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Wollongong High School of the P erforming Arts

Wollongong High School of the P erforming Arts. Year 7 2012 Parent Information Evening. Ms Trist Our Statement of Purpose. WHSPA is focused on excellence, providing quality academic and artistic programs to enable students to reach high standards of personal attainment .

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Wollongong High School of the P erforming Arts

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  1. Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Year 7 2012 Parent Information Evening

  2. Ms Trist Our Statement of Purpose • WHSPA is focused on excellence, providing quality academic and artistic programs to enable students to reach high standards of personal attainment. • In an environment which values and respects honest effort, hard work, tolerance and diversity our aim is to establish in all students a foundation for achievementand positive participation in their interpersonal, working and community lives.

  3. About Our School • Consistently outstanding HSC results • Warm and friendly atmosphere • School values – Safety, Tolerance, Achievement, Respect • Priorities: Engagement in the middle years/boys class in Year 8/ lunchtime activities, Quality Teaching, Quality student feedback, assessment, moving the middle to the top.

  4. A Day at WHSPA

  5. Monday is a Bit Different...

  6. Home Room Groups • New structure started in 2011 • Two teachers per roll call group (Years 7-9) • Aim is to promote our school values of safety, tolerance, achievement and respect through activities and mentoring • Extended roll call sessions each month

  7. Timetable • Each student will be given an individual timetable • Laminate it- you will need to keep it with you every day • Timetable goes for 2 weeks (cycle) • Week A and Week B • Day 1 to Day 10

  8. ROLL CLASS and ROOM Timetable Example LIST OF SUBJECTS and TEACHERS WEEK A WEEK B Example: Day 1 – Monday Period 1, 2, 3

  9. Recess and Lunch • Where can we go? • Library • Canteen • Ordering lunch - Visit the canteen in the morning to place a lunch order • Playing games-lunchtime comps on Mondays

  10. Communication with parents • Meet the Teachers afternoon tea in Term 1 (Wk6 Thurs 1st March) • Parent Teacher Evening Term 1 (Wk10 Wed 4th April) • Half Year Report late in Term 2 • Yearly Report in Term 4 • Reports from NAPLAN tests • Contact school/teacher at any time

  11. Head Teacher Junior School:Mr Anthony KalsowStudent Advisor Junior School: Ms Leah McKeown Junior School Team Do not copy or distribute without prior consent from Wollongong High School

  12. Junior School 2012 • Transition from Year 6 into 7 – programs, initiatives etc • Student welfare • 7E2 Class formation and curriculum • Meet the TeachersAfternoon (Thurs 7th March, Term 1) • Parent Teacher Evening (Wed 4th April, Term 1) • School Camp (7th – 9th May, Term 2) • Student and Parent Workshops e.g. Cybersafety, study skills • School Diary – Compulsory in all years (cost $15) • Contact MrKalsowor MrsMcKeownany time

  13. Only Year 7, 11, 12 and Peer Support Leaders Meet in the Main Quad at 8.50am Peer Support Activities Finding your way around Receive your timetable Period 2 and 3 as per timetable Home at 2.10pm Arrange for parents to pick you up or you can catch the bus Tip for parents: Please check with your bus company which bus your child should be catching, and from which of the 3 stops (Foleys Rd, Lysaght St, or Princes Hwy) The First Day- Monday 30th January

  14. Orientation Day – 5th December • Mon 5th December • 9.00am-2.00pm • Meet in the main quad • Students will organised in groups. With a buddy from the same primary school if possible • Activities run by peer support leaders • - team building, getting to know you games, high school expectations, tour of the school etc. • Parents to pick up at 2.00pm • Lunch will be catered for (sausage sizzle) • Tip for parents:Dress in casual clothes, please provide your child with recess

  15. School Camp 2012 7th-9th May • YMCA Camp Yarramundi, Springwood • 3 days, 2 nights • Cost is $240 - Transport, all meals, activities, and equipment • A fantastic way to make new friends • Have fun, challenge yourself, try new activities! • $100 deposit can be paid at the front office this year -can pay off over time • Balance will be due Friday 5th April 2012 • Tip for parents: When paying for any excursion all money is paid to the front office. Permission notes are given to the organising teacher. Example:Camp money to office, note to Mr Kalsow

  16. New Uniform • New uniform from 2011 • Tunic or black school shorts for girls • Grey shorts and green shirts for junior boys • PE uniform is the same • BLACK shoes (no other colour stripes etc) and white socks that you can see! • White T shirts only under school shirt

  17. Uniform Sales • Monday 5th December • 2.30pm-5.30pm • Uniform Sales - School Gym (EFTPOS ok) • Also book pack sales (cash or cheque) • Includes all books, diary, Mathematics set, dictionary, earphones

  18. Student Welfare - Who can I ask for help? • HT Junior School • Student Advisor • HT Welfare • Welfare team has fortnightly welfare meetings • School counsellors • Peer support leaders • Deputy principals • Teachers • Roll call teachers • School learning support officers • Student Support Officer

  19. Bullying and Harassment Policy • A new approach underpinned by the latest research

  20. School Counsellors • Who are they? • Ms Jennings • Ms Cliff • Located in C Block (next to Performing Arts Staff Room) • How do I make an appointment?

  21. Welfare and Learning Support • Learning support – LST meets week 3, 6, 9. Teachers refer students in need of help in class. Students may then receive SLSO / SLST support. Parents can nominate by phoning HT welfare. • Health concerns – Need to be communicated to school (HT Welfare or HT Junior School) • Vaccinations – chicken pox, hepatitis, cervical cancer, adult diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough. Permission notes will go home day 1.

  22. Parents and Citizens • Mr Stuart Wright • Ms Traybee McLean • P&C Committee meets the third Monday of every month in the common room • Everyone is welcome • Canteen helpers always needed and very welcome • Good way to keep up with what is going on

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