturbative fast ion excitations: • HYMAGYC, the new Hybrid MHD-GK code (full MHD, general curvilinear coordinate system, fully gyrokinetics): • parallelization with a OpenMP (inter-node) + MPI (intra-node) scheme • run as standalone program on the Gateway • MHD module fully integrated with equilibrium CPOs (thanks to IMP12 collaboration) • Fast particles module currently under testing • integration with fast particles CPOs to be done • new developments on HMGC (Hybrid MHD Gyrokinetic Code, simple circular shifted magnetic surface geometry, reduced MHD, guiding-center Vlasov equation for fast particles with orbit width retained): • description of equilibrium fast particle distribution function in the space of constant of motion • the new version of HMGC can have two species of kinetic particleswith different (anisotropic)distribution functions (e.g., slowing down (NBI, alphas) and bi-maxwellian (ICRH)) • added thermal ion compressibility and diamagnetic effects in addition to Energetic Particles kinetic behaviours (eXtended HMGC, XHMGC) poster 19
Conclusions • More than 20 codes in the project: • almost all codes already ported to the gateway • stand-alone version for many codes • KEPLER actor built for 5 codes, now under test • Extensive “debugging” and testing work done for equilibrium and coreprof CPOs within IMP5 codes • IMP5 datastructure strongly revised and updated • Work on the development of a 3d FP solver remarkably advanced • IMP5 is ready to provide ETS with real heating and current drive modules 20
Perspectives • Future Plans : • provide EC, IC and NBI sources for ETS • build and test more kepler actors • integrate the available Kepler actors in workflows • start benchmark activities: • new scenarios required for testing, corresponding to quite different physical conditions / tokamaks • start code documentation 21
IMP5 posters • In the poster session: • TORBEAM (Bertelli, Poli) • TORAY-FOM (Westerhof) • GRAY (Figini) • 3d Fokker-Planck code (Jonsson) • NEMO code (Schneider) • NBI ASCOT module (Asunta) • Fast particle codes (Vlad) 22