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Magnetic Field of a Neutron Star With Superconducting Quark Core in the CFL-phase. K.M.Shahabasyan, M. K. Shahabasyan,D.M.Sedrakyan Yerevan State University, Armenia Dubna, August 2007. Plan. Introduction Ginzburg-Landau Equations Solution for the potentials Magnetic field components
Magnetic Field of a Neutron Star With Superconducting Quark Core in the CFL-phase K.M.Shahabasyan, M. K. Shahabasyan,D.M.Sedrakyan Yerevan State University, Armenia Dubna, August 2007
Plan • Introduction • Ginzburg-Landau Equations • Solution for the potentials • Magnetic field components • Summary
Introduction The possible existence of superdense quark matter in the cores of neutron stars has been examined over the lastthree decades. Because of the attraction between quarks in a color antitriplet channel owing to the exchange of a single gluon, it is expected that a superconducting diquark condensate should develop in this material. The quark pairs thatform the condensate have zero total angular momentum . It has been shown that in chiral quark models with anonperturbative four-point interaction caused by instantons or with nonperturbative gluon propagators, thequark coupling amplitudes are on the order of 100 MeV. Thus, we might suppose that a diquark condensatewould exist at densities above the deconfinement density and at temperatures below the critical temperature Tc (on theorder of 50 MeV).
Introduction • In quark cores two types of condensates are possible` 1)2SCphase- whereuanddquarks of two colors are coupling. 2)CFL phase withu, d, squarks of all colors, which is the most stable in the limit of weak interaction near the • The existence of electric and color charges in the Cooper diquark pairs leads to the appearance of electrical and colorsuperconductivity in the 2SC- and CFL-phases. These two phenomena are not independent because the photon and gluon gauge fields are coupled. One of the resulting mixed fields is massless, while the other field has mass (M. Alford, J. Berges, and K. Rajagopal, Nucl. Phys. B571, 269 (2000)).
Introduction The Ginzburg-Landau free energy of a uniform superconducting CFL-phase has been found in T. Schäfer, Nucl. Phys. B575, 269 (2000) and K. Iida and G. Baym, Phys. Rev. D63, 074018 (2001). In the work by D. M. Sedrakian, D. Blaschke, K. M. Shahabasyan, and D. N. Voskresenskii, Astrofizika 44, 443 (2001) it was shown that, in the absence of vortex filaments, the Meissner currents in the core will screen the external magnetic field almost completely. Aim of this work is to study the magnetic field distribution in the quark CFL-phase and hadronic npe-phaseof a neutron star. We allow the generation of a magnetic field in the hadronic phase owing to the entrainmentof superconducting protons by superfluid neutrons and sharp boundarybetween the quark and hadronic phases, since the thickness of the diffusive transition layer is small, on the order of theconfinement radius l = 0.2 fm. Following boundary conditions are taken into account: continuityof the components of the magnetic field and the condition for gluon confinement at the surface of quark core.
Ginzburg-Landau equation Analysis of the gauge invariant derivative in E.V.Gorbar, Phys. Rev., D62 , 014007, 2000 gives to the following expression for mixed fields vector potentials of the magnetic and gluomagnetic fields e, g strong and electromagnetic interaction constants and , so that
Ginzburg-Landau equation Ginzburg-Landau free energy in the presence of an external field has the following form` (K.Iida, Phys. Rev., D71, 054011, 2005) Where the functions and are given by
Ginzburg-Landau equation By minimizing the free energy we can obtain the equations for the ordering parameter and Maxwell’s equations for the mixed fields
Ginzburg-Landau equation Equations for the magnetic and gluomagnetic field can be derived from Maxwell equations. For the CFL-phase , so Maxwell equations can be rewritten in the form Here and last one is a penetration depth of magnetic and gluomagnetic fields.
Solution for the potentials where After introducing the new vector potentials in the form Assuming that the CFL-condensate is a homogeneous type II superconductor, we rewrite equations for the potential in theform And assigning in spherical coordinates potentials will have only components, thus we can write solution
Solution for the potentials for gluomagnetic potential Int. constant may be found from boundary condition on the surface of quark core , thus for electromagnetic potential Final expressions for potentials`
Magnetic field components In spherical coordinates expression for magnetic field components is after substituting for r<a (radius of a quark core)
Magnetic field components The magnetic field in the hadronic phase is found using the solution for and taking into account the fact thatprotonic vortical filaments generate ahomogeneous average magnetic field of amplitude B, parallel to the axis ofrotation of the star D. M. Sedrakian, K. M. Shahabasyan, and A. G. Movsisyan Astrofizika 19, 303 (1983) and D. M. Sedrakian, Astrofizika 43, 377 (2000) In the hadronic phase where
Magnetic field components The external magnetic field of the neutron star (r>R), is dipole in character, with components Where M is the total magnetic moment of the star.
Magnetic field components Let us consider magnetic field distribution at a distances rmuch greater than and , then for a quark core` Constants and M are determined from the continuity conditions and from
Magnetic field components For external field For npe-phase ` As can be seen from eqs. the magnetic fields in the quark and hadronic phases depend on the coordinate ronlynear the phase boundary r = a. Since the penetration depths are smallcompared to aand r - a, the variableterms in these fields are nonzero only in a thin layernear the surface of the quark core, so that the magneticfield in both phases is constant and parallel to the axis of rotation.
Magnetic field components From the last equations follows finally Thus, the constantin the expression for the magnetic field in the quark core is determined by constant magnetic field Bin the hadronic phase,which is generated by protonic vortical filaments. In this approximation the magnetic field Bpenetrates from the hadronic phase into the quark phase by means of quark vortical filaments. The transition region is of thickness on the order of
Summary Ginzburg-Landau equations for the magnetic and gluomagnetic gauge fields in a colorsuperconducting core of a neutron star containing a diquark CFL-condensate has been solved. The interaction of the diquark CFL-condensatewith the magnetic and gluomagnetic gauge fields has been taken into account in these equations. The problemwas solved subject to the correct boundary conditions: continuity of the components of the magnetic field and theconditions for gluon confinement. We have also determined the distribution of the magnetic field in the hadronic phase(the npe-phase), taking into account the fact that a magnetic field is generated by the “entrainment” effect of superconductingprotons by superfluid neutrons. We have shown that this field penetrates into the quark core by means of quark vorticalfilaments owing to the presence of screening Meissner currents.