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Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ?

Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ?. Agenda: Shift (one month now) for availability of products Not clear view of “intercomparison strength of work” in the different areas (ie how many groups plan a dedicated work looking at more than their own hindcast? )

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Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ?

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  1. Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ? • Agenda: • Shift (one month now) for availability of products • Not clear view of “intercomparison strength of work” in the different areas (ie how many groups plan a dedicated work looking at more than their own hindcast? ) • Target: define a deadline to be prepared for the Symposium Validation and intercomparison of analysis and forecast products F. Hernandez (Mercator-Ocean), G. Brassington (BoM), J. Cummings (NRL), L. Crosnier (Mercator-Ocean), F. Davidson (DFO), S. Dobricic (ICMCC), P. Hacker (Univ. of Hawaii), M. Kamachi (JMA), K. A. Lisæter (NERSC), M. Martin (UK Met Office) • Availability of products (end of July ?????) • Availability of intercomparison results (mid October ????) • Managing the outcomes: • How do we take profit from feedbacks ? • Initiative to keep on this activity?

  2. Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ? • Partners involved / status:

  3. Status of the intercomparison exercice: Where are we ?

  4. June 30/07 Products on OpenDAP 15/09 01/10 Intercomparison Nov. Synthesis Contributions sent to FH for the Proceedings Additional analysis Status of the intercomparison exercice: decisions • Agenda:

  5. Status of the intercomparison exercice: decisions • Summing-up results: Results are presented at the GODAE Final Symposium. A manuscript for proceedings has to be prepared for the 1st of October 2008. Framework of the document : • Reminding previous “MERSEA Strd1” intercomparison in the framework of GODAE (but allready published !) • Description (half a page) of each system involved in the comparison (each partner provides its contribution) • Results presented by area… All areas are covered. • Particular attention paid to data used for the validation (recom. of E. Harrison, M. Johnson)

  6. Status of the intercomparison exercice: open questions • Intercomparison… what next? • Interest for looking at the same data set (FEB-MARCH-APRIL 08) but for forecast analysis (BLK, HYC… MER?) • Interest to keep on in the future with some diagnostics (tbd) • No idea yet about the way we are going to feedback after the intercomparisons exercice…. But for sure it will offer many outcomes…

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