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Co-patenting and inventive performance: in search of the proximity paradox. Lorenzo Cassi Université Paris 1, CES & OST Anne Plunket Université Paris Sud 11, ADIS. Geographical (and other forms of) proximity and networks. Aim of the paper:
Co-patenting and inventive performance: in search of the proximity paradox Lorenzo Cassi Université Paris 1, CES & OST Anne Plunket Université Paris Sud 11, ADIS
Geographical (and other forms of) proximity and networks Aim of the paper: • Consider the joint impact of network and proximity factors and • Contrast their impact on • Collaboration through co-inventor dyad formation • Inventive performance through forward citations
Geographical (and other forms of) proximity and networks The role of geographical proximity • Knowledge diffusion and innovation are highly localized and embedded in industrial clusters • Long studied through knowledge externalities and their impact on knowledge creation (Jaffe, 1989; Audretsch and Feldaman, 1996) • Under what conditions individuals and firms benefit from knowledge externalities? The role of networks as Channels of knowledge diffusion • Social proximity : individuals need to be embedded in networks: knowledge flows follow inter-personal links build through mobility, co-ethnicity, friendship, etc. (Almeida & Kogut, 1999; Agrawal et al., 2008; Breschi and Lissoni, 2009;) • Networks are local to the extent that individuals are not very mobile (Breschi and Lissoni, 2009) • Other forms of proximity mediate knowledge diffusion: organizational and technological proximity(Boschma, 2005, Nooteboom, et al. 2007)
Geographical (and other forms of) proximity and networks Other forms of proximity: substitutes or complements • Other forms of proximity mediate knowledge diffusion • organizational proximity and technological proximity (Boschma, 2005) • Social, organizational and geographical proximity are substitutes: similar roles in favoring learning and knowledge sharing In sum: • Individuals need proximity to become connected, to share knowledge • Various forms of proximity may act as substitutes or complements • Individuals need to be embedded in networks What about network positions ?
Networks and knowledge Network positions are important to access knowledge and resources: • Closure positions (= within component)- Coleman, 1988 • Share social proximity : have partners in common ; closure positions are highly localized (TerWal, 2011) • Cohesive networks: reduce coordination cost and promotes trust and collaboration • Risk of redundancy: similar knowledge bases and technological skills • Bridging positions (=across components) - Burt, 1992 • Brokerage position: link between separate components; channel across clusters • Access non redundant and novel sources of information and knowledge • Promote creativity and provide opportunities for novel combinations • “Weak ties”: difficult to coordinate and mobilize (but possibly compensated through other forms of proximity to reduce uncertainty)
The proximity paradox? • Network relations and proximity are “facilitators” of coordination, knowledge sharing and diffusion, they do not necessarily favor innovative performance (Boschma and Frenken, 2009) • Too much proximity may be harmful for innovation • Technological capabilities and cognitive/technological proximity play a more prominent role (Nooteboom, et al. 2007, Broekeland Boschma, 2011)
Data and network construction method • EPO patents in genomics (1990-2006) – ANR Corpus genomic with OST-INRA-ADIS - from Patstat • All co-inventor dyads between inventors reporting a European postal address (EU15 and Switzerland and Norway- 12,968 patents – 4406 applicants – 24,708 inventors • Network built using five-year windows (links die out): network in 1994 is built on patents published between 1990 and 1994 • All ties and potential ties • To avoid simultaneity biases, we consider all proximity determinants with a lag of one period • We investigate only links among already active actors – bridging and intracomponent ties
Independent variables and controls Unit of analysis:co-inventor dyads (closure or bridging dyads) • Proximity variables based on inventors’ individual characteristics (previsous period) • Geographical proximity: geographical location of inventors at the NUTS 3 level - • Organizational proximity • Same applicant: within the same governance structure - (private company, research institutes and universities, non for-profit organizations and individuals • Same organizational type: between firms or between academics • Technological proximity : Jaffe Index based on IPC codes • Social proximity between already indirectly connected inventors (when social distance is == 2, 3 and 4) • Control variables • Average and absolute degree (preferential attachement) • Average and absolute experience (time since first patent) • Border (neighbor countries) • Number of inventors • Cosureand bridging patent: Mixed ties
Dependent variables and estimation 1. The likelihood of collaboration How proximity (spatial, social, cognitive, organizational and institutional proximity) affect the choice of collaboration partners? • Tie formation using a conditional logit model – tie versus no tie formation • for any observed tie, we randomly select five possible but not realized co-inventor ties, which provide five controls for each co-inventor • Dyad formation using • conditional logit = f(proximity, proximity interactions, controls) 2. The value of inventions: How proximity affect the value of patents? • Number of citations per patent as a proxy for the value of an invention (Harhoff, et al. 2003; Gambardella, Harhoff, and Verspagen, 2008) • Citations based on patent families – 5 years - (Martinez, 2010, OECD) • # forward Citations using • negative binomial = f(proximity, proximity interactions, controls)
Network tie formation regressions
Inventive performance - Citations regressions
Conclusion • Results confirm previous studies on: • Collaboration and knowledge flows • Social, organizational and geographical proximity are substitutes • Outside the governance structure, organizational and geographical proximity are complements • The various forms of proximity strongly explains the formation of networks and geography remains important even after controlling for other forms of proximity • Innovative performance and the proximity paradox • Geographical and organizational proximity is not significant • Too close social proximity is negative for closure ties • Technological proximity has a key role; it has an inverted u-shape • Less close proximity is more beneficial for bridging ties
Inventors and patent by country (fractional and cumulative counting)