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AKS 42: Absolute Monarchs

AKS 42: Absolute Monarchs. Chapter 21 – PAGES 589-617 Chapter 22.2 & 22.3 – PAGES 629-639. France Background:. Henry of Navarre (Henry IV) 1st king of Bourbon Dynasty Converted to Catholicism Devoted reign to rebuilding France & its prosperity Edict of Nantes Issued by Henry

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AKS 42: Absolute Monarchs

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  1. AKS 42: Absolute Monarchs Chapter 21 – PAGES 589-617 Chapter 22.2 & 22.3 – PAGES 629-639

  2. FranceBackground: • Henry of Navarre (Henry IV) • 1st king of Bourbon Dynasty • Converted to Catholicism • Devoted reign to rebuilding France & its prosperity • Edict of Nantes • Issued by Henry • Huguenots could live in peace in France & set up their own houses of worship in certain cities

  3. FranceBackground: • Cardinal Richelieu • No walls in Protestant cities • Weakened power of nobles by ordering them to take down their castles & by increasing the power of government agents

  4. “I am the state.” - Louis XIV FranceLouis XIV (14th) Comes to Power (4 yrs old ): • France suffered from riots by nobles – Louis’ life threatened at times • Louis never forgot fear/anger – vowed to be so strong nobles could never threaten him again So distinguished

  5. FranceLouis XIV Comes to Power: • Jean Baptiste Colbert: • Made France economic power in Europe • Followed mercantilism – making France self-sufficient • Expanded & protected French industry • Encouraged migration to Canada to increase the fur trade profits

  6. FranceSun King’s Grand Style: • Controls Nobility • Nobles expected to be at Palace at Versailles – if not, incomes & social status were decreased • Made nobility totally dependant on Louis • Patron of the Arts • Increased the popularity of the opera & ballet • Supported writers • Promoted art that glorified monarchy & supported absolute rule

  7. IMPRESSIVE, BUT COSTLY!!! The Palace of Versailles

  8. FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: • Expansion • Wanted to expand borders – succeeded at first • Enemy Countries banded together to match France’s strength – balance of power

  9. FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: • War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714) • Charles II of Spain died – throne went to Louis’ grandson – Spain & France now ruled by French Bourbon kings • Treaty that ended war allowed Louis’ grandson to stay in power as long as thrones of Spain & France were not united • Big winner - Great Britain: • Took the Strait of Gibraltar – great for trade!!! • Increased involvement in slave trade

  10. FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: • Death and Legacy: • People rejoiced at news of Louis’ death • Positive Legacy: • Military leader of Europe • Ranked above all others in art, lit., statesmanship • Negative Legacy: • War & construction of Palace at Versailles = massive debt • Tax burden by poor & Louis’ abuse of power would plague his heirs & set stage for revolution

  11. RussiaThe First Czar: Wow, he’s ugly • Ivan the Terrible • 1st to call himself “czar” • 1547-1560 – “good period” – won victories, added lands, code of laws, ruled justly • Terror • 1560-1584 – “bad period” – Ivan accused boyars (Russian nobles) of poisoning his wife, Anastasia • Using secret police – Ivan executed boyars, their families, & peasants who worked their land • 1581 – Ivan killed his oldest son – this left only the weak son to rule

  12. RussiaThe First Czar: • Romanovs: • Ivan’s weak son died – creating a period of turmoil with no leader • 1613 – leaders from Russian cities met to choose the next czar – they chose Michael Romanov • This begins the Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917) Mikey!!! 

  13. RussiaCzar Peter the Great: • Russia Different Than Europe: • Russians had looked to Constantinople for leadership • Mongols & geographic barriers had cut Russia off from the ideas of the Renaissance & the Age of Exploration • Religious Differences – • Russia was Eastern Orthodox • Western Europe was mostly Catholic or Protestant • Russians viewed them all as heretics

  14. RussiaCzar Peter the Great: • Peter Visits West: • Peter believed Russia’s future depended on having warm-water port • 1697 – The “Grand Embassy” took a long visit to Western Europe • Their goal was to learn about European customs and manufacturing techniques

  15. RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: “For you know yourself that, though a thing be good and necessary, our people will not do it unless forced to.” - Czar Peter the Great • Reforms: • Brought Russian Orthodox Church under state control • Decreased power of great landowners • Modernized army by hiring European officers who drilled soldiers in European tactics with European weapons • Paid for army with heavy taxes

  16. RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: • Westernization: • Introduction of potatoes • Started 1st newspaper • Increased women’s status • Ordered nobles to adopt Western fashion • Advanced Education – • Peter believed this was key to Russia’s progress

  17. RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: • St. Petersburg: • Wanted a warm-water seaport so it would be easier to travel to Western Europe • Fought Sweden for land on Baltic Sea • Had St. Petersburg built on a piece of swampy land • Estimated 25,000 – 100,000 people died in the effort to build it

  18. EnglandDefying Parliament: • James I (1603-1625): • Struggled w/ Parliament over the debt left behind by Queen Elizabeth I. • He became the 1st Monarch to rule both England & Scotland at the same time. • Agreed to a new translation of the Bible

