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LoTi – ReDux (Le Revue). Qu'est dans un nom? Une. LoTi? Old - Levels of Technology Implementation Shift Happens! New – Levels of Teacher Innovation! PCU? CIP?. Terms, Schmerms!. Integrated Technology – Stuff you can’t do without if you want to get the job done.
Qu'est dans un nom? Une • LoTi? • Old - Levels of Technology Implementation • Shift Happens! • New – Levels of Teacher Innovation! • PCU? • CIP?
Terms, Schmerms! • Integrated Technology – Stuff you can’t do without if you want to get the job done. • Enhancement Technology – Stuff that would makes things nicer, but you can do with out it.
Dîner Métaphorique! • What kitchen technology do you consider “Integrated” into your scheme of accomplishing getting-the-dinner-on-the- table? • What kitchen technology “enhances” the meal, but bellies will be filled and palates satisfied without it?
So? (Ainsi?) • What technology do you consider “Integrated” into your scheme of accomplishing getting the TEKS learned? • What technology “enhances” the learning, but minds will be challenged and satisfied without it?
Qu'est dans un nom? Deaux! • What are 21st Century Skills? • What is required in today’s and more importantly, tomorrow’s economy? • What skills are needed? • What does tomorrow’s economy look like? • Are we providing the opportunities to acquire the skills for that economy?
LoTi Levels – SchmoTi Bevels! • As Edu-Babble Schemas go, it’s a good one: thoughtful, comprehensive, and doable……..but to pat a back for being able to say Teacher X’s lesson is a LoTi whatever is well……. • WHATEVER! • It misses the point! • What’s the Real measure of LoTi treasure?
Starts with a C and ends with a P…………..has an I in the middle……
LoTi Phase I • 0 - Non-use (non utilisation) • 1 – Awareness (conscience) • 2 – Exploration (exploration)
Awareness Non-Use Exploration
LoTi Phase II • 3 – Infusion (Infusion) • 4a - Integration – Mechanical (Intégration Mécanique) • 4b - Integration – Routine (routine d'intégration)
Routine Mechanical Infusion
LoTi Phase III • 5 – Expansion (expansion) • 6 – Refinement (amélioration) • “Utopia is a Swell Place, Dad! Just Swell!” • “I'm sorry son, our kind just don’t belong there”. • Toutes les bonnes choses pour ceux qui attendent! (All good things to those that wait!)
Exploration Refinement
PCU - Staff Development Stew • How does this impact a teacher, a student, or a lesson? • How does this impact an instructional approach? • How much time do we spend on this and how much longer will spending time on this be acceptable? • Is mere PCU mastery acceptable in the workplace today? • Will it be acceptable in 5 years?
CIP is the Key! • Subject Matter Based Approach • Learner Based Approach • TEKS on a “Need to Know” Basis • Inspired Explanation
Instructional Approach (approche d'instruction • How much time do we spend on this? • What’s the I in ITS all about? • LoTi Levels offer a platform for examining that question – It is all about the I
Temps de Pratique (Practice Time) • A guy goes into a bar to imbibe some alcohol…… • or to have une boisson extraordinaire! • A family sits down to eat……. • or to have une expérience culinaire! • A student gets a job….. • or commence une carrière merveilleuse! • MRW Home Page, Services, Instructional Technology, Resources, LoTi
Objective • The Secondary ITS will have the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of the importance of CIP levels in the LoTi scheme and “taste” the Student Learning Instructional Approach
Your 4 T’s • TEKS – CIP Levels where the patron’s ability to choose and individual culinary creativity = student’s desires/needs • Task – Create the Ultimate Dinner Party Menu – What’s the Difference between a Meal and une expérience culinaire pour les âges! • Turn-On - Les menus de la Nouvelle-Orléans……et de d'autres! • Technology – All that you have access to learn how to use!
Le Procédé Recommandé • Assign a CIP Level to each menu in the list as per your TEKS • Include menus of your choice, assign a CIP level and explain the choice and assignment • Plan the event…..invitations, quantities, costs, entertainment, etc (after all, it’s YOUR culinary experience for the ages!). • Create the menu!
Merci beaucoup de votre temps!(Le temps est le facteur le plus important dans n'importe quel pursiut!) Votre Bienvenue!