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EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. A Developer’s Assessment Tool. Begin. To move through presentation on this website, click mouse cursor on scrolling bar. Return to MACOG Website. Return to St. Joseph River Basin Commission Homepage. OVERVIEW.
EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT A Developer’s Assessment Tool Begin To move through presentation on this website, click mouse cursor on scrolling bar Return to MACOG Website Return to St. Joseph River Basin Commission Homepage
OVERVIEW This CD was created to give contractors a guide for controlling erosion, managing stormwater runoff and reducing nonpoint source pollution. Erosion and stormwater runoff control are important to the overall water quality in a watershed--an area of land that drains water, sediment, and dissolved materials to a common outlet at some point along a stream channel. Nonpoint source pollution--rain and snow melt that carries with it sediments, nutrients, toxins, trash & organic debris and pathogens—is a leading contributor to the deterioration of our waterways.
Unmanaged stormwater results in localized erosion
LEGISLATION • Requirements to control erosion during land disturbing activities are governed by state law • Activities related to managing stormwater at the local level are addressed in ordinances developed by designated Municipal Separate Stormwater Systems-a component of their required Stormwater Management Plan Live Links Below: Links always underlined and in blue Indiana Department of Environmental Management Indiana Department of Natural Resources
BENEFITS • Valuable top soil is preserved from being carried away by runoff • Natural areas such as wetlands, streams and forests serve as amenities to potential buyers • “Potential home buyers believe grassed lots are worth at least $750 more than similar bare lots—An economic benefit to the developer; An environmental benefit to the neighboring waterbodies!” (“Green Subdivision Lots Put Green In Developers' Pockets” 1996) • Shorter and narrower streets mean less runoff, but also reduced construction costs, maintenance costs and stormwater management costs by as much as $150 per linear foot (Chesapeake Bay Project, 1993)
PLANNING • Proper planning ensures cost efficiency, protection of natural resources and adherence to all relevant regulations • A preliminary project evaluation should consider erosion, stormwater runoff, and nonpoint source pollution potential at your site
RELEVANT FACTORS • Choosing the Right Site • Site Plan Design & Road Design • Site Preparation & Construction • Ongoing Maintenance and Project Completion
CHOOSING THE RIGHT SITE Factors to Consider • Are the soils classified as “highly erodable?” • Extensive earthmoving breaks down soil structure – making it more vulnerable to erosion by water or wind • Reshaping land parcels affects natural drainage patterns and overall soil stability • Steep slopes encourage erosion during construction, especially when not promptly vegetated The best site, from both an economic and ecological standpoint, will be one in which the development fits into the existing terrain and soil. Relevant Factors Assessment
SITE PLAN DESIGNFactors to Consider • Design with nature--use it as an amenity, work around severe slopes and natural drainage ways • Identify existing field tiles to insure they are not interrupted or disconnected; re-route, if necessary • Identify and mark all sensitive areas to insure protection of wetlands, endangered or threatened species of plants and animals, etc • Use infiltration for stormwater runoff management only when soils are conducive; heavy clays or naturally wet soils will not infiltrate stormwater efficiently • The best site will be one in which nature is considered an asset, • not an obstacle Relevant Factors Assessment
ROAD DESIGNFactors to Consider • Configure developments to reduce the need for long residential streets – reducing runoff, as well as construction and stormwater management costs • Use minimum road widths that comply with local standards for planned use • Design for less vehicle dependency – encourage connectivity with walking and bicycling paths • Construct sidewalks, driveways, and “spillover” parking of porous material, to reduce runoff potential • If possible use “infiltration” for stormwater control: grassed swales rather than curb & gutter, vegetated-center cul-de-sacs, biofilters rather than concrete parking islands Always remember to account for maintenance and emergency vehicles during road planning Assessment Relevant Factors
SITE PREPARATIONFactors to Consider • Prepare and submit an erosion control plan in a timely fashion to the proper agencies • Phase in the project--Incremental construction exposes less soil to erosion • Prepare construction entrance & exit to limit tracking soil off site, if possible include means to clean off equipment • Install site specific erosion & stormwater devices: berming around site; sediment control ponds; silt fencing • Apply temporary seeding & mulch to all disturbed soil • Maintain retention/detention & sediment settling ponds through construction phase to insure proper functioning Remember to distribute construction guidelines to all involved Relevant Factors Assessment NEXT
FROM Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas DESIGNATED ENTRANCE/EXIT CONSTRUCTION ROADS • Requirements: • Materials: • 2-3 inches of washed stone (INDOT CA #2) over a stable foundation • Geotextile fabric underliner used for greater bearing strength n wet conditions or with high seasonal water table • Thickness:Minimum 6 inches • Width:Minimum 12 ft. or full width of entrance/exit road, whichever is greater • Length:Minimum 50 ft.—may be shorter for small sites • Washing facility: Level area with a minimum of 3 inches of washed stone or commercial rack; Waste water diversion to a sediment trap or basin BACK
