1. Promotion of Social Inclusion
People in Need
Jan Líska
2. Programmes of Social Integration Since 1999 offering services of field social work in socially excluded localities across the Czech Republic (15 munic.)
4. target group long-term unemployment
poor housing conditions
living in slums (socially excluded localities)
dependency on social benefits
limited awareness of one's own rights
mostly Roma
5. Project's fast facts name of the project:
Promotion of Social Inclusion
budget: 450.000,- € (12.327.000,- Kc)
period of realisation: 1.1.2006 – 31.7.2007
localities: Plzen, Chomutov, Ústí nad Labem, Kladno, Sokolov, Liberec a Bílina.
donator: OP HRD (ESF, MoLSA)
6. key idea: INTERCONNECT the key players
7. activity I. Social and legal counselling counselling and assistance in solving complex of problems
individual sanitation plans
information and counselling on local social services
information and counselling on potential job opportunities
motivation work (barrier elimination on client's side)
intermediation of employment
assistance in gaining and retaining a job (processing application forms)
assistance and representation in dealing with public institutions
legal counselling
counselling and assistance in solving complex of problems
(debts, social benefits, housing condition, education connected to employment opportunities)
individual sanitation plans (definition of problems, definition of steps, sequence of steps, terms and tasks, evaluation)counselling and assistance in solving complex of problems
(debts, social benefits, housing condition, education connected to employment opportunities)
individual sanitation plans (definition of problems, definition of steps, sequence of steps, terms and tasks, evaluation)
8. activity II. Local management of employment opportunities monitoring of local employment opportunities
monitoring of local voluntary work opportunities
monitoring of local practical trainings opportunities
employment opportunities workshops
communication and co-operation
with potentional employers
(barrier elimination on employer's
9. activity III. Coordination of local social services monitoring of local social and counselling services
monitoring of local opportunities of professional education (qualification and requalification courses)
exchange of information with local social services
communication and co-operation with public institutions (barrier elimination on public institution's side)
10. activity IV:Methodology of employment counselling
an expert group prepares the methodology that may help replicate the project's know -how to other areas.
11. Project´s statistics number of clients involved (at least one contract): 329
number of contracts: 459
types of contracts: intermediation of employment (80%), assistance in attending of requalification course (4,5%), assistance in retaing job (3%), assistance with social benefits claims (2%)
number of successful contracts: 211
proportion of successful contracts: 46%
12. Challenges client: motivation to work legally
public authorities: patience in overcoming stereotype conception
lack of employment opportunities (poor qualification of clients)
13. Impact finding a job is a major step out of social exclusion
good example for others
saving public funds (social benefits)
promotion of local economical growth
stereotype overcoming
14. Innovation focus on employment
complexity of services
interconnectivity of key players
prevention of social problems = economical effectiveness
15. Practical tips individual approach
communication in team
16. Thank you