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Latin in Harry Potter. Find a picture to represent each spell, and look up the meaning of Latin words in your dictionary and then match the spell to what it does!.
Latin in Harry Potter Find a picture to represent each spell, and look up the meaning of Latin words in your dictionary and then match the spell to what it does!
Accio-- from the Latin verb accio, accire, accivi, accitus: to summon-this spell translates as: I summon-this spell summons an object to the caster of the spell
Aguamenti-- from the Latin noun aqua:English meaning and the verb augeo, agere, auxi, actus: English meaning-this spell causes
Aparecium-- from the Latin verb appareo, apparere, apparui, appartus: English meaning-this spell causes invisible ink to appear
Avis--from the Latin noun avis, avis:English meaning-this spell causes-when this spell is mixed with the verb oppugno, oppgnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus: English meaning, it causes
Cave Inimicum--from the Latin noun inimicus, inimici:English meaningand the verb caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus: English meaning -this spell translates as:-this spell causes
Confundo--from the Latin verb confundo, confundere, confundi, confusus : English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Densaugueo--from the Latin verb augo, agere, auxi, actus: English meaning and the noun dens, dentis: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Descendo-- from the Latin verb descendo, descendere, descendi, descensus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Diffindo--from the Latin verb diffindo, diffindere, diffidi, diffissus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Evanesco-- from the Latin verb evanesco, evanescere, evanui: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Expecto Patronum--from the Latin verb expecto, expectare, expectavi, expectatus: English meaning, from the Latin noun patronus, patroni: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Expulso--from the Latin verb expello, expellere, expuli, expulsus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell (think of what it looks like in English)
Finite Incantatem--from the Latin verb finio, finire, finivi, finitus: English meaning, from the Latin noun incantatio, incantationis: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Flagrate--from the Latin verb flagro, flagrare, flagravi, flagratus: English meaning -this spell creates a burning, fiery line in the air which can be "drawn" with the wand to form letters or images.
Geminio--from the Latin verb gemino, geminare, geminavi, geminatus: English meaning , or the noun geminus, gemini: English meaning-this spell
Homenum Revelio--from the Latin verb revelo, revelare, revelavi, revelatus: English meaning, from the Latin noun homo, hominis: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Impedimenta--from the Latin the noun impedimentum, impedimenti: English meaning-this spell translates as:-this spell
Imperio--from the Latin verb impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Incarcerous--from the Latin noun carcer, carceris: English meaning-this spell translates as:-this spell
Incendio--from the Latin verb incendo, incendere, incendi, incensus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Legilimens-- from the Latin verb lego, legere, legi, lectus: English meaning, (this verb should look like legens) from the Latin noun mens, mentis: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Levicorpus--from the Latin verb levo, loveare, levavi, levatus: English meaning, (this verb should look like legens) from the Latin noun corpus, corpi: English meaning
Lumos--from the Latin noun lumen, luminis: English meaning- this spell is translated as:-this spell
Nox--from the Latin noun nox, noctis: English meaning- this spell is translated as:-this spell
Mosmordre-- from the Latin verb mordeo, mordere, momodi, morsus : English meaning, (this verb should look like legens) from the Latin noun mors, mortis: English meaning
Ovbliviate-- from the Latin verb obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum: English meaning -this spell
Protego--from the Latin verb protego, protegere, protexi, protectus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Reparo--from the Latin verb reparo, reparare, reparavi, reparatus: English meaning -this spell translates as: -this spell
Sectumsempra--from the Latin verb secuo, secare, secui, sectus: English meaning, and the Latin word semper: English meaning-this spell translates as: -this spell
Serpensortia-- from the Latin verb orior, ori, ortus sum: English meaning, (this verb should look like legens) from the Latin noun serpens, serpentis: English meaning