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Chapter 10 Section 3 Pages 168-175. Objectives: Students will be able to identify the affect of the Persian war on Greek life. Section 4 The Decline of City-States The Greeks became weak from a long war and soon became part of Macedonia. Athens.
Chapter 10 Section 3 Pages 168-175 Objectives: Students will be able to identify the affect of the Persian war on Greek life. Section 4 The Decline of City-States The Greeks became weak from a long war and soon became part of Macedonia.
Athens • Athens was Northeast of Sparta close to the island of Salamis. • The locations was strategic to their defense. • First ruled by Kings then they set up an oligarchy or form of government in which a few people have the ruling power.
4. Fights broke out between the upper class and the farmers and merchants. They didn’t like the way rules were made. 5. Draco the noble tried to change the system but failed because the punishments were too harsh. 6. Solon,( sah’ lon) a rich merchant tried next in 594B.C.
7. Solon prepared a constitution or (plan of government). These set up rules and principles for all the people. 8. It said how much land someone owned and gave the landowners a vote in the assembly. 9. The assembly made the laws. 10. Solon erased all debts and freed the slave people for their debts. (People put in slavery due to debt.)
11. Under Solon more people became involved in government, trade increased, but rich people thought he went to far and poor people thought not far enough. He lost popularity. 12. In 560 another leader, Peisistratus (Pi sis trah tus) supported the lower class, he divided the estates among the farmers with no land and made it were anybody could be citizens. He encouraged sculpture and other arts.
I. A Democratic Constitution • After Peisistratus (Pi sis trah tus) died the Spartans took over Athens. They were overthrown by Cleisthenes (klis thun nez) and he put together the world’s first constitution that was democratic ( favoring the equality of all people) things like freedom of speech, which lasted 300 years.
2. They opened the assembly to all males over 20 years old, they elected 10 generals, to run the army, navy, and judge in courts. With one as commander- in- chief. 3. The Council had 500 representatives with a two year term, and they were elected by “lots.” 4. They chose lots so the rich couldn’t buy votes, second they felt every citizen was smart enough to be in office.
II. The Persian Wars 1. About the time Athens was going through their government changes, the Persians ruled the largest and most powerful empire. They conquered city-states in Ionia, the city-states in the Aegean Sea and Asia Minor. 2. Darius, Persian King, put down a revolt from Ionia and wanted to punish the rest of Greece. The Persians landed on the plain of Marathon (26 miles from Athens) after a battle with a Greek victory, a runner ran to Athens and cried out “Nike” (goddess of victory) and died. Read P.171 Last paragraph.
3. After the battle of Marathon silver was found near Athens and they used the money to build “triremes” (warships with three rows of rowers.) 4. The Persians did return and the Spartans led the ground battle at Thermopylae against Xerxes (zerk’ sez) the son of Darius. The Athenian navy battled at sea. Story on page 172 Read aloud
III The Delian League and the Athenian Empire. 1. The Persian were driven from Greece, but they still ruled Ionia. 2. The Greeks decided to form a defensive league for protection. The other City-states paid for protection and was run by Athens. They became rich and powerful and this turned into an Athenian Empire. It was run by Pericles. He built the Parthenon. Next slide for picture
IV. The Decline of Athens 1. The other City-states became resentful of Athens. This started a war by the Spartans called the Peloponnesian War that lasted for 30 years. Athens surrendered to Sparta. 2. Thousands of Athenian soldiers became mercenaries (hired soldiers) in the Persian army. 3. Soon after the Athenians revolted and set up another democracy, but not as powerful as before.
Section 4 The Decline of the City-States Pages 175 • After the Peloponnesian War the Greeks began to lose their sense of community. The war had lasted a long time and cost a great deal. • After the war Sparta ruled Greece and was overthrown by Thebes, but life was not better they weakened and no longer pulled together. • In 338B.C. Philip II of Macedonia from the north conquered Greece