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Analysis of muon events in Run 122314 with cosmics in time with BPTX. Expectations for pp→mX at L=10^28. Initial collision observations and muon detections. Data analysis and reconstruction insights provided.
First look to 900 GeV data: the (barrel) muon view…. U.Gasparini, Pd/SW meeting 14/12/2009
Run 122314 (Nov 23th) : only cosmics ( in time with BPTX) LumiSection=33
Reco segments (cosmics in time with BPTX) Run 122314 Expectation from pp → m X for L=1028 (rough estimate…) - MB1 - MB2 - MB3 - MB4 - MB1 - MB2 - MB3 - MB4 Sector: 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Runs [ IntLumi ~ 10 mb-1 , up to Sunday morning]: 123596, 123906, 123970, 123970, 123977, 123978, 123987 124009, 124019, 124020, 124022, 124024, 124030 (some more, in principle interesting, missing…) ~10,000 muons in time with BX (~0.1 Hz total rate) (note DT Local trigger rate (DTTF level, before coincidence with BX) is usually 130 Hz ( “loose pointing” implementing at L1; cfr. CRAFT rate ~300 Hz ;)
~ 10 events from collisions with muon in Barrel ( all with pT< 10 GeV/c; pTMAX = 7.1 GeV); likely to be mostly from p/K decays (~ 50% don’t have tracker matching (Global Muon reco), but it may yet be also reconstruction problem…) DT skim files (on top of ExpressPhysics stream, which contains L1 muon triggers + ‘HLT-DT activity’ ), requiring at least 1 good-segment in r-phi view in MB1 OR MB2: @ Padova: /raid3/data/Collisions/DTskim_r12XXXX.root ( to be to displaced to /raid6 ….; to be analyzed with CMSSW_3_3_4 )