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Animal Rights vs. Human Rights. Andrea Gomes, Lucía S aravia, Bruno Vargas . Animal Rights vs. Human Rights.
Animal Rights vs. HumanRights Andrea Gomes, Lucía Saravia, Bruno Vargas
Animal Rights vs. Human Rights • Human life versus animal life. This fundamental conflict of values, which was dramatized a few years ago when AIDS victims marched in support of research on animals, is still raging. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has just launched a campaign against Covance, Inc., a biomedical research lab in Vienna, Va., that uses animals for drug testing.
Human Rights What are Human Rights? Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. What are the most known human rights? • The most known human rights are freedom to change his religion or belief, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion .
What are rights? Rights are the law identifies that certain interests ought to be protected, even if infringing upon those interests would serve the interests of another person, or the interests of the greater good. When a person's legal right is violated by another party, then the right provides the person with a justified legal claim against the violating party.
Animal Rights Animal rightsis a topicthatveryoftengetsforgottenabout. Thewelfare of theanimalsdependsonourunderstanding, caring and takingaction. Theydeserveourhelp.
Animal Welfare A philosophy of stewardship ofanimals by people 1. Supports raising and using animals humanely and responsibly for food, fiber, labor, and medical research. 2. Manages animal populations by hunting; keeping animals in zoos and other educational venues.
SurveyResults • Wehave do a surveyanwe realizethatthe 75%=15% knowsthatanimalsahverights. • Someteachershavedecidedthatthelessrights of humans and animal thatpeopleobeyistherighttolive. • The 100%of teachersweinteviewsaidthattheyaren´t in favor of animal testing.
Human & Animal RightsOrganizations Worldwide: THLN(texas humane legislationnetwork), Peta, wispa, hsus, aspca, animal legal defencefund, animal concerns.org, born free USA, animal advocates, eotoworld, omct, BeyondIntractability, aapd, onu, and more. In Perú: Vida digna, entre patas, human advocates, Kuprofesors, and more.
Conclusions • Theconclutionwehaveisthatpeoplethinkthattheonlythingthathaverights are humans, butthey are wronganimalsalsohaverights. • People do notobeythemrightseithertheanimals. Weneedtochangethat. • Theonlywaytochangethatistoeducatechildren so weneedto be goodwitheveryonepeople and animalstohave a betterfuture.
Actions • CollectSignatures: wehavecolectedsignaturestoaprove a new lawforanimals and proclamatethe animal rights. 2. Help “Vida Digna” bysellingtheirproducts at the “Bazar Navideño”: wehelp vida digna bysellingtheirproducts(t shirtsanotherthings.)
Sources http://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/Peru.html http://focus.protectionline.org/-Protection-of-human-rights- http://civilliberty.about.com/od/uscivillibertie1/a/groups.htm http://www.humanrights.com/#/home http://www.youthforhumanrights.org/ http://www.omct.org/ http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/human_rights_protect/ http://www.geari.org/animal-rights-organizations.html http://www.humanrights.com/voices-for-human-rights/human-rights-organizations/non-governmental.html http://www.opposingviews.com/arguments/what-are-rights http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article4376.html