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Characteristics of Chinese Student Learning: Implications for the General Education Program. Hongshia Zhang 张红霞 Institute of Education Nanjing University, China 2014, 5, 21. Chinese Student Learning Characteristics Paradoxes : the Causes Implications for General Education Program.
Characteristics of Chinese Student Learning: Implications for the General Education Program Hongshia Zhang 张红霞Institute of Education Nanjing University, China 2014, 5, 21
Chinese Student Learning Characteristics Paradoxes:the Causes Implications for General Education Program
Chinese Student Learning Characteristics International Research: 1960s-1980s: Descriptive period Learning styles: surface/deep; time spend; group/independent Learning process: participation; engagement; involvement; environment and strategies Cognitive style: critical thinking/rote learning Cognitive development progression
Based on Piaget and Kemberg’s, William G. Perry’s Theory (1970): Cognitive progression throughout the four-year study: Stage 1. Dualism(二元论) Stage 2. Multiplicity(多元论) Stage 3. Relativism (相对主义,批判性思维) Stage 4. Commitment (付诸行动、献身目标) It has been a good framework for instruction and curriculum planning (e.g.Knefelkamp,1974;Touchton et al.1977) .
1980s-present: Correlative and modeling period Dependents: Achievement; Gains;Outcome. Independents or mediators: Gender; First generation; Family class Ability (SAT background V participation) Beliefs about knowledge (dualistic/relativistic; rote or enquiry) Institution; Discipline ( V collaboration) Culture
Many controversial findings except: Low participation. 参与度较低 Critical thinking: low level.批判性思维低 Cognitive progression: minor, opposite. 发展缓慢 Learning behavior (participation, involvement) does not correlate so much to achievement as in the West. 学习方式与成绩关系弱 Knowledgeable, less creative; Good for popularizing, not for top-talents. Summary for International research
Domestic student researches from: Qinghua University (NSSE) Nanjing University (SERU)
“Students have strong motivation to learn, but their understanding of learning goals and significance is relatively poor, only 27 % of the students reported positively.” “America’s strength lies on curriculum.” “We believe that(about examination)…… more of cultural difference, rather than the gap in academic competence of the faculties.” (Luo, Y. , Shi, J., Tu, D. 2009)
Similar to Qinghua, students in Nanjing University responded: “the teacher in the class is very serious, knowledgeable, but I do not why we should know what is learned by these ancient texts?”
2006 survey (Gong, Zhang, Yu and Qu, 2008) Samples form 8 within top 20 universities Factors for dissatisfaction
Regret for Attending the Institution? Yes. (Gong, Zhang, Yu and Qu, 2008)
Reform Policies • Professor’s teaching hours! • Learning behavior! • Curriculum? • controversial School-level Curriculum Internationalization Project, 2012, Nanjing University
Paradoxes: the Causes Traditional ethics / Civic responsibility (critical thinking) Scientific & technological thinking / Traditional humanities(Jin, Shi, Zi, and Ji) Traditional humanities / Modern humanities General education / Literacy competence education. (Zhu Jiusi,2004; Yang Shuzi; Wang Yiqiu,2006; Zhang Qizi,2004; Song,2000; Zhang,2010; )
A Survey of undergraduates in Shanghai 51% undergraduates in 5 universities believe that it’s unnecessary to study “The History of China” course any longer(Fan, 2009). Faculty’s concept of knowledge Chinese archaeologists’ belief and attitude towards “the Ancient”. There are two tracks of conceptions of “the Ancient”: the reality and ideology (Tang, 2010) .
Cluster Analysis of Learning Behavior (Lu and Zhang, in preparation) Culture matters rather than ranking positions.
A survey after a training program in a huge-conference hall with more than 620 trainees. Reasons for “why keeping silence” Ego-centered Custom Altruism
Cluster analysis of the reasons? (Lu and Zhang, 2014, in preparation) (24%)
Lu and Zhang et al, in preparation; Paletz, Peng et al, 2009; Critical Thinking
Mind-dependent A Objectivity A’ Authority and Experience B Evidence B’ Test C Experiment Human World C’ D Methodology Effects D’ E Communication Dialogue E’ Understanding of science by students in science major in normal universities. (Wan Dongsheng, 2014,Ph.D. Thesis)
We have to pay more attention to teaching content, rather than teaching manner. The belief of “knowledge” affects the approaches and achievement of student learning (Perry, 1970; Säljö, 1978,1979; Schommer, 1990). Culture matters!
What is Knowledge?(Dewey, 1916) Science-based knowledge Organized ethics Natural growth of students Learning to become officials Hierarchical social strata Democratic society
Strengthen the link with reality of Chinese society. Strengthen curriculum internationalization. Put Chinese issues in an international perspective. Only if being placed in today's globalized social context, can Chinese classics have contemporary educational value in general education. The paradoxes, the cognitive dissonance itself, are good teaching materials. Targets of Improvement
Why GEP? Survey findings of poor GEP knowledge. It is a concentrated reflection of a university education aims Easier for management given the limited curricular resources in China. Implications for GEP
Nanjing University’s Double-Three Program Year 4 Focused major Multi-majors Start a career Year 3 Year 2 3000courses open for all 15000 undergraduates Selective ~ individual needs Year 1
Qualitative Comparison General Education Programs J A Sciences T H C Traditional Humanity Modern Humanity Humanity A: America C: China H: HK J: Japan T: Taiwan
General education aims for a globalized world Re-structuring and integrating students’ fragmentary knowledge through improving cross-cultural cognitive competence. Develop “One-world Thinking” : civilizations equal. Natural resources • S&T Population ∙ Consumption per capita
克里特岛8000多km2 (崇明岛1300km2)
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Thank You! hzhang@nju.edu.cn