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Pre A.P. Vocabulary. 7 th Grade Social Studies. Monarchy. supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person. Democracy.
Pre A.P. Vocabulary 7th Grade Social Studies
Monarchy • supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person
Democracy • government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
Tyrant • any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively
Dictator • A ruler who has total control of the government.
Empire • Many territories or peoples controlled by one government.
Dynasty • a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group
Hierarchy • any system of persons or things ranked one above another
Oligarchy • form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few
Social Class • Group of class with similar backgrounds
Republic • a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them
Ally • to unite formally, as by treaty, league, marriage, or the like
Assassinate • to kill suddenly or secretively, esp. a politically prominent person; murder premeditatedly and treacherously
Census • An official count of all people in place
Civil Service • those branches of public service concerned with all governmental administrative functions outside the armed services
Emigrate • to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate
Immigration • the act of immigrating
Feudalism • A system of which poor people are bound to work for wealthy landowners.
Regent • a person who exercises the ruling power in a kingdom during the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign
Veto • The rejection of any planned action or rule by a person in power
Viceroy • a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign
Monotheism • The belief in one god
Polytheism • The belief in many gods.
Civilization • A society with cities, a central government run by official leaders, and workers who specialize in certain jobs, leading to social classes
City-State • A city that has its own independent government and often controls much of the surrounding land
Philosopher • a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
Primary Source • Original document pertaining to an event or subject
Secondary Source • Information that has been gathered by researchers and recorded in books and other publications
Archeologist • Scientists who examine objects such as bones and tools to learn about past peoples and cultures
Aritisan • Skilled worker who practices a trade
epic • A long poem that tells a story
Acropolis • A high, rocky hill where early people built cities
City-state • A city with its own traditions, government and laws
Aristocrat • A member of a rich and powerful family
Tyrant • Ruler who takes power with the support of the middle and working class
Democracy • A form of government in which citizens govern themselves
Peninsula • An area of land nearly surrounded by water
Tribute • A payment made by a less powerful state or nation to a more powerful one
Immortal • Someone or something that lives forever
Oracle • In ancient Greece, a sacred site used to consult a god or goddess; any priest or priestess who spoke for the gods
Philosopher • Someone who used reason to understand the world in Greece and used reason to understand natural events
Tragedy • A type of serious drama that ends in disaster for the main character
Heritage • Something transmitted by or acquired form a predecessor
Impact • A compelling effect
Vibrant • lively
Imitator • One who is or appears to be similar
Shrine • A place in which devotion is paid to a saint or god
Influential • Having the power to sway or affect based on position, ability, wealth or prestige