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Common Core State Standards ELA. Grades K-3 Module 3. Oral Language Builds Code-Related Skill.
Common Core State StandardsELA Grades K-3 Module 3
Oral Language Builds Code-Related Skill “These oral language skills should be an integral part of reading instruction beginning in preschool and throughout elementary school. Not only are oral language abilities linked to the code-related skills that promote word-reading abilities, but early oral language abilities also provide the foundation for development of the advanced oral language skills necessary for successful comprehension in more skilled readers.”
Common Core Focus Reading: RF. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. Decode words with common Latin suffixes. Decode multi-syllable words. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Students who: Are stymied or guess wildly when they approach unfamiliar words. Cannot associate phonemes and graphemes with accuracy and fluency. Have trouble blending sounds into words. Spell poorly. Score low on a test of reading nonsense syllables. Score low on a test of reading real words. Do you recognize any of these characteristics in your students? Who Needs Phonics, and How Do We Know?
Instructional Progression From Phonology to Orthography Phonological Awareness (sentences) (words) syllables onset-rime phonemes Connect lettersand sounds 1:1 Teach letter names digraphs trigraphs vowel teams blends word families inflections syllable types roots/affixes word origin Orthography
Warm Up: Hold Up Your Fingers to Respond How many syllables in each word? nationality enables overjoyed burst cleaned How many phonemes in each word? straight brought lodged know write
Phonological Awareness Is the Link to Phonics When students understand the sound to letters (phoneme to grapheme) relationships that create written language – they learn to read and spell more quickly and accurately. /p/ /l/ /ā/ /n/ plain
Will a Focus on Phonics Impede Comprehension? Read the article Highlight important information. Write down questions you have after reading. Find someone else in the room to discuss your questions. Be prepared to share with the group.
They guess based on the first few letters. They guess based on context. They often leave off endings. They take a long time to figure out words. They insert and/or omit sounds. What Are the Characteristics of Students Who Struggle Reading Long Words?
Student Activity 3.3:Head-Waist-Toes p. 85 Teacher:Let’s segment words into their sounds by touching our head, waist, and toes. Watch me (teacher says word and then segments word): mat. /m/ (head), /ă/ (waist), /t/ (toes). Your turn. Say bed. Student:bed Teacher: Segment bed by touching your head, waist, and toes. Student:bed. (Students touch and say) /b/ /ĕ/ /d/. Practice these words with a partner: sip, ride, kick, kite.
for/ev/er for/get cor/rect sup/port im/por/tant his/tor/y stor/y morn/ing *********************************** com/pare com/mand com/mon com/mit com/mute com/plain Pre-Reading Activity:Slash and Read Big Words Fluently
How We Teach Is Important Explicit and systematic instruction includes: • A clearly stated purpose. • An example instructional sequence. • Instructional routines. • Regular and cumulative review. • Engaging techniques, high student response. • Practice with corrective feedback. • Intensity to match student needs.
Explicit Instruction: Teaching that includes clear explanations and demonstrations leaving no need for inference. Explicit instruction is direct instruction. Implicit Instruction: Teaching that leaves out the explanation. The learning is implied. Students have to fill in the blanks! Explicit Instruction
Explicit Instruction: Steps • Steps in explicit instruction always include: • Modeling/demonstration I Do • Guided practice We Do • Independent practice You Do
What was new for you? What is your plan for improving phonics and spelling instruction? Form new pairs and discuss your plans with each other. What Is Your Plan?
“What fires together, wires together” Engaging students in simultaneous visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities helps to create neurological pathways or strong memory connections. Multisensory Instruction p. 91
Summary By teaching students systematically in phonics concepts, we can ensure they are prepared for reading more advanced text fluently and with comprehension. “There is no comprehension strategy powerful enough to compensate for the inability to read the words.” —Dr. Joseph Torgesen