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Study of D ++ Resonance Abundance in 158 AGeV Pb + Pb Collisions at CERN-SPS

Study of D ++ Resonance Abundance in 158 AGeV Pb + Pb Collisions at CERN-SPS. Susumu SATO. (1)  13 頁の(重イオン衝突の特徴の) 記述の修正 . 11 頁 9 ~ 11行目. Fig.4: m t -spectra. Among two distinctive features of m t spectrum in relativistic heavy ion collisions,

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Study of D ++ Resonance Abundance in 158 AGeV Pb + Pb Collisions at CERN-SPS

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  1. Study of D++ Resonance Abundance in 158 AGeV Pb + Pb Collisions at CERN-SPS Susumu SATO CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  2. (1) 13頁の(重イオン衝突の特徴の)記述の修正 (1) 13頁の(重イオン衝突の特徴の)記述の修正  11頁 9~11行目 Fig.4: mt -spectra Among two distinctive features of mt spectrum in relativistic heavy ion collisions, only the former one is owing to the expansion of fireball. CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  3. (2) 運動量分解能の運動量依存の定性的記述の追加(2) 運動量分解能の運動量依存の定性的記述の追加 45頁 6~9行目 For lower momentum, mainly because of multiple scattering, for higher momentum, mainly due to position resolution. CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  4. (3) mt分布の誤差に関してアクセプタンスのy, pt相関の影響の考察 77頁 14~17行目 While geometrical acceptance has y-pt (or mt) correlation, the effect is smaller (~2.5%) in the pion mt-spectrum. CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  5. (4, 5) 熱膨張模型におけるsingle spectra 評価方法の記述、及び陽子spectrumのfitの妥当性の検討(その1) 85頁 Expression 1 As a function of T, bt Eur.Phys.J. C2(1998)661 →陽子spectrum(WA98)について、fittingを行う CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  6. (4, 5) 熱膨張模型におけるsingle spectra 評価方法の記述、及び陽子spectrumのfitの妥当性の検討(その2) 45頁、図43 76頁19~21行目 T=143±8MeV, bt =0.40c±0.05c→consistent with NA44 results CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  7. (6) Mixed Event 法の正当性の記述の追加 55頁 6~12行目 ● Dominated by combinatorial background ● Effect of two-track separation are evaluated to be small ( Chamber resolution (~some mm) < Nominal track distance (~few tens cm) ) CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  8. (7)陽子、π中間子のdN/dyの 値を追加 70頁 2~18行目 dNp/dy=25±6, dNp+/dy =138±16       (←consistent with other experiment) CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  9. CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

  10. (4, 5) 熱膨張模型におけるsingle spectra 評価方法の記述、及び陽子spectrumのfitの妥当性の検討(その1) 85頁 Expression 1 As a function of T, bt Eur.Phys.J. C2(1998)661 →陽子spectrum(WA98)について、fittingを行う CERN-SPS-WA98 SusumuSATO

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