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Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights

Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights. Animal Welfare. It is a human responsibility that encompasses all aspects of animal well-being, including proper housing, management, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling, and when necessary humane euthanasia

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Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights

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  1. Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights

  2. Animal Welfare • It is a human responsibility that encompasses all aspects of animal well-being, including proper housing, management, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling, and when necessary humane euthanasia “Humans have the ethical obligation to care for animals”

  3. Animal Welfare • Seek to improve the treatment and well being of animals • Humans can interact with animals in entertainment industry • Support animal sports • Utilize scientific evidence to base animal care and handling guidelines

  4. Animal Welfare • Support raising and using animals humanely for food, fiber, labor, and medical research • Manages animal populations by hunting

  5. Animal Rights • Philosophical view that animals have rights similar or the same as humans • Some believe that humans do not have the right to use animals • Wish to ban all use of animals by humans “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, etc.”

  6. Animal Rights • Abolish by law animal research • Make vegetarian meals available at all public institutions, including schools • Eliminate animal agriculture

  7. Animal Rights • Outlaws predator control • Eliminate fur ranching • Prohibit hunting and fishing • End international trade of wildlife goods

  8. Animal Rights Animal Welfare

  9. Animal Liberation Animal Rights Animal Welfare Animal Exploitation

  10. Animal Liberation • Animal Equality “NO difference between humans and non-human animals”

  11. Animal Exploitation • No regard for health, safety or welfare of the animal “Animals are here to serve the needs of humans”

  12. Has there been a society shift among this spectrum?

  13. Society Shift • Anthropomorphism • Assigning human emotions and motivations to the actions of animals • Approximately 70% of pet owners consider their pets as family members

  14. Issues facing Animal Agriculture • Approximately 400 animal rights organizations operating in the US • Many of them have a lot of money and power • Animal law is the #1 growing area of law • Farm Animal Ag is the #1 target of many animal rights organizations

  15. Issues facing Animal Agriculture • Activists like the media • 1100 criminal acts causing $110 million of damage to the industry • Food industry is a prime target for terrorist attacks • Some groups buy stock in ag related and food companies

  16. “Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are ‘acceptable crimes’ when used for the animal cause.”-PETA Director

  17. “People are not YET making buying decisions based on animal welfare”

  18. Organizations

  19. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals • ASPCA is the oldest humane organization in the United States. • Their mission is "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States". • Primarily works with companion animal issues, such as pet care and animal cruelty and neglect http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer

  20. Animal Chaplains • Services offered: • Pet loss grief support • Animal memorial services • Praying for animals who are sick or injured • Comforting bereaved family members • Holding hands of owners during surgery • Performing animal blessing ceremonies

  21. Animal Chaplains • No legal standards for training • Usually services are free of charge http://www.animalclergy.com/

  22. Animal Protection Institute • A national, non profit animal advocacy organization • Advocate for the protection of animals from cruelty and exploitation. “Saving Animals is Our Reason for Being” • Primary Campaign issues : • Animals used in entertainment • Captive exotic animals • Companion animals • Farmed animals • Wildlife protection

  23. API Cont. • Achieve significant results working with state and local legislatures • Passed laws concerning private possession of exotic animals. • Operate an Primate Sanctuary in Dilley, TX http://www.api4animals.org/

  24. Animal Welfare Institute • Charitable organization founded with the goal of “reducing pain and fear inflicted on animals by humans.” • Major area of emphasis is factory farms. • AWI speaks out against the “cruelty” and promotes small, humane, independent family farms that follow the organizations standards.

  25. AWI cont. • Only family farms can earn the Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) seal. • Welfare of farmed animals is related to the extent to which they can adapt without suffering to environments designed by humans. • Standards are based on the Five Freedoms.

