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ILO-Paris21 seminar on Capacity Building for labour statistics, Geneva, 3 Dec 2003. Capacity building for labour statistics : the EU system as a final target, adapted to each statistical system existing in developing countries Eurostat Rémi Bardon (F4) – Aloïs Van Bastelaer (D1).
ILO-Paris21 seminar on Capacity Building for labour statistics, Geneva, 3 Dec 2003 Capacity building for labour statistics : the EU system as a final target, adapted to each statistical system existing in developing countries Eurostat Rémi Bardon (F4) – Aloïs Van Bastelaer (D1)
Conceptual framework • The UN millennium Declaration : 8 goals, included “develop a global partnership for development”, 18 targets, 48 indicators. * improvement of the destiny of the humanity. * even when including the Common Countries Assessment (CCA) indicators, there is no description of the labour market in its whole comprehensiveness. • Starting point of the basic conceptual framework : labour demand-supply framework. * Labour demand (function of its price) : total human resources to produce an output * Labour supply (function of the wage rate) : total of employment.
Conceptual framework • Base of the framework : the system of National Accounts : * The labour statistics are an important part of it, as well as the production, the income and the consumption. *The combination between GDP employment and compensation of employees to compare changes in productivity and remuneration. necessity of consistency between the different sources related to the employment.
Conceptual framework : elaboration • Step 1: Numbers of persons involved Numbers of hours worked volume of work • Step 2: Underemployment • Step3: considering the heterogeneity of the labour market: Breakdown by occupation, product, region. Breakdown by individual characteristics, household composition. • Step4: considering the price of labour: wages and salaries earned labour cost for the employer.
Conceptual framework • Periodicity: - Step1: annual labour statistics - Step2: infra-annual statistics (quarter, month) in order to integrate the seasonal aspects. • Coverage: - Nationwide coverage if possible. - To give the priority to the urban coverage when any financing limitations : labour market more complex.
High quality statistics for an informed society • Dissemination: - Labour statistics to monitor the performance of the labour market as an effect of the government policies. - Labour statistics to provide information on the current and potential labour supply and economic activity. - Labour statistics to provide information for businesses, employers and workers representatives. - Labour statistics to be disseminated to the civil society (NGO’s and interest groups) and as inputs for researchers.
High quality statistics for an informed society • To install and/or maintaining a dialogue between the producers and the users of data: - establishing a specific institution (cf. OEF in Mali), that aims at interfacing the producers (NSO) to the users of statistics (people’s representatives, civil society). - Establishing a statistical commission in charge of the co-ordination of the statistical production and analysis.
High quality statistics for an informed society • To produce reliable and relevant statistics. • To produce statistics on a regular base, at least annual.
Tools • Traditional sources of information: - HH surveys, business surveys, administrative registers. - HH surveys: large number of variables and large coverage. - Labour Force Survey: employment and unemployment, other characteristics (underemployment, etc.). - NB : initial stage: comprehensive HH survey with items on income, health, other living conditions. - Business survey: collection of data related to production, labour input, number and wages and salaries of the employees, etc. (provided that there is an existing updated sampling frame).
Tools • Use of specific tools for measuring the informal sector employment: - Mixed survey: specifically designed to identify and describe the informal employment in informal sector enterprises. - Labour input approach
Thank you - Merci • Contact in Eurostat: • Remi Bardon, • Project manager, Asia region • Eurostat – Unit F4 • Tel: +352 4301 32 642 • Fax: +352 4301 35 019 • E-mail: remi.bardon@cec.eu.int