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Management of Health Worker Migration: Latin America & Europe

Explore how the MPDC initiative aims to improve the management of health worker migration between Latin America and Europe. Learn about strategies for efficient migration flow coordination, training in human resource planning, and the impact on health services.

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Management of Health Worker Migration: Latin America & Europe

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  1. “Migration of Health Professionals Between Latin America and Europe. Opportunity for Shared Development” – MPDC (2009-2011 and 2013-2015) Second Conference of the Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting WP4 Rome Workshop, 3rd December 2014

  2. Developed by: • Andalusian School of Public Health (Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública). • Pan-American Health Organization. • RIMPS (Ibero-American Ministerial Network on the Migration of Health Professionals), whose Technical Secretariat is held by Uruguay’s Ministry for Public Health). • WHO Geneva.

  3. Summary Presentation MPDC. Results and products 2009-2011. Activities 2013-2015. Ibero-American Network on the Migration of Health Professional – RIMPS. Limits and difficulties. Lessons learnt.

  4. 1. MPDC 2013-2015 General Goal: Contribute to themore efficient management of migration flows involving medical and nursing professionals in Latin America and the European Union. Specific Goal: Put into practiceexperiences to manage migration flowsbased on bilateral agreements that will assist countries in the region develop capacities to adequately follow-up on the process, improve human resource planning and broaden the knowledge base on the consequences of the migratory process onhealth systems.

  5. 1. MPDC 2013-2015 Main activities related to Strategies on management of migration flows. Information and communication systems. Training in human resource planning. Impact of health professionalmigrationon health services. Strengthen the RIMPSand its action plan. Application of WHO’s Global Code of Practiceon the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in the region, particularly among member countries of the RIMPS.

  6. 2. Products and results |2009 – 2011 Review of the literature on the migration of health professionals. Characterization of migration flows. Analysis of the social discourse about the migration of health professionals. Analysis of opinions expressed in the media. Spain 2009-2010. Workforce planning regarding nurses and doctors in a selection of European countries: France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. Review. Analysis of European policies. The role of international cooperation and development agencies in relation to the migration of health professionals: Delphi consultation. Report on best practices in regulating the international recruitment of health professionals and strategies to strengthen the health workforce. Health Human Resource Planning Manual and pilot course on health human resources. Systematic bibliographic reviewon experiences in the management of migratory flows of health workers of mutual benefit Strengthening of the Ibero-American Ministerial Network on the Migration of Health Professionals - RIMPS.

  7. 2. Products and results |2009 – 2011 Characterization of migration flows (studies in 13 countries)

  8. 2. Products and results |2009 – 2011 Information on: Flowsof migrant doctors and nurses coming into the country and emigrating out the country (data, motives, migratory experience and reintegration process and procedures for the recognition of qualifications). The country’s health personnel and planning processes. Sources of information available. Best practices and bilateral or multilateral agreements.

  9. 2. Products and results |2009 – 2011 B) The role of international cooperation and development agencies in relation to the migration of health professionals: Delphi consultation. To characterize, through a structured consensus process, the steps that development cooperation agencies should take to help obtain greater social benefits from the migration of health professionals. Objective There is a need to improve health human resource information and planning systems, taking into account the causes of emigration and responses to such causes in the form of retention and/or loyalty programme. There is a need to design and validate experiences promoting bilateral flows that bring mutual benefits and that support circular migration. Some conclusions

  10. 2. Activities |2013 – 2015 1) Initiative on the implementation of experiences in the management of migratory flows 1.A) Initiative on the management of flows in the CA-DOR subregion • Catalogue of procedures and regulations related to professional certification and recognition of qualifications. • Proposal for the recognition of work experience. • Creation of professional networks. • Integration and systematization of the work process and of the results obtained. Expected Results Operational proposal presented and approved in May 2014 by Technical Comission on HRH of CA-DOR Health Ministries (COMISCA).

  11. 2. Activities |2013 – 2015 1) Initiative on the implementation of experiences in the management of migratory flows 1.B) Systematic analysis of experiences in the management of health worker flows in Ibero America and other regions Expected Results • Lessons learned from the characterisation and analysis of experiences in the management of migratory flows. • Generation of good practices in the management of migratory flows. Based on a systematic bibliographic review on experiences in the management of migratory flows of health workers of mutual benefit”.

  12. 2. Activities |2013 – 2015 2) Comparative study of human resource information systems and of registers of health professionals, in the countries of the CA-DOR subregion Characterization of health human resource information systems and of the registers of health professionals existing in each of the countries in the CA DOR subregion, comparison of the same and recommendations for improvement, using the contributions of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel. Expected Results

  13. 2. Activities |2013 – 2015 3) Study on contributions to the research into the cost-benefit impact analysis of the emigration of doctors and nurses in the Andean and Central America Regions • Structured review of the literature on evidence related to the cost-benefit of the migration of health professionals. • Estimate of the tangible and intangible cost-benefit of the migrations in the Andean and Central American Regions. Expected Results Innovation of the study model with incorporation of new variables of analysis (win-win approach).

  14. 2. Activities |2013 – 2015 4) Training courses on HRH planning |||||||||||2 courses in 2013 and a pilot course in Portuguese for PALOP countries on preparation. |||||||||||Based on pilot course 2011. |||||||||||HRH planning manual elaborated in 2011 as tool for improvement of capacities for HRH planning.

  15. 3. RIMPS Ibero-American Ministerial Network on the Migration of Health Professionals ||||||||||| Working Groupon the migration of health professionals, created during the 8th Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Health, held in Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay (2006) ||||||||||| Established as anetwork at the 13th Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Health held in Luque, Paraguay (2011)

  16. 3. RIMPS O b j e c t i v e s Tostrengthen the capacities of Health Ministries in the field of health workforce planning, regulation and management. Topromote regional initiatives for dialogue and the reaching of agreements among Ibero-American countries. Togenerate advocacy between institutions and bodies dedicated to the training and recruitment of health human resources, at the national and international level.

  17. 4. Limits and difficulties Lack ofsystematic information systems. Need tomonitor the migratory processof health professionals and to integrate information systemsof source countries and destination countries. Need tostandardize public professional registers. Need toimprove existing processesand implementation ofstrategiesfor betterHRH planning.

  18. 5. Lessons learnt Synergies between institutions linked to MPDC and other institutions, organisms and projects. Involvement of political actors to ensure that results translate into political measures. Role and relevance of RIMPS as sphere for technical dialogue and political influence.

  19. Declaration of the 14th Ibero-American Conference of Ministers of Health. 28th October 2014 10. Strengthen and integrate the HRH information systems related to the monitoring of health workforce migrations, encouraging an intersectorial approach and in consonance with the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Professionals. 11. Commission the Ibero-American Ministerial Network on the Migration of Health Professionals (RIMPS) to design and develop an information mechanism that enables information regarding HRH flows to be gathered and made available in a centralized, accessible and transparent manner.

  20. Thank you! Maritxu Pando Letona Global Health Area EASP Technical Secretariat MPDC maritxu.pando.easp@juntadeandalucia.es www.mpdc.es

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