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Grade 3-5 ELA Common Core Ambassadors. August 13-17, 2012 Albany, NY. Day 5: Welcome! Please sit with your research teams, but form groups of 3 within those teams. If you need to shift tables to make groups of 3, please do so. Today’s Agenda. Opening Writing time - 8:45-9:15
Grade 3-5 ELA Common Core Ambassadors August 13-17, 2012 Albany, NY
Day 5: Welcome!Please sit with your research teams, but form groups of 3 within those teams. If you need to shift tables to make groups of 3, please do so.
Today’s Agenda • Opening • Writing time - 8:45-9:15 • Learning with your Research Team about Critique and Feedback - 9:15-10:15 • Break - 10:15-10:30 • Feedback on your Rationale using the Praise-Question- Suggest protocol – 10:30-11:10 • Feedback to us about improving the usability of the modules - 11:10-11:30 • Celebration and closing - 11:30-12:00
How to Contact Us • Please be in touch with us via email about your ongoing needs: • nyscurriculum@elschools.org
LT1b. I can describe the importance of establishing a culture of achievement to prepare students for college and career success. * I can identify specific steps for creating a culture of critique and revision in my setting. LT 1c. I can effectively engage in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse colleagues, building on others’ ideas and expressing my own ideas clearly.
A Personal Experience with Critique • In your triads, share a brief story about a time you received critique and how that critique impacted your performance.
A Personal Experience with Critique • Stand up if your story had a “negative” spin – the critique was hurtful to your performance. • Stand up if your story had a “positive” spin – the critique was helpful to your performance. • What was one condition in place that caused the positive spin?
Critique and Feedback – Synthesizing Several Strands from our Week • Austin’s butterfly • Developing a culture of achievement • Growth mindset • Critical thinking and using evidence • Assessment for learning • Learning targets • Developing criteria for success • Critique and feedback
Critique – Academic Vocabulary • In your journal, jot down your definition of the word “critique”without looking it up.
Critique – Academic Vocabulary • Now, write a sentence or two about how “critique” is different from “critical”. • What do you know, or what can you infer about the root “crit”?
Critique – A Definition • Noun: A detailed analysis and assessment of something • Verb: To evaluate in a detailed and analytical way • Crit means “separate”
Research Article and Protocol • Protocol: Three Levels of Text (Day 2, Page 2) • Article: “Learning as Production, Critique as Assessment” • 7 minutes to read, code, and find a passage to share • 12 minutes to discuss as a TRIAD, not as a whole table
Silent Written Reflection • Drawing from the article and your discussion, what specific actions will help you foster a culture of critique and revision in your setting?
What Developing Criteria Looks like with Students • Video of Ron Berger leading a critique session as a full lesson with 3rd graders atPresumpscot Elementary: http://vimeo.com/channels/corepractices/44053703 • After watching, discuss additional or refined specific steps you noted with your triad and add to your list. (5 min.)
Critique as a Lesson Structure; Critique Protocols • One way to approach critique is by using whole-class critique as a lesson structure to generate criteria (as you saw in the videoand as we experienced yesterday). • Critique can also occur peer-to-peer using a protocol. You’ll experience engaging with critique in this way today, after break. • We will use the “Praise, Question, Suggest” protocol to provide feedback on one another’s performance tasks.
Connecting Critique and Feedback to the Bigger Picture • Refer back to p. 5 – “Key Design Considerations”: portrait of a student who meets the standards (Day 1 tab, page 1) • How does critique fit in with the bigger picture, the "so what?" of the CCLS? Discuss at tables.
Break • We will begin the Praise, Question, Suggest protocol promptly at 10:30 with your triads
Praise, Question, Suggest • When it is your turn to present: • Choose a criterion on which you would like your partners to focus their feedback • Share a portion of your rationale – up to 4 minutes • Partners – give praise first, then probing questions (not veiled suggestions), and suggestions – 7 minutes • Presenter – gets the very brief last word to name his/her next steps and thank partners – 1 minute
Feedback on the Curriculum MaterialsPlease locate all your documents for Module 1
Curriculum: “Zooming in” on levels of detail Curriculum module structure Yearlong curriculum map / scope and sequence Assessment overview Unit overview Lesson overview
Orienting to the Documents (5 minutes) • Quickly flip through all your curricular materials. • What do you notice? • Think specifically about how the documents are organized and formatted: • Organization and inter-relationship between the documents • Text structurewithin each document • What do you know now that you didn’t know on Day 1?
Feedback on the Curriculum Materials:Praise, Question, Suggest (10 minutes) Directions: • As a research team, designate a facilitator, time-keeper and note-taker. Expeditionary Learning needs your feedback! • Use the Praise, Question, Suggest protocol
Feedback on the Curriculum Materials:Praise, Question, Suggest (10 minutes) Focus specifically on the “usability” of the materials 1. Organization and inter-relationship betweenthe documents: What additional information would help you navigate these materials? (e.g. table of contents, graphic) 2. Text structure within each document: What text features were helpful? What else might make the documents easier to read, understand, and use? 3. What else do we need to know to make this curriculum easier to navigate?
Closing Remarks • Logistical announcements • Curricular materials: what will be ready when • Module 1, Unit 2 by Sept 15 • Module 1, Unit 3 by end of September • Module 2 by late October; sooner if possible • Information about follow up and next steps • Appreciating the Expeditionary Learning team • Appreciating the participants
Final Reflection and Celebration: Passing the Microphoneand the “Baton” • I/wecame here expecting…. • I/we are leaving here having gained….
What is the Teacher… by Alan Glatthorn What is the Teacher? A guide, not a guard. What is Learning? A journey, not a destination. What is discovery? Questioning the answers, not just answering the questions. What is the process? Discover ideas, not covering content. What is the goal? Open minds, not closed issues. What is the test? Being and becoming, not remembering and reviewing. What is school? Whatever we choose to make it!