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Joseph Maroney Director of Fishery & Water Resources Kalispel Natural Resource Department November 18, 2013. COLUMBIA BASIN Non-Native Invasive Fish Symposium. Overview, Challenges, Nomenclature and Objectives Ecological and Biological Impacts Economic Impacts Political/Legal Impacts
Joseph Maroney Director of Fishery & Water Resources Kalispel Natural Resource Department November 18, 2013 COLUMBIA BASIN Non-Native Invasive Fish Symposium
Overview, Challenges, Nomenclature and Objectives Ecological and Biological Impacts Economic Impacts Political/Legal Impacts Roundtable: Social Impacts Day 2 Case Studies Symposium topics
I ....invasive species Non-Native
A species living outside its native distributional range, which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental. Which definition to use? • Introduced • Non-Native • Alien • Exotic • Non-indigenous These terms are commonly used interchangeably Non-indigenous =alien = exotic = non-native=introduced
Invasive Species • “An invasive species is an "alien species" whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive plants are included in this definition.” • “…..an alien species is any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem.” As defined in Executive Order 13112: February 3, 1999 http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-1999-02-08/pdf/99-3184.pdf
Settle on…….. Non-Native Invasive Species ……species that establish and reproduce rapidly outside of their native range and may threaten the diversity or abundance of native species through competition for resources, predation, parasitism, hybridization with native populations, introduction of pathogens, or physical or chemical alteration of the invaded habitat. California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan, Department of Fish and Game; January 2008
Invasive species have specific traits that allow them to outcompete native species • Common invasive species traits include: • Fast growth • Rapid reproduction • Tolerance of a wide range of environmental conditions
Competition Predation Disease Hybridization What are the mechanisms by which non-native fish impact native fish?
Invasive Species Facts • Contribute to 46% of imperiled species in US • Costs at least $137 billion per year in US • In 2010 alone, the federal government committed $78.5 million in investments to prevent the introduction of Asian carp to the Great Lakes
Over the past 200 years or so, more than 50,000 foreign plant and animal species have become established in the United States. • About one in seven has become invasive, with damage and control costs estimated at more than $138 billon each year (United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS], 2001).
More than 400 of the over 1,300 species currently protected under the Endangered Species Act, and more than 180 candidate species for listing are considered to be at risk at least partly due to displacement by, competition with, and predation by invasive species.
Pend Oreille Watershed A more recent update by Sanderson et al. (2008) indicates that non-natives constituted 54%, 46%, and 60% of the resident fish species in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
Non-native fish introductions • 1933-1994 WDFW/WDG fish plants-Pend Oreille Watershed • 11 million brook trout • 6.5 million rainbow Photo: Courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
An invasive species is by definition, non-native…….. but not all non-native species are invasive.
Kokanee (Lake Pend Oreille) Example
Occasionally a nativespecies can be a nuisance, especially in a stressed or altered ecosystem Northern Pikeminnow
Managers and Scientists Often A Difference of Views
How can non-native invasive fish species be eradicated, suppressed, controlled or managed?
Types • Electrofishing • Barriers (both electrical and manmade structures) • Piscicide (rotenone and antimycin) • Nets (e.g. gill nets, fyke nets) • Dewatering • Explosives • Angling • Habitat Manipulation • Innovative Types of Control