Photo source: St. Joseph County Soil and Water Conservation District CONTROL ON-SITE RUNOFF AND SEDIMENTS Collect sediment-laden runoff from project site Control runoff at the toe of a slope BACK
Diagrams from:Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas REROUTE OFF-SITE RUNOFF • Ridge: • Side slopes—2:1 or flatter (3:1 or flatter if mowed); • Top width—2 feet minimum; • Height—1.5 feet minimum from channel bottom • Freeboard—6 inches minimum; • Settlement—10 percent of fill height • Channel: Side slopes—2:1 or flatter • Grade: Stable, positive grade towards outlet • Outlet: Stable, with sediment-laden water diverted to a sediment trap or basin and runoff from undisturbed areas diverted to a stable natural outlet or outlet stabilization structure. • Requirements: • Contributing drainage area: • 5 acres maximum • Capacity: Peak runoff from a 2-year frequency, 24-hour duration storm event BACK
Picture source: St. Joseph County Soil and Water Conservation District DISTURBED SOILS ARE PROMPTLY SEEDED Install erosion control fabric and promptly seed and mulch Properly install sediment control structures early in the project BACK
ONGOING MAINTENANCE AND PROJECT COMPLETION • Inspect all mechanisms to insure they are continuing to control erosion and stormwater • Fill and re-vegetate new evidence of erosion, change methods if current method proves not to be working • Remove accumulated sediments generated during construction • Identify responsible parties to continue maintenance of control devices after the project is completed • Educate new property owners about care and preservation of installed erosion and stormwatermanagement devices Assessment
Stormwater runoff and soil erosion degrade water quality, limiting designated “swimmable” or “fishable” uses. Do your part to reduce nonpoint source pollution by always evaluating projects for their water quality impacts, and making necessary changes so you are a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
Reducing stormwater runoff and soil erosion saves the environment and saves money!
ASSESSMENT Assess your project using the following checklists. On the bottom of each checklist there will be a link back to the relevant portion of the presentation in the event you need more information. If you can answer yes to at least 18 of the checklist questions you can proceed knowing that you have an effective plan in place to control erosion and stormwater runoff. If not, please take the necessary steps to re-evaluate your site. Tally your score as you go.
CHOOSING THE RIGHT SITE • Is your site free of steep slopes? • Will this site require limited earthmoving? Site Selection Slide Don’t Forget To Add Your Score As You Go!
SITE PLAN DESIGN • Are all natural drainage areas and field tiles identified? • Does design include avoidance of drainage areas? • Are sensitive areas such as wetlands, stream corridors or animal habitats identified and protected? • Are stormwater control mechanisms involving infiltration installed only in soils that do not have heavy clay and are not naturally wet? Site Plan Design Slide
ROAD DESIGN • Are lots configured to reduce road lengths? • Do road widths comply with minimum standards to reduce hard surfaces? • Are sidewalks, driveways and other low-trafficked areas constructed of porous materials such as gravel, pavers or similar materials? • Are grassed swales used instead of curb and gutter conveyances of stormwater? • Are cul-de-sacs constructed with vegetated, concave centers for extra stormwater retention? Road Design Slide
SITE PREPARATION • Has an erosion control plan been submitted to the proper agencies and approved? • Will the project be phased in to reduce exposed and disturbed soils? • Are entrances and exits prepared to limit tracking of soil off site? • Are facilities provided to wash off equipment prior to exiting construction site? • Are site-specific erosion control and stormwater runoff management devices installed? Site Preparation Slide
SITE PREPARATION • Are disturbed areas promptly mulched or seeded to reduce erosion? • Are sediment settling ponds, silt fencing and runoff collection systems being maintained during construction? • Has information related to the site, including erosion control plan, function and maintenance of stormwater and erosion control devices, etc., been shared with all those working on the site? Site Preparation Slide
ONGOING MAINTENANCE &PROJECT COMPLETION • Are all erosion control and stormwater management devices and mechanisms regularly inspected to insure proper functioning? • Are changes made in mechanisms if current practices are not working? • Are responsible parties identified to continue maintenance and improvement of devices once construction projects are complete? • Are mechanisms in place to inform new property owners about the care and preservation of installed erosion control and stormwater management devices? Ongoing Maintenance Slide
THANK YOU Thank you for taking the time to assess your project! Contact the Indiana Department of Environmental Management or the Indiana Department of Natural Resources if you need further assistance with your project. Controlling erosion and stormwater runoff not only benefits the environment, but also benefits you and the potential buyer!
Brochure available by request: Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution, Soil Erosion, and Stormwater Runoff—It’s all in the planning! Email MACOG to receive your copy: macogdir@macog.com This project was completed through a partnership of the Michiana Area Council of Governments and the St. Joseph River Basin Commission under a Clean Water Act Section #319 Grant awarded by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management Michiana Area Council of Governments @2003