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Pol Arranz Piera. A whole world. Fonts: ACC1Ó, ICEX (antena en Bruselas). ... which is a changing one. EASME. Market Uptake. INEA. FCH JU. Smart Cities. Demo. Energy Efficiency. Low Carbon Energy. Spire cPPP. Development. EC – RTD/G. Research. EeB cPPP.
A whole world... Fonts: ACC1Ó, ICEX (antena en Bruselas)
... which is a changing one EASME Market Uptake INEA FCH JU Smart Cities Demo Energy Efficiency Low Carbon Energy Spire cPPP Development EC – RTD/G Research EeB cPPP Renewables – Smart Grids – Storage – Biofuels CCS – Conventional Energy Generation Fuel Cells Hydrogen EC RTD/K – ENER, in close cooperation with DG CNECT H2020 Work programme - Risk Financing – Int. Cooperation, Joint Actions with MS Font: DG RTD
Content • Introduction: EU budget 2014-2020 • Type of European funds 2014-2020 • Preliminary consideration when we plan to apply for these funds • Specific tools • 2 above topics on fashion • Key factors (you will never find wthem written down…)
source: www.greens-efa.eu/your-guide-to-eu-funding-11778.html GROWING GREEN
Introduction: EU budget 2014-2020 around 20% of 960.000 milion EUR for Climate change actions EUR Source: Comissió Europea, ec.europa.eu/budget/mff/index_en.cfm
Introduction: EU funds “catalogue” Broadly, there are 3 types of funds: Structural and Investments Funds (ESI Funds) Programs and initiatives Funds for third countries (most actions outside EU borders) Mainly assigned thorugh grants in specific calls, either for specific actions or operation. source: http://www.greens-efa.eu/your-guide-to-eu-funding-11778.html
Introduction: EU funds “catalogue” • On the other hand, EU institutions award public contracts via invitations to tenders (goods, services or workss) • Finally, there arefinancing mechanisms as loans, venture capital, start up capital, occasional help, usually in an indirect way. • Another way to differenciate funds: according to its management structure: • EC directly (DG competent) or through an external agency (i.e. EASME, ) like HORIZON2020, or LIFE • shared management delegated to the Member states, which in turn may delegate to national or regional administrations like ELENA
Preliminary considerations: • Knowing our own skills: • Knowledge, Experience • Minimum of own funds • Being clear on what we want to do (Logical Framework principles): • Goals and expected results (measurable and timed) • Specific actions • Chossing the most suitable fund • Do we want to be alone? Do we have (good) partners? • European added value, Sustainability
Preliminary considerations: … then we can choose where to enter into the “catalogue” of funds Font: ACC1Ó
Specific instruments: ESI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing according to quotas Font: Comissió Europea http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/what/future/pdf/partnership/es_position_paper_es.pdf
Specific instruments • ERDF – Special instruments with the EIB: • ELENA European Local Energy Assistance. • Till 90% costs to prepare an investment program, 3 years. Leverage factor: minimum 20 on the aid received. Wants to promote and facilitate investments tthrough ESCo and EPC. Available funds. • 5 in Spain, the first one (2010) was for DIBA • JESSICA Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas. • Soft financing for works and services executed by an ESCo. Till April 2105 abril 2015.
Specific instruments: HORIZON 2020 • Integration of R+D, innovation, and competitiveness in one program • 3 pilars: Excellent Science; Industrial leadership; Societal Challenges • Societal Challenge area Secure, clean & efficient energy • Integration of transverse issues (citizen participation, international cooperation, SME ...) • Full innovation circle (use of TRLs) • Effort to simplify bureaucracy
HORIZON 2020 • Energy: 21EE, 22LCE, 5SCC //ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/secure-clean-and-efficient-energy EE topics : A) Buildings and consumers B) Heating and cooling C) Industry and products D) Finance for sustainable energy LCE topics : Renewable H&C Enhanced storage Sustainable biofuels Social, environmental & economic aspects
LIFE (MA i CC) • Sub program on Environment, : • Waste management • Efficient use of resources; “green and circular economy” • On 2014-2017 still national quotas. 2018 -2020 no quotas: open. • Aids to specific projects (from 55% to 100%, depending on the project). • Open right now font: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/about/index.htm#life2014
ENI – European Neighbourhood Instrument 13 682 M. € : EAST: Armènia, Azerbaijan, Bielorússia, Geòrgia, Moldàvia, Ucraïna SOUTH:Algèria, Egipte, Israel, Jordània, Líban, Líbia, Marroc, Palestina, Síria, Tunísia Priority: Sustainable Development (infrastructures and energy),
Smart City A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government. Excelling in these key areas can be done so through strong human capital, social capital, and/or ICT infrastructure.www.businessdictionary.com/definition/smart-city.html#ixzz33ap1Iaqn 21
Key factors • Grants for EU programs: • Fine print on subsidies • co-financing % • Identifying final benneficiaries and the real interest of everyone (EC is not a customer sometimes evaluation is external) • Role, skills and experience of the leader (administrative and financial management, there will be problems on the way between partners, between partners and EC, communication is in English...) • Very competitive market, there are real specialist on prparing proposals, lobby in Brussel·les and in EC delegatios • Unequal competition • In some countries there are complementary funds • Some countries have a high degree of proactivity and professioalism in their delegation offices
Thanks !Pol Arranz i Pierapol.arranz.piera@upc.edu http://is.upc.edu/