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A Thought to Ponder!. “ Feedback: The Breakfast of Champions ” Ken Blanchard How good will you get at golf if you don ’ t keep score??? If you never know where the ball went??? And how long would you keep paying your dues and golfing???. TOTAL LEADERS: Module 9
A Thought to Ponder! “Feedback: The Breakfast of Champions” Ken Blanchard How good will you get at golf if you don’t keep score??? If you never know where the ball went??? And how long would you keep paying your dues and golfing???
TOTAL LEADERS: Module 9 Creating a Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement and Accountability from the Quality LeadershipDomain
PLDC Approach to Leadership Assessment and Development Total Leaders Framework Ten Critical Performance Roles of the Total Leader Strategic Leader Selection (An External Assessment) Personal Leadership Assessment (Detailed Rubrics for each of the Ten Performance Roles) Leadership Development Opportunities (For Individuals and Teams PLDC Training Modules for the Ten Performance Roles) Performance-Based Electronic Portfolios…. (Leaders Demonstrating the Ten Performance Roles)
TL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODULES Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Creating a Consensus Around a Compelling, Future-Focused Organizational Purpose AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Being the Lead Learner and Creating a Learning Organization AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP: Modeling the Organization’s Purpose, Values, and Principles VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: Employing Win-Win Strategies With Customers and Clients CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating a Culture of Innovation, Cooperation, Quality, and Success
TL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODULES Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 10 CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating a Change-Friendly, Continuous-Improvement Mindset CULTURAL LEADERSHIP: Creating Meaning and Ownership Around Organizational Purpose, Values, and Vision QUALITY LEADERSHIP: Developing and Empowering Everyone in the Organization QUALITY LEADERSHIP: Creating a Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement and Accountability SERVICE LEADERSHIP: Managing Toward an Organizational Purpose, Values, and Vision
MODULE 9 Quality Leadership OUTCOMES The Learner will….. • Clearly define, describe, and provide a concrete example of a • feedback loop. • Provide a convincing rationale as to the purpose and power of • feedback loops and the role that feedback loops play in creating • continuous improvement to colleagues and to staff. • Clearly define and describe the leader’s role in the creation of • feedback loops for individuals, teams, and the organization. • Identify specific leader behaviors that ensure the creation of • accurate, timely, and useful feedback loops. • Describe a systematic approach that he/she would use to identify • feedback needs and create feedback loops that ensure accurate • and timely data for decision makers.
Today’s Leadership 101 Strategic Design STRATEGIC DIRECTION STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT • People • Practices • Policies • Structures • Beliefs/Values • Mission • Exit Outcomes • Vision
Key Domains of Total Leaders VISIONARYVision SERVICESupport AUTHENTICPurpose CULTURALOwnership QUALITYCapacity
The QUALITY Domain Developing organizational and staff capacity to change and improve • Developing and Empowering Everyone • Improving Organizational Performance • Creating and Using Feedback Loops Primary Sources: The One Thing You Need to Know, Buckingham, 2005 Winning, Jack and Suzy Welch, 2005 The Empowered Manager, Block, 1987The Circle of Innovation, Peters, 1997Quality or Else, Dobyns and Crawford-Mason, 1991 The Deming Management Method, Walton, 1986 Driving Change, Wind and Main, 1998
The Moral Foundation of the QUALITY Leader Core Values a desire for, and pursuit of, the highest quality in any undertaking, process, product, or result the optimum use of available time, resources, technologies, and talent to achieve desired results EXCELLENCE: PRODUCTIVITY: Principles of Professionalism taking responsibility for the content and process of decisions made, actions taken, and the resulting outcomes a commitment to continuously enhance the quality of personal and organizational results, performances, and processes . ACCOUNTABILITY: IMPROVEMENT:
Activity Think - Pair - Share • With a partner, • 1. Select one Leadership Domain, one Cultural • Performance Role, and one value or principle of • professionalism for your discussion. • 2. Talk about how the Total Leaders Framework can be • applied in your “back home” situations.
Activity How Am I Doing??? 1. Read pages 44-45 in the The Personal Leadership Assessment handout. (Note: The two rubrics for Creating a Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement and Accountabilityare on these pages. The first rubric is titled “The Concept and Role” and the second is titled “The Performance.” ) 2. Complete the self-assessment (pages 44-45). 3. Place your personal assessment score in the “Present Level of Functioning” box on page 47. 4. Reflect on your assessment and identify the evidence on which you based that assessment.
