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East or West KC is the Best

Explore the essence of Bhakti philosophy through Vedic scriptures, unveiling the systematic relationship, practice, and goal of love for God. Discover the transformative power of love and the path to spiritual enlightenment.

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East or West KC is the Best

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Presentation Transcript

  1. East or West KC is the Best

  2. veda-shastrakahe— ‘sambandha’, ‘abhidheya’, ‘prayojana’ ‘krishna’—prapyasambandha, ‘bhakti’—praptyerasadhana abhidheya-nama ‘bhakti’, ‘prema’—prayojana purushartha-shiromani premamaha-dhana

  3. Realizations in the Journey of Life • Material life: Realization of value-lessness • Spiritual life: Realization of value-ableness

  4. Three Types of Paths Exclusivism: “My way is the only right way” Pluralism: “All ways are right.” Inclusivism: There is one way with various levels on it

  5. Uniqueness of Vedic revelation • Systematic SambandhaJnana: • With whom should I develop a relationship? Why? • What happens if I don’t? Why? • Practical, clear, potent Abhidheya: • What is the process by which I can transfer my love from krishnetara to Krishna? • Endearing, captivating Prayojana: • What happens when I develop my love for God?

  6. Sambandhawithwhat? Materialism: Possessions, Positions, People ReligiousMaterialism: God as meanstoabovethings Scientism: Particles Impersonalism: Nothing Bhakti: God

  7. Who looks more attractive: God or Man?

  8. The Mystery of Lila Hero – Krishna Director – Yoga-Maya Script-Writer – Krishna

  9. Revealed Scriptures Mundane Literature H1-05

  10. Vedic Scriptures (Shruti) Revealed Scriptures H1-05

  11. Smriti Shruti H1-05

  12. Vaishnava Smriti Smriti H1-05

  13. Shrimad Bhagavatam Vaishnava Smriti H1-05

  14. Dashama Skanda Shrimad Bhagavatam H1-05

  15. Goswami grantha (eg. CC) Dashama Skanda H1-05

  16. The Evolution ofSambandhaJnana • Mundane Literature • Revealed Scripture • Vedic Scripture (Shruti) • Smriti (Purana / Itihasa) • Vaishnava Smriti • ShrimadBhagavatam • DashamaSkandha • Goswami Grantha

  17. The Calamity of Impersonlism: Depict the highest revelation that can help us come out of Maya to itself be a product of Maya. Eg. Depicting medicine as poison

  18. Uniqueness of Vedic revelation • Systematic SambandhaJnana: • With whom should I develop a relationship? Why? • What happens if I don’t? Why? • Practical, clear, potent Abhidheya: • What is the process by which I can transfer my love from krishnetara to Krishna? • Endearing, captivating Prayojana: • What happens when I develop my love for God?

  19. Are good intentions good enough? Can willpower alone cure a disease? Eg. Cough, loose motion

  20. How Abhidheya Works

  21. The Progressive Revelation of Bhakti • Ramanuja: Continuous recollection of God Love is a kind of knowledge, bhakti – sadhana and phala • Madhva: Strong emotion of love accompanied by knowledge of God’s majesty • Nimbarka: Special kind of love, sadhana & phala • Vallabha: Love, Maryada and Pushti

  22. The Progressive Revelation of Bhakti Jiva Goswami: Bhakti is the essence of God’s int potency of bliss, which is his most important potency. Gaudiya Vaishnavism: Unparalleled sweetness

  23. The Five Hiding Places of Bhakti-Devi sadhu-saìga, nama-kirtana, bhagavata-shravana mathura-vasa, shri-murtirashraddhayasevana

  24. Uniqueness of Vedic revelation • Systematic Sambandha Jnana: • With whom should I develop a relationship? Why? • What happens if I don’t? Why? • Practical, clear, potent Abhidheya: • What is the process by which I can transfer my love from krishnetara to Krishna? • Endearing, captivating Prayojana: • What happens when I develop my love for God?

  25. East or West KC is the Best

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