  26. AWI cont. • Five Freedoms: • Freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition • Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort • Freedom from pain, injury, and disease • Freedom to express normal behavior • Freedom from fear and distress http://www.awionline.org/

  27. Christian Vegetarian Association • International, non-denominational Christian ministry • Promotes responsible stewardship of God’s creation through plan-based eating. • Biblically based Christian perspective that sees dietary choice as a valid way to bear witness

  28. Christian Humanist and Rationalists (CHR-IST) • Unique family of independent international progressive ministries • “integrating skepticism with theory”

  29. Compassion in World Farming • European based animal welfare charitable organization. • Founded by a dairy farmer in response to the growth in factory farming. • Campaigns against the live export of animals, inhumane slaughter, and systems of factory farming • Promotes organic and free range animal produce, vegetarianism, general reduction in consumption of meat as ways to reduce animal suffering http://www.ciwf.org/

  30. Humane Society of the United States • Washington, DC based animal welfare advocacy group • Largest animal welfare group in the world • Nearly 10 million members • Budget of $103 million

  31. HSUS cont. • HSUS aims are to: • Reduce the over-breeding of cats and dogs • Halt the suffering and death of animals for fur trade. • End the killing of marine mammals for commercial, sport, ceremonial, or management. • Reform and eliminate cruelty and abuse in the raising, transporting, marketing, and slaughter of animals used for food • Outlaw dog, cock, and bull fighting

  32. HSUS cont.http://www.hsus.org/ • Promote biomedical research methods • Protect endangered wildlife and marine mammals and their habitat • End the cruelty, brutality, and suffering caused by commercial and recreational hunting and trapping. • Halt destructive international trade in wildlife • Stop abuse of animals trained for or used in movies, TV, circus, and other entertainment • Many more…

  33. League Against Cruel Sports • Animal welfare organization that campaigns against blood sports. (fox hunting and hare coursing) • Seeks regulation of greyhound racing and an END to commercial game shooting and trophy hunting. • A number of members and high ranks within the organization defected to the pro-hunting and “Middle Way” side of the argument. http://www.league.org.uk/

  34. Animal Liberty • Dedicated to the preservation of animal rights • Comprehensive statement: • We the non-human beings of Earth, as that you treat us with dignity. Remember you are animals as we are, our desires are no different than your own. • We seek life, happiness and freedom from fear just as you do. • Help us not to over procreate, we cannot do this ourselves; it is part of your stewardship.

  35. Animal Liberation Front Beagles removed by British ALF activists from a testing laboratory owned by the Boots Group. The ALF action ended with Boots deciding to sell the lab. Linda McCartney bought the remaining beagles from the company for £8,000[1] and found homes for them.

  36. ALF cont. • ALF is a name used internationally by animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf of animals. • “Any direct action that furthers the cause of animal liberation, where all reasonable precautions are take not to endanger life, may be claimed as ALF action”

  37. ALF ‘s Aims • To inflict economic damage on those who profit from the misery and exploitation of animals • To liberate animals from places of abuse. ie. Labs, factory farms, fur farms • To reveal the horror and atrocities committed against animals behind locked doors. • To take all necessary precautions against harming any animal, human and non-human • Any group of people who are vegetarians or vegans and who carry out actions according to Alf guidelines have the right to regard themselves as part of the ALF

  38. We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions and organs with our own, and fill the slaughterhouses daily with screams of fear and pain. I sometimes think, would I drink the milk from the breast of a woman I don't know? No. So I think, why would I drink it from a cow. All the arguments to prove man's superiority can not shatter this hard fact: In suffering, the animals are our equals. You know, we all oppose animal cruelty. But sometimes we forget that animals on farms suffer and feel pain like all other animals. They, too, deserve to be protected from harm and cruelty.

  39. The aftermath of an ALF attack on Cherryfield Ltd, a pork producer in Croydon, near London. ALF cont. • Considers itself as the modern-day equivalent of the Underground Railroad, with activists removing animals from labs and farms. • Operate clandestinely and independently; activists working on a need-to-know basis. • In January 2005 the United States Department of Homeland Security names ALF as a terrorist threat

  40. Consumer Freedom • http://consumerfreedom.com/

  41. Assignment • Find 5 other organizations and determine where they fit on the “welfare-rights” spectrum • Briefly discuss the principles of the organizations you chose • Due Thursday September 6th

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