  19. EnglandDefying Parliament:  Charlie! • Charles I (1625-1649): • Charles I was forced to sign the Petition of Right: • Petition of Rights said that Charles I could: • Not imprison subjects without due cause • Not levy taxes w/o Parl.’s consent • Not house soldiers in private homes • Not impose martial law during peacetime • This set forth the idea that the power of the LAW was higher than the power of the KING

  20. EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649): • Background/Causes: • Parliament passed laws to limit royal power, outraging the King • The King then arrested Parliament leaders & a mob began to form. • The mob was split in two: • Royalists/Cavaliers: People loyal to Charles • Roundheads: Puritan supporters of Parliament

  21. EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649): • Result: • Roundheads win • Oliver Cromwell: • Roundhead General • Tried, beheaded Charles I for treason - 1649 • Established a Commonwealth, which is a republic form of government

  22. SpainSpanish Empire: “His smile and his dagger were very close.” - Phillip’s court historian • Philip II: • Philip II Seized Portugal because their was no heir to the throne • Philip II now ruled an empire that circled the globe • Empire gave him lots of wealth • His duty was to defend Catholicism.

  23. SpainDefeat of Spanish Armada: • Background: • Philip launched the Spanish Armada (AKA the Spanish Navy) in an attempt to punish Protestant England & Queen Elizabeth I (who supported Protestant subjects who had rebelled against Philip).

  24. SpainDefeat of Spanish Armada: • What Happened: • Spanish Armada defeated • Impact: • Seriously weakened Spain

  25. SpainSpanish Art and Literature: • El Greco (“the Greek”): • His art was unusual & helped to illustrate thedeep Catholic faith of Spain • Diego Velasquez: • Painter for the Royal Court of King Philip IV of Spain • Cervantes: • Miguel de Cervantes’ novel: Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) • Considered the birth of the modern European novel

  26. Spain - Empire Weakens: • Inflation: • Two causes: • Spain’s pop. increased • Silver bullion flooded the market, made it lose value • Taxes: • Spain’s nobles didn’t pay taxes • Created a burden on the lower classes • They never developed a middle class • Bankruptcy: • To finance wars = Spanish kings borrowed money from German & Italian bankers • Philip had to declared Spain bankrupt three times

  27. Spain - Dutch Revolt and Dutch Prosper: • 1566  Philip raised taxes in the Netherlands & tried to crush Calvinism  Dutch revolted. • 1579  The 7 Northern Provinces of the Protestant Netherlands, united & declared their indpendence from Spain. • Dutch Art: • Rembrandt – painted portraits of wealthy middle-class merchants • Dutch Trade: • Stability of gov’t  concentration on econ. growth • Dutch East India Trading Company – dominated Asian spice trade

  28. PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) • Causes: • Lutheran & Catholic Princes tried to gain followers in Prussia • Split in 2 leagues: Protestant Union & Catholic League • Spark: • Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Emperor) closed some Protestant churches  Protestants in Bohemia revolted

  29. PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) • Hapsburg Wins: • During the first 12 yrs  Hapsburg armies crushed troops hired by Protestant Princes • Hapsburg Losses: • Protestants drove Hapsburg armies out of North Germany

  30. PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) • Peace (Treaty) of Westphalia: • Weakened Hapsburgs States of Spain & Austria • Strengthened France by giving them German terr. • Made German Princes Independent of the Holy Roman Empire • Ended religious wars in Europe • Created a new method of reaching peace negotiations

  31. PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) • Results: • Trade & agriculture were disrupted • Germany’s economy was ruined • Treaty recognized Europe as a group of equal, independent states • Beginning of modern state system

  32. AustriaGrows Stronger: • Austrian Hapsburgs re-conquered Bohemia and wiped out Protestants living there. • Created a centralized government & created a standing army

  33. Austria - Maria Theresa: • Charles VI convinced all of the leaders of Europe to sign an agreement stating that his daughter, Maria Theresa, was heir to all Hapsburg territories • They thought agreement would bring peace, instead she faced yrs of war  her main enemy was Prussia

  34. PrussiaRise: • Army of 80,000 men paid for with permanent taxation • Weakened representative assemblies of their territories • Gave the Junkers (Prussia’s landowning nobility) the exclusive right to be officers in his army  Causing Prussia to become a rigidly controlled, militaristic society

  35. PrussiaFrederick the Great: “…the fundamental role of governments is the principle of extending their territories.” - Frederick the Great • Military policies, softened some laws • Encouraged religious toleration & legal reform • Said that “a ruler should be a father to his people”

  36. PrussiaWar of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) • War over Silesia  bordered Prussia • Hungary & Britain helped Maria Theresa  stopped Prussian aggression • Prussia became major European power

  37. PrussiaSeven Years’ War (1756-1763) • Fought in Europe, India, & North America • No change in territory in Europe • British real victors • France lost colonies in North America • Britain gained sole econ. domination in India

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