THEFUTUREISNOW Today’s Realities Shifts and Trends That are Redefining Organizations, Careers, and Life Developed by Charles J. Schwahn and Beatrice McGarvey Revised 2006
Friedman Popcorn Pink Celente Yankelovich Covey Gates, etc. etc. Peters Bennis Drucker Collins Blanchard Wheatley Buckingham, etc. etc. Shifts/Trends Sources Futurists (General) Futurists (Organizational)
THEFUTUREISNOW….. Today’s Realities The Shifts and Trends #1 The Hurried Individual and the Stressed Society #2 Flexible . . . But Still Work #3 Transformational Technologies #4 The High Quality, Global Marketplace #5 The Adept, Empowered Employee in the Nimble Organization #6 Total Leader Expectations #7 Consciousness: The Expanding Frontier
Activity The Future Is Now! • In your small group, • Identify the five future conditions in The Future Is Now • paper that most strongly support the need for • organizations to Create a Feedback Loop for Continuous • Improvement and Accountability. • Use your choices to develop a strong rationale for • Creating a Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement and • Accountability. • 3. Be ready to report your rationale to the large group.
In the absence of clear criteria and evidence, people can’t accuse you of anything -- or they can accuse you of anything!
Drucker on Nonprofit Management Without market discipline, they need a focused mission and a results orientation as their bottom line.
Quality Leadership: (and feedback loops) You can’t MANAGE what you don’t MONITOR. If you don’t MONITOR what’s IMPORTANT, don’t expect anyone else to think it’s IMPORTANT either.
Activity The Critical Terms! • In small groups of three or four, discuss: • The definitions of quality, accountability, and continuous improvement. • The relationship between quality, accountability, and continuous improvement. How are these three concepts part of a larger organizational imperative? • The question is not: “Does the quality paradigm apply to us?” but “How can we take advantage of this critical Performance Role while being true to what we know about students and learning, and teachers and teaching?”
Should we educators need motivation for this module, we might want to listen to Joel Barker of Paradigm Shift fame. In his famous video, Barker states that: • “The quality paradigm shift is the most pervasive paradigm shift of the last 20 years.” A powerful statement for sure…. followed by a very scary statement: • “You either catch the quality paradigm shift, or you die.”
Drucker: on the Alternatives of Organizations in Today’s Rapidly Changing World Keep on doing what worked in the past….. that road means steady decline. Be replaced, and probably fairly rapidly, by outsider innovators. Become innovators themselves and their own “creative destroyers.”
The DEVELOPMENT Process (Expanding our capacity for success) The focused, deliberate, continuous ► Building of…… ► Improvement of….. ► Unlocking of…… Individual and Team Perspectives and Talents Needed to Create, Sustain, and Renew Success
Development Requires • A compelling organizational purpose • Commitment to excellence • Ability to set high goals and standards • Ability to take responsibility for performance and improvement • Willingness to take responsibility • Receptivity to feedback and coaching
Activity The Development Process • In small groups of three or four, discuss: • What would a Quality Leader do to initiate and sustain the Development Process? What would he/she look for as indicators that the Development Process is actually impacting individuals, teams, and the organization? • What might a Quality Leader do to create a culture that would promote and foster individuals, teams, and the organization to embrace the Development Requirements? What would he/she look for as indicators that individuals and teams are accepting the Development Requirements? • Be prepared to share your thoughts and feelings with the total group.
The Question: “What is the difference between product evaluation and process evaluation…And which is the most important?” The Logic: They are both important, but you cannot begin to determine the effectiveness of the process in the absence of knowing the quality of the product. Continuous Improvement (TQM) only works when we know our quality standards, measure the quality of our products and services, and provide feedback for everyone.
ENDS…… Constantly Improving Results (Call them what you will.) • Results • Product(s) • Outcomes • Standards • Your Word
MEANS…… Constantly Improving Processes (Call them what you will.) • Policies • Processes • Practices • Personnel • Your Word
Activity What Are Quality Standards? • In small groups, discuss: • What you now know about quality standards and • continuous improvement. Define the two terms • and discuss their use and importance. • In general terms, how do individuals, teams, and • organizations go about identifying quality standards? • What do/should individuals, teams, and organizations • do once quality standards have been established?
Quality Standards are about………. • Knowing customer/client needs, wants and expectations • Using those needs and wants to create measures of quality • Producing products or delivering services that meet or exceed customer/client expectations • Continuously measuring and improving the quality of products or services
SUPERVISION for ALIGNMENT Alignment of the Organization’s PURPOSE and VISION With its STRUCTURES And its PEOPLE Supervision for Alignment is the criticalkey to organizational effectiveness.
Dialogue Starter # 5 About Quality Standards QUESTION: How would you define quality as it relates to your work? What are your quality standards? DESIRED RESPONSE: Is able to clearly identify what he/she thinks quality work is; is able to articulate quality standards. PROMPT: Tell me what you look for when determining if your product/service will meet the needs of your clients… TEACHING OPPORTUNITY: You need to establish clear quality standards because…Basically, quality standards are….I can get you some information on how to establish quality standards…
Dialogue Starter # 6 About a Feedback Loop QUESTION: Do you have a way to measure the quality of your work; a way of giving yourself feedback? DESIRED RESPONSE: Yes, and can outline a system that he/she uses to determine if he/she is meeting quality standards. PROMPT: Tell me how you keep score for yourself regarding client satisfaction; how do you know when you have had a good day/week….. TEACHING OPPORTUNITY: It is difficult to improve if you don’t get feedback. Let’s talk about what we might do to create a feedback loop for your…What info would you like to receive…
People get better when there is a FEEDBACK LOOP Surprise….Surprise….Surprise! Even pigeons get better when there is a feedback loop!
Drucker: The Computer as a Feedback LoopTool • The CEO must accept that the computer is a tool. • They must learn to accept “information responsibility.” • Which means asking: - “What info do I need to do my job?” - “From whom? In what form? When?” - “What info do I owe? To whom? In what form? When?”
Creating a Feedback Loop • Identify your product/service. • Set quality standards…with heavy-duty input from your • customers/clients. • Identify the data needed to measure your quality • standards. • Determine how to collect, analyze, and communicate • that data to all decision-makers. • Establish a process to ensure that the data is being • used effectively. • Continuously improve the effectiveness of the feedback • loop and the process of production.
Dialogue Starter # 7 About a Feedback Loop QUESTION: What can I do, or stop doing, that will help you to consistently improve your quality? DESIRED RESPONSE: Can identify specific things that you, the leader, can do that will help him/her to create quality products/services. PROMPT: What could I, or the organization, do that would make continuous improvement a high priority for you? TEACHING OPPORTUNITY: The organization and I exist to support you in the creation of quality products/services. Where could our quality improve, and how could I support you in your efforts?
Leader Support is about…….. • Aligning structures, policies, and practices with the organization’s vision. • Allocating resources consistent with the vision. • Helping to build the capacity of those responsible for implementing the vision. • Providing encouragement and coaching to those implementing the vision.
Activity Think-Pair-Share • In small groups, discuss: • What did you/we learn in this “The Quality Leader Supervising, • Learning, and Teaching” component? • What do we/you still have to learn about quality, quality • standards, and feedback loops? • How applicable is the continuous improvement process to • education? • What might you do this next week/year to become a better • Quality Leader? • Be prepared to share your response to these four questions with • the total group.
Activity Your Own Development • Refer to page 46 of The Personal Leadership Assessment handout. • Create a professional vision of yourself as a leader who is able to Create a • Feedback Loop for Continuous Improvement and Accountability. Write your • vision on the space provided on page 46. • (Note: Page 46 contains a “vision prompt” that you can use or modify if you agree with • all or significant portions of the vision statement.) • Refer to page 47 of The Personal Leadership Assessment handout which • contains a brief planning form titled “Professional Growth Opportunities.” • 2. Complete the form and add other learning opportunities if you wish.
Activity Workshop Evaluation Complete the workshop evaluation form provided by the Pennsylvania Leadership Development Center. Specifically, the PLDC office is seeking feedback about: - the worth of the workshop - the presentation of the workshop - suggestions for improving the workshop experience