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Grand Rapids Community College Academic Governing Council

Grand Rapids Community College Academic Governing Council. General Education Distribution Task Group: An Update Steve Abid M.A., Arts & Sciences, Faculty Ric Underhile, Ph.D., Instructional Support & Interdisciplinary Studies, Associate Dean February 2013. Team members:

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Grand Rapids Community College Academic Governing Council

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  1. Grand Rapids Community College Academic Governing Council General Education Distribution Task Group: An UpdateSteve Abid M.A., Arts & Sciences, FacultyRic Underhile, Ph.D., Instructional Support & Interdisciplinary Studies, Associate DeanFebruary 2013 Team members: Stephen Barton*, Jennifer Batten, Dillon Carr*, Laurie Chesley, Katie Daniels*, Roland Gani, Daniel Gelder, Jodie Gee, Nora Neil, Deb Nordman, LynnaeSelberg, Bryan Vliem *presenting today

  2. Issue • GRCC currently does not have a process to determine where a course fits into the General Education distribution system • GRCC lacks a process to determine if a course fits into the General Education distribution • The College does not articulate the learner outcomes it expects students to achieve as a result of satisfying the General Education distribution requirements

  3. Charge 1 • Establish a definition of each distribution area Completed, March 2012

  4. Charge 2 • Define the criteria that will be used in making decisions about inclusion of courses in the distribution areas

  5. Charge 2 - Criteria

  6. Charge 2 – Process • Review of new courses would occur within the New Course Approval process • Existing courses evaluated within the Course Review & Revision process • Expedited review option available upon request.

  7. Charge 3 • Articulate expectations for outcomes upon successful completion of the distribution areas

  8. Charge 3 – Outcomes A generally educated person at GRCC should: • Demonstrate basic competence in written and oral communication in English. • Demonstrate capacity to apply basic skills in scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, logic. • Express the life skills necessary for independent learning, physical wellness, and emotional wellbeing. • Describe basic tenets or ideas of scientific, historical, or social phenomena. • Describe characteristics of aesthetic and ethnical dimensions of the world.

  9. What we are asking from you • Review of criteria and outcomes to assess and provide feedback on three things: • Does the criteria and outcomes have balance between scholarly and practical? • Is there balance between breadth and specificity? • Do the criteria work in the context of general education at GRCC?

  10. What’s next? • Begin reviewing now with your departments by using criteria and outcomes as a reference point in discussions(i.e. course review, new course development, etc.) • We would like to incorporate your feedback in preparation of final draft. • Email Ric or Steve with feedback by March 15th

  11. Lessons Learned • Make General Education relevant to daily work • Need to balance our concerns here at GRCC with our closest transfer institutions • Emphasis on how courses achieve Gen Ed outcomes (professional development), rather than could courses do so. • Help faculty identifyways their courses intersect with General Education outcomes at GRCC

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