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Lesson 1 Living in a community

Lesson 1 Living in a community. 林梅芬. community drummer furnished bachelor expose alcoholic adolescent council. n. 社区 n. 鼓手 adj. 配有家具的 n. 未婚男子 , 单身汉 vt. 显露 n. 酗酒者 , 酒鬼 adj. 青少年的 , 青春期的 n. 委员会. Words preview. chorus departure lounge suite classify maid laundry.

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Lesson 1 Living in a community

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  1. Lesson 1 Living in a community 林梅芬

  2. community drummer furnished bachelor expose alcoholic adolescent council n. 社区 n. 鼓手 adj. 配有家具的 n. 未婚男子, 单身汉 vt. 显露 n. 酗酒者, 酒鬼 adj. 青少年的, 青春期的 n. 委员会 Words preview

  3. chorus departure lounge suite classify maid laundry n. 异口同声的话; 合唱 n. 离开, 离去 n. 休息室 n. 套房 vt. 把……分类 n. 女佣 n. 要洗的衣服, 洗衣 Words preview

  4. tailor fortnight adolescence antique statesman bedding bungalow smog n. 裁缝 n. 两星期 n. 青少年时期 n. 古董 n. 政治家 n. 床上用品 n. 平房 n. 烟雾 Words preview

  5. bid … goodbye be exposed to in a flash 向……告别 处于可能受伤害的 境遇 瞬间, 即刻 Expressions preview

  6. Discussion The relationship between neighbours Good deeds

  7. Bad deeds

  8. Skimming to get general ideas

  9. Skimming Reading Comprehension I Who is Yang Ming? A drummer for the rock band “Storm”. Who is James McKay? An eighty-year-old retired tailor.

  10. bid something (somebody) goodbye (good morning) 向某事(某人)告别(问候) Ten days later, they bade their home goodbye and headed for the city. 10天后, 他们告别了家乡, 动身前往城市。 She bade me good morning when she met me yesterday. 昨天她遇到我时向我道了一声早安。

  11. make complaints about complain about The mother complains about her son’s laziness. loss of sth. 损失, 遗失 loss of a patent 专利权丧失

  12. Seldom has drumming caused such conflict. … rarely did they get a full night’s sleep. 这两个句子都是倒装句。否定副词放在 句首,句子用部分倒装,把助动词放在 主语的前面。 在我一生中,从没听过这样的事。 我最近很少见到他。 Never in my life have I heard such a thing. Seldom / Rarely have I met him recently.

  13. influence on / upon sb. (sth.) 对某人/某物的影响 What exactly is the influence of television on children? 电视对儿童究竟有什么影响? Those friends are a bad influence on her. 那些朋友对她有负面的影响。

  14. …, but it is the fact that people have classified his music as “noise” that upsets him most. ……但他最伤心的是人们将他的音乐归类为“噪音”。 这是一个强调句,强调的是主语fact, 而后面的从句that people have classified his music as “noise”是fact的同位语。

  15. in a flash = suddenly = all at once 刹那间, 立刻, 马上 I’ll be back in a flash. 我马上就回来。 The plane disappeared in a flash. 刹那间飞机就不见了。

  16. Scanning to get detail information

  17. Scanning Drummer hits the road Reading Comprehension II 1. Yang Ming had to move because his neighbours made complaints about loss of sleep.

  18. 2. Though his music is noisy at sleeping time, people still appreciate his music skills. 3. The neighbours thought Yang Ming set a good example to the young. 4. Yang Ming’s neighbours were driven mad by his music. 5. Yang Ming affected his neighbours so badly that the local council take action to punish him.

  19. Scanning Reading Comprehension III Questions • Does Yang Ming own any of his furniture? How do you know? • 2. How did Yang Ming keep his neighbours up at night? No. He was staying in a furnished apartment. By drumming and throwing parties.

  20. 3. Why did a neighbour think Yang Ming was a bad influence on his son? 4. Do you think that Yang Ming has a lot of money? Why? He said Yang Ming drank too much. Yes. He is living in a suite in a hotel.

  21. Scanning Grandpa jailed after one shower too many Reading Comprehension IV Questions 1. How many days had Keith Smith lived above the Mckays before he got into trouble with them? 14 days.

  22. 2. Are there lots of candles on Mr Mckay’s birthday cake? How do you know? Yes. He is 80 years old and his wife said the candles were “a great sight”. 3. Why didn’t Mr Mckay get to blow them out? Mr Smith emptied a tank of water over the cake putting out the candles.

  23. Read the first newspaper report. Whose side are you on, the drummer’s or his neighbours? Why? Do you think Mr Mckay should have been put in jail? Discuss with a partner.

  24. Quiz I: Fill in the blanks. get a full night’s sleep, loss of sleep, cause a conflict Loss of sleep • ____________ can lead to many kinds • of diseases. • 2. He did extra work last night, so he wanted to ____________________ tonight. • 3. The workers who were on strike _______________ with the policemen. get a full night’s sleep caused a conflict

  25. Quiz II: Translation 你没什么可抱怨的。 You've got nothing to complain about. 学校生活对小孩个性的形成有很大影响。 School life has a great influence on the formation of a child's character.  她突然来了一阵灵感,答案想出来了。 The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 

  26. Thank you!

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