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ALLA PINNAN TOISEUS PIILEE (beneath the surface the Other hides)

ALLA PINNAN TOISEUS PIILEE (beneath the surface the Other hides). THE AUTHOR. Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen (b. 1966). Teaches F innish and literature in Jyväskylä Lyseo High School Has recieved several awards and won many writing contests Describes his work as ” Fantasy Realism .”.

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ALLA PINNAN TOISEUS PIILEE (beneath the surface the Other hides)

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  1. ALLA PINNAN TOISEUS PIILEE (beneath the surface the Other hides)

  2. THE AUTHOR Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen (b. 1966) TeachesFinnishand literature in Jyväskylä Lyseo HighSchool Hasrecievedseveralawards and wonmanywritingcontests Describeshiswork as ”FantasyRealism.”

  3. The tale of Erasmus: Erasmus used to play withdolphinsin secretas a child. He thenlaterreturned to the sea as an adultand withhisfamily, and noticedthat the heavilypollutedseahadcorrupted the dolphins. Hiswife is frightenedby themand shefallsoff a cliffwith Erasmus' son. He thenleavesto the sea to killor in this case, to save the dolphins and eventuallyendsup in a storm. The dolphinssavehim and he goesback to hishouse to find a screwdriver to set offa bomb. Aftersharinghisstory Erasmus goes backto the sea to blowup as manysea creaturesas possible. THE PLOT Montgomerygets a job assignmentand leaves for the seashore. He meetssailor Erasmus who beginstellinghisstory to him.

  4. THEMES Everything that isn't human is evil Vision of the world: contaminated, evil place, the other vs. humans People are self-centered --Erasmus is a slight exception Dolphins represent the theme well Humans destroy their surroundings and run away from the consequences. --They should take responsibility. --They worship themselves. The idea is expressed indirectly with hints of irony

  5. CHARACTERS MONTGOMERY LAURENTIUS Hasdogdreams Works at the department of mythology Lacks ambition Is sent out to investigate the myth of Erasmus

  6. CHARACTERS ERASMUS Captain of the ship Cousteau The central figure of the Erasmus myth Has dolphin dreams Is drawn to dolphins and the ocean

  7. CHARACTERS OTHER CHARACTERS Erasmus' wifeMeredith and son Oswald Professorof the departmentof mythology, Anne Albelbaum

  8. THE CONCEPT OF EVENTS The time of events: future The place of events: an island in the middle or by the edge of the sea The SEA: -both good and evil -scary to humans -a familiar and safe place to Erasmus from his childhood The HOUSE: -a haunted place, like a miniature ghosthouse

  9. EXCERPT When he wasn'tsleeping, Montgomerywas killingtimearoundhisworkdesk. Sometimes he tried to furtherhisresearch, whichwould probablyneverbefinished. Most of the time, however, he'd just rearrangehisbooks, video recordings, and notesfromoneplace to another. He'dlisten to the maples, which shakedand clankedbehind the window, and triednot to thinkabout the dogs. The machinerywhich made the maples wobblerequiredconstantcare, just likeall the otherancientmechanicalplants at the campus. Theyproducedoxygen and made the stalled air breeze for the delight and refreshmentof all the people at the campus; the town'sventilationsystemstillhadit's shortcomings. Therehadbeentalksabout changingthe trees to moderndaylungs, but the universitypeopleweren'thappywith the idea. The relaxedatmospherewas an illusion: Montgomery's under-acheavinghadn'tgone unnoticedbyhissuperiors, and at 8 o'clock on oneautumnyMonday morningMontgomerywascalled to see the head of the department of mythology...

  10. Fin.

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