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IHOP 2002 GPS/H20 Water Vapor Investigations with Ground-Based GPS

IHOP 2002 GPS/H20 Water Vapor Investigations with Ground-Based GPS. Contributions. GPS/H20 France: J. Van Baelen, J-P. Aubagnac, CNRM, Toulouse O. Bock, J. Tarniewicz, SA, Paris A. Walpersdorf, LGIT, Grenoble E. Doerflinger, F. Masson, LDL, Montpellier

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IHOP 2002 GPS/H20 Water Vapor Investigations with Ground-Based GPS

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  1. IHOP 2002 GPS/H20Water Vapor Investigations with Ground-Based GPS IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  2. Contributions • GPS/H20 France: • J. Van Baelen, J-P. Aubagnac, CNRM, Toulouse • O. Bock, J. Tarniewicz, SA, Paris • A. Walpersdorf, LGIT, Grenoble • E. Doerflinger, F. Masson, LDL, Montpellier • Field Deployment:J. Van Baelen, E. Doerflinger, J-P. Aubagnac, Ph. Collard, O. Bock • OK Mesonet:J. Basara, OU / OKmesonet team • UCAR/GST:J. Braun • IHOP/DATA BASE:JOSS, NOAA/FSL, ARM/SGP IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  3. GPS derived IWV IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  4. IHOP objectives for GPS/H20 teams • Methodology Aspects • Mapping functions and antenna modeling errors, • Low elevation angles and slant tropospheric delays • Tomographic inversion algorithms, constraints and resolution, • Effect of WV heterogeneity on precise positionning, • Spatial and temporal correlations in ZTD’s and STD’s and covariance matrix determination IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  5. IHOP objectives for GPS/H20 teams • Scientific Objectives • GPS water vapor retrieval validation, • Study of spatial and temporal variability and dynamics of IWV, • Study of WV convergence as CI precursor, • 3-D water vapor distribution through tomography both local (L1 with few L2 constraints) and synoptic, • Data assimilation (slant delays), IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  6. Field Deployment: Objectives vs Logistics • Légende: • Parc INSU • SuomiNet • NOAA/FSL • ARM/CART IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  7. GPS deployment at OKmesonet sites IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  8. IHOP 2002 : GPS deployment and observation statistics IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  9. IHOP 2002 : GPS deployment and observation statistics IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  10. GPS Data Analysis Status • Use of GAMIT / GLOBK software package • Implemented at CNRM late fall 2002. • First pass analysis • Preliminary work on the 11-12 June case (!), • 10° cut off angle, 30 seconds epochs, • Saastamoinen hydrostatic model, • Dry and wet Niel mapping functions, • Three-hourly ZTD calculations and a single gradient per day, • All stations non-constrained. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  11. GPS Data Analysis Status • Next step • Kalman filter to positionning and precise calculation of (half-)hourly ZTD’s, • Automated processing for entire campaign, • Determination of IWV for all stations of interest to IHOP, • Results provided to IHOP Data Base in final form. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  12. GPS Analysis Stations IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  13. Preliminary Results: June 11-12 Case Study • ZTD and IWV Comparisons: • NOAA half-hourly ZTD’s from IHOP D.B. • French processed data (GAMIT) • UCAR/GST processed data (Bernese) • Combined results: • NOAA + French stations IWV’s • UCAR/GST – French stations ZTD’s • Field Differences IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  14. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  15. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  16. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  17. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  18. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  19. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  20. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  21. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  22. IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  23. IHOP Data Base [JOSS] Imagery IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  24. French GPS Station ZTD’s IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  25. GPS vs Radiosondes ZTD’s IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  26. AIRS Campaign at CNRM (Fall ’02) Comparison IWV GPS - Radiosondes IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  27. Conclusions • First results of GAMIT single pass processed French GPS data consistent with other results, • Addition of French GPS stations seems to provide finer resolution to the central area of interest in the 11-12 June case, • In this case, higher humidity contents shown, • However, all solutions appear sensitive to single station ‘peculiar’ values => data or artifact ? IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

  28. Ongoing Work • Complete processing of French GPS stations and others of the IHOP area with GAMIT soon to be available with (half-)hourly ZTD’s and gradients, • Methodology and Scientific studies to be undertaken following the topics specified, • Each topic is under the principal interest of various members of the French GPS/H2O teams, all of them are ready to collaborate and share their expertise with interested parties, • Contact joel.van-baelen@meteo.fror the corresponding team directly IHOP Workshop, Boulder, CO 24-26 March 2003

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