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Explore the crop production scenarios and preparations in West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh for Kharif and Rabi seasons. Gain insights into issues, schemes, and recommendations for enhancing agricultural productivity in the region.
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: Bihar ( Area in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: West Bengal( Area in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: Orissa( Area in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: ChhattisgarhArea in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: Jharkhand ( Area in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
KHARIF PROSPECTS 2011: Madhya Pradesh( Area in lakh ha/ Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: West Bengal (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: Bihar (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: Orissa (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: Chhattishgarh (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: Madhya Pradesh (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
RABI 2011: Jharkhand (Area in lakh ha/Production in lakh MT)
Overview • Production in Kharif 2010 was affected by deficient rainfall in about 69 districts of West Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand • Rabi production in MP was affected by extreme cold and frost attack • For next Kharif, contingency crop plans with planning for alternate crops need to be prepared by States • Linkage of seeds for next Kharif has not been fully ensured by Bihar & Jharkhand • Shortage of stress tolerant varieties • Unspent balance under RKVY in all states except Orissa & Jharkhand which did not get 2nd installment in 2010-11 (Rs 64 crore) due to delay in reporting
Special initiatives • Supply of portable pumpsets to provide lifesaving irrigation by West Bengal • PPP in technology demonstration & improving system for supply of farm machinery by Orissa • Dedicated web site for farmers by Bihar • Equipment bank, SWI by Jharkhand • Gram SurajAbhiyan by Chhattisgarh • Seed treatment campaign and reduction in rate of interest on crop loan by coop. to 3% p.a. by MP
Action to be taken by States • Linkage of seeds for next Kharif by Jharkhand and Bihar • Contingency crop plan in case of deficient monsoon • Action plan for 2011-12 under RKVY including special components as applicable for states needs to be finalized and approved by SLSC quickly and expedite utilization of available funds • Seed production (mainly stress tolerant varieties) needs to be strengthened
ISSUES FOR DAC West Bengal: Number of schemes to be reduced Certainty in allocation under RKVY Bihar: In Pulses programme under RKVY, construction of ponds should be changed to Shallow Tube Well Hybrid Rice subsidy be enhanced to Rs. 50 per kg. Subsidy amount in heavy mechanization equipment should be enhanced
Issues.. contd. Orissa: New rake points for fertilizer distribution Supply of quality seeds of recently released varieties for minikits Supply of Certified Groundnut seeds to meet the Seed Demand for Oct-Nov as a special case. Reduction of No. of Training Sessions under FFS. More A3P units be allowed NFSM-Rice may be extended to all the 30 districts Jharkhand: More rake points for fertilizers Shortfall in Paddy, Maize and Arhar seeds next Kharif Rs 64 crore not released under RKVY in 2010-11 be released
Issues..contd. Chhattisgarh: Provision for tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill under BGREI Uniform subsidy pattern under all DAC Programmes Freedom to States to plan RKVY reduced this year Madhya Pradesh: Shortage of certified seeds for short duration paddy Failure of Urad Seeds supplied by NSC/SFCI during Kharif 2010 Early availability of fertilizers, particularly imported fertilizers A3P component may be continued